The Decision

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It was another morning in the Portal realm, Shadow looked to her side and saw Angella sleeping peacefully, since there was just one bed Shadow and Angella had to share one. Shadow kept looking at the angelic being, her soft pink skin, her lushes sparkly pink hair. Angella peeped through one of eyes and saw Shadow staring. "Look who's staring now", Angella said as she got up. Shadow looked away quick as she was trying to hide the fact that she was blushing.

Angella had seen Shadow's pinkish cheeks and pulled her chin and kissed her on the cheek, Shadow was blushing even more at this point but she shook it of and smirked. "Just on the cheek", Shadow said as she smirked. 

"For now my Sorceress", Angella replied back but it didn't feel right, she loved Shadow with her whole heart but she couldn't just forget about Micah and Glimmer, she felt guilty every time she thought of them. 

"Angella, are you ok, I lost you for a moment there", Shadow asking concerningly. "Yeah, everything is fine", Angella said with tears in her eyes. "OH FUCK THIS, I love you Shadow but I feel so guilty I had a whole life back in Brightmoon, I loved Micah and Glimmer, this all feels strange", Angella says with tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, it's okay", Shadow says as she cups Angella's cheek. "I love you no matter what, I will wait until your ready, my Queen", Shadow says in a loving and caring tone as she presses her forehead against Angella's.

Angella closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment, She never thought Shadow was this kind and considerate. Micah was good but was too possessive, He got jealous by the fact Angella spent a day with Castaspella and he also got mad at the littlest of things. She felt so free with Shadow.

"Hey, since you're feeling down, I'll make you breakfast", Shadow said as she left the bedroom.

Angella felt so lucky, she thought it was going to be a burden on her to keep Shadow but she felt like it was the best decision she's ever made. Angella got up and went to the kitchen.

She saw Shadow making her favorite pancakes with strawberry syrup. Just as Shadow got the plate ready, She turned to see Angella standing there biting he lip "Hey, Angella do you need something", Shadow asked.

"Yes I do need something", Angela said as she moved closer, she was now right in front of Shadow. "She went close to Shadow's ear and whispered "I need you".

She than picked up Shadow and put her on the counter as she stared into her musky green eyes, Shadow then put her arms around Angella. Angella than smashes her lips into Shadows, Shadow kisses passionately back, their mouth is like a battlefield and they only pulled away when either one was begging for air.

Angella went down Shadow's neck and kissed it hard and strong which left bruises. Shadow didn't mind, it hurt but it felt so good. 

Angella stopped and looked into Shadow's eyes. "I'm usually the dominan..." Shadow was saying but Angella pressed her finger against Shadow's lips. "Shhh not around here you aren't", Angella says softly.

Shadow presses her forehead against Angella's. "I'm hungry let's eat", Shadow says softly.

Angella helps Shadow of the table and holds her hand. "I've made a decision I'm choosing you my sorceress I love you, more than I have ever loved Micah and if we somehow do get to Brightmoon it will never change, Glimmah will just have to accept this", Angella says.

"I love you too, my queen", Shadow says as she looks into Angella's glittery pink eyes.

"Hurry, the pancakes are going to get cold", Shadow says as she picks up both the plates and goes outside.

As Angella ate her breakfast she confirmed to herself that she never loved Micah , She always thought that Micah's possessiveness was love but it wasn't it was jealousy and bitterness the only time he ever loved her was in front of Glimmer or when he wanted something from her, Shadow was different in all aspects, Angella could tell that Shadow's love was genuine and that she actually cared for her.

"Angella, If you stare at your food long enough it might just jump into your mouth", Shadow said as she laughed. Angella laughed so hard her cheeks went red.

"I wish this lasts forever", Angella thought to herself    

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