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Shadow and Angella were sleeping but they were suddenly woken by Castaspella screaming through the corridor.

They both woke up and rushed to see what was going on, they followed Castaspella to the meeting room, Adora and Catra also rushed through the door.

"Casta, what's the meaning of all this", Angella asks. 

Casta looks at them with tears in her eye "It's Micah.....He's......", Casta can't get the words out of her mouth.

"HE'S WHAT CASTA", all of them scream with concern.

"HE'S GONE, Micah is gone, he left Mystacor with Glimmer", Casta blurts out. 

"Where has he gone Casta, WHERE IS HE", Shadow yells.

"I DON'T KNOW, but that isn't everything, Shadow remember while you were still Light Spinner before you left to the Horde you gave me the spell book that contained the spell of obtainment to protect", Casta says nervously.

"Yes, wait WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BOOK", Shadow asks.

"Umm, It was left open on my table, with the pages that contained the spell of obtainment ripped out", Casta replies.

"That's impossible, I put the most secure spell on that book, to break the spell you would have to......Oh no....", Shadow says as she puts her hand over her mouth and tears appear in her eyes.

"You would have to what Shadow", Adora asks.

"You would have to have a heart like mine", Shadow says as she falls to her knees and covers her face with her hands.

"We have to go save him", Adora yells.

"I'll go and destroy that book once and for all", Casta says as she makes a teleportation spell to Mystacor.

"NO WAIT, don't destroy the book, the book has a counter spell, just incase we're to late, we'll need that spell", Shadow screams.

"Ok, but I will destroy it soon after", Casta says as she stops the teleportation spell. 

"Where could they be", Catra asks.

"They would be in hiding, today is the eclipse, all three moons will be in alignment, they will be in Mystacor tonight", Casta says.

"We'll be prepared for anything", Adora says as she summons the sword.

Shadow had a very bad feeling about this.

Casta and Shadow then conjure a spell that teleports all of them to Mystacor. 

Adora transforms into She-ra and they all wait in the lunarium.

"Hey Shadow, my love we can do this", Angella says as she grabs Shadows waist.

Shadow turns and kisses Angella softly.

"Awwwww", Adora and Catra say in unison with puppy eyes.

Suddenly purple smoke fills the room.

"He's here", Casta says as she gets a spell ready.

Everyone suddenly feels light headed, it was coming from the smoke.

Shadow falls to the ground and hurts her head a bit, she opens her eyes to see Micah and Glimmer walking up to them.

"Good Night", Micah says as he starts laughing.

They all suddenly wake up but they can't move, Shadow scans the room and sees Micah preparing the spell.

"Micah, don't do this, you know the consequences of this spell, look at what it did to me, don't make the mistakes I made, please", Shadow screams as tears fell down her face.

Micah started laughing and said "I remember the spell to well for it not to work, isn't that right Shadow Weaver, and I won't make the mistake you made, unlike you I won't hold back".

Shadow closes her eyes and tears start running down her face. "Glimmer please, you can see where this is going, stop the spell", Shadow says

"I won't stop, you stole my mother from me you bitch, I will get her back", Glimmer says as they finish the spell.

A purple cube appears at the top of the lunarium, suddenly red eyes appear and tentacles of dark magic slither across the room, it grabs Micah and takes him towards the spell.

A flash of light then appears and blinds everyone. 

Angella, Shadow, Adora, Casta and Catra look up in astonishment.

They see Micah there, his body full of scars such as Shadows.

"You like me now Angella, it seems like you have a thing for people who do this spell", Micah says as he moves closer to her.

He then lifts her in the air and conjures a spell like the one Shadow used on Norwyn.

She-ra tries and stops him but he's too strong for her.

Shadow felt angry and frustrated, suddenly her eyes start to glow and she gets up, she walks up to Micah and blasts him with a spell so strong it sends him flying.

"That's what you get when you mess with my girl", Shadow says as she picks up Angella and carries her.

Micah looks in shock, he then says "I'll be back, I'll get what I want, nothing will stop me", Micah says as he grabs Glimmer's arm tightly and disappears.

Angella wakes up in Shadow's arms, "Hey, what's going on", Angella asks softly.

"Nothing my love, your safe", Shadow says as she kisses Angella strong and hard.

She then gently puts Angella down and looks at everyone, They all looked shocked.

"How did you do that", Adora asks.

"I don't know, I just felt something", Shadow says confusingly.

"We need that spell, I'll stay over at Brightmoon tonight just incase anything happens, I'll also put a protection spell over the spell book and Angella's room", Casta says with anger.

"I'll help Casta, and don't worry we'll get both him and Glimmer back", Shadow says as she puts her hand on Casta's shoulder.

They all go back to Brightmoon, Shadow then puts a very strong protection spell on the room. 

Shadow and Angella both go to bed.

"Good night my love, I promise I won't lose you again", Shadow says as she sees Angella sleep.

Shadow felt restless most of the night, she suddenly heard the window open.

She then heard a voice coming from the shadows "She's mine, you bitch"

Shadow gets hit by a spell and it pushes her across the room. She tries to get up but she's too weak. 

"You thought that a protection spell could stop me, well you thought wrong", Micah says as he lifts Angella and goes out the window.

Shadow felt weak, she sat there on the ground crying, suddenly everything went black, she tried to scream but she couldn't, she felt like she was dying inside and she couldn't wake up from this nightmare.

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