To Happiness

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A couple of months go past, Angella is worried about asking the question, she's afraid that Shadow might say no or might leave her. 

Angella and Shadow are holding hands as they walk through the calm Brightmoon halls. Suddenly Adora comes from behind and touches Shadow on the shoulder. Shadow turns around in shock.

"Oh Adora, it's just you, you gave me a scare", Shadow says as puts her hand on her fast beating heart.

"Sorry, anyways Shadow I need your help", Adora asks as she rubs the back of her neck.

"What's up", Shadow asked.

"I'm really sorry Angella, I need to talk to Shadow alone, if that's ok", Adora asks.

"Of course my dear, Shadow I'll be in the garden if you need me", Angella says as she quickly kisses Shadow and leaves.

"Yes Adora, care to explain why you have requested my presence on this fine Brightmoon morning", Shadow says as she tries to keep a straight face but ends up laughing.

"Shadow I have a favor to ask, I want to get pregnant", Adora say.

"Oh, umm and why do you need me", Shadow asks confusingly.

"You realize Catra and I are both females right, HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GET PREGNANT NATURALLY, I meant could you help me with a spell", Adora says.

"OHH, I get it now, of course I can but I must warn you it is a very risky spell, It could put you and the baby in danger if it goes wrong", Shadow says.

"I understand the risks, and I'm ready", Adora says.

"Well ok then I will need help, could you call Casta for me, we haven't spoken since the wedding", Shadow says.

"Oh umm ok, if I may, why aren't you talking to her", Adora asked.

"Hehe, long story short, Casta walked in on Angella and I ", Shadow says as she goes red. 

"Oh...Oh wait... Oh no that's terrible", Adora says.

"Mhm, I'll meet you in the Family room", Shadow says.

*The meeting room is now the family room* 

Shadow and Adora go their separate ways.

Shadow finds her spell book and makes her way to the family room. She reaches there and after a few minutes Adora and Casta show up. Casta stops at the door.

"Oh Hi umm Shadow, I'm really sorry about that night, I was really drunk and had no Idea what I was doing", Casta says as she bites her nails.

"Your forgiven, but no more drinking for you", Shadow says as she giggles.

"You got it, I have learnt my lesson, anyways Shadow have you gotten the spell book", Casta asks.

"Got it right here", Shadow says.

They all review the spell. 

"OK, Adora we need you to get a bit of Catra's blood, we'll get everything else ready", Casta says.

"No problem, it'll be a piece of cake", Adora says as she skips out of the room. 

Shadow and Casta start working on the spell. 

"So how's Angella", Casta asks awkwardly.

"She's doing alright, any news on Micah", Shadow asks back.

"Yeah he's asking when are you guys getting married", Casta says. 

"Married? Oh I'm not sure, I mean I'm more then happy to marry Angella, It's up to her, I don't want to rush her, she's been through a lot especially with the whole Micah situation and everything", Shadow says.

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