Happily Ever After

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After a wonderful afternoon of drinking and having fun Shadow and Angella held hands and made their way towards their bedroom. 

"Hey babe, today was amazing", Shadow says.

" I know, thank god Casta didn't get to drunk, I swear that woman is lightweight", Angella says.

Both her and Shadow start to laugh. 

They both went to the bedroom and set on the bed exhausted.

Shadow looks at her hands and saw blisters.

"Hey honey, where did we put the blister cream, that spell really did a number on my hands", Shadow says.

" Well that's not the only thing that does a number on your hands", Angella said as she smirked at Shadow.

"Oh, your a naughty little thing", Shadow says as she gets up and pushes Angella against the wall.

"The things I want to do to you after I get my hands fixed", Shadow says in Angella's ear.

"That'll never get old", Angella says as she felt shivers go down her back. 

Angella gets the blister cream and sits Shadow down and slowly applies it on her hands. By the way Shadow looked at her hands, Angella could tell she was in pain. Angella finished and kissed both of Shadows hands. 

"Thank you Angella', Shadow says shyly. 

"Hey Shadow, when do you want to get married", Angella asks.

"ASAP, I can't wait any longer, I want to finally call you my wife", Shadow says. 

"What about tomorrow", Angella asks. 

"Why not", Shadow replies. 

Shadow gets up and pulls Angella and puts her arm around her waist. 

"My Wife, has a nice ring to it", Shadow says.

Angella gasps. "What about the rings", Angella says. 

"Don't worry we can use the promise rings and Casta can officiate our wedding", Shadow says.

"Phew... I nearly had a heart attack", Angella says.

"If we want to get up tomorrow we better get to bed", Shadow says.

Shadow slowly takes of her clothes in front of Angella.

"Tempting.... very tempting", Angella said as she looked at Shadow.

"Wait till tomorrow, my wife", Shadow said as she gives Angella a side look.

They both get changed and get in bed. Shadow kisses Angella on the forehead and wraps her arm around her chest and whispers in her ear "Good night".

*Next Day*

Angella wakes up and kisses Shadow on the lips softly.

"Is it morning already", Shadow says as she rubs her eyes.

"Yes, it is and guess what", Angella says.

"What", Shadow asks.

Angella whispers in her ear "Were getting married today".

Shadow immediately gets up. "What are you lying around for, come on let's go", Shadow says as she pulls Angella out of bed.

"Ok, I'll get our outfits out, we can just wear what we wore for Adora's wedding", Angella says.

"That's fine with me, I have to get something arranged", Shadow says as she gives Angella a quick kiss and runs out the door.

Shadow heads out to the garden and picks out her best daisies and white roses.

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