Jack's return

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Elizabeth's journal entry:

It's been a month and a half since the love of my life took his new posting in Fort Clay, and even though I miss him dearly, I have the most amazing news to share. I'm pregnant! I wrote this in all of the many letters I have written to him. But postage is slow and I haven't had the courage to send any of them. I fear Jack and I still aren't ready for parenthood. Nevertheless, I still can't wait for the arrival of our baby. Soon, Jack will be home, Safe in my arms and I'll be safe in his. I simply can't wait. See you soon my darling Jack.

Back to present

I close my journal, and lift it gently to my heart. Tramping up the stairs silently, braiding my hair and slipping into our silky bed. The journal lay on my dresser. A slight breeze comes over me. I left the window open. I close my eyes and dream of the life I will have with my husband when he returns. All the romantic kisses and dinner dates and then all the kids I know will be running around in circles shortly. I love him dearly and prayed for him as I said my prayers before drifting off to sleep.

As Rosemary and Lee's rooster crows, I'm forced back to reality. I have school to teach. After having a quick wash and getting dressed, I find myself leading myself to Abigail's Cafe. I can't cook to save my life, so I may as well find someone who can.
I greet my best friend, the owner of the Cafe and ask for a plate of eggs. After Devouring the eggs , I pay and leave my thanks as I make my way to the exit.

I start Briskly walking as I realise I'm late. Almost running now, I trip and fall. Luckily it was only on the grass so I appear to be fine. I Called the children in and replied to every "Good Morning Miss Thatcher" And once every student was seated I started  today's first lesson which was Arithmatics "Opal, do you know what 17×3 is?" I asked her happily. Life has been treating me well in Jack's absence. "Hmm" Opal said feeling the eyes of her classmates on her. "50?" "Almost Opal ! You just need one more! " I corrected her "Oh." I could see she was disappointed in herself. Hey, Opal it's ok to get it wrong sometimes. It's important that you still tried even though you weren't entirely sure ok? "Ok thanks Mrs Thornton" She smiles at me. This is why I love my job. All the happy little faces smiling all the time, It makes it hard not to feel happy yourself. After a long day , I dismissed the children. A well deserved dismissing.

I pack up my things and wrap myself warmly in my shawl. Then, Out of nowhere, I hear the words " Take a walk with me" I instantly knew who was behind me. I dropped my basket and ran towards him. Hand in hand he picked me up by my waist. I wrapped my legs around his hips and held him close as we shared the most passionate kiss, We had ever shared. My husband was home! My darling Jack! My everything! He let me stand again, without breaking the kiss and wrapped his arms fully around my hips ,while I held on to his neck. "Jack!!" I practically screamed as I gasped for air. "Your home! I missed you so much!"
Someone must've heard me screaming because I had lured in a full crowd of my very best friends. This included, Abigail, Rosemary, Bill, Lee, Clara, Dottie, Florence and Molly. Abigail rushed forward in alarm. "What's happened!" Abigail said breaking the silence, before realising Jack stood infront of me. "Jack! Welcome home." The rest of the group were still fearful something terrible had happened until their eyes fell upon Jack. They then relaxed. Jack was home, and for good this time. There would be no more assignments for him that required him to leave Hope Valley, for more than a month.

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