Charlotte's hometown.

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After visiting Hamilton, So my family could meet Thomas, it was time for Thomas to meet Jack's side of the family. It was just Jack's Brother and Mother unfortunately. Jack's Dad had died at war serving the community. As we pulled up into the beautifully tamed garden, we were greeted by a loud noise. Charlotte, Jack's mother had just emerged from the house. "Jack! Elizabeth! so nice to see you again. It's been years!" she came further out and pulled us in for a massive hug. As I parted from Charlotte, I realised we had left Thomas in the car. "Oh hold on a moment Mrs Thornton, there is someone whom we would like you to meet. your grandson, Thomas." I lifted Thomas from the carseat slowly and walked back up the path to Jack.
Thomas stirred sleepily in my arms once again. "Awww hello little Thomas, I promise that while your here, I will take very good care of you. Okay sweet boy?"
Just then Thomas giggled. "Jack! it's his first giggle! "I said happily whilst tickling his little cheek. "Hey mom, Where's my brother?" "Oh! he asked me to tell you he won't be coming until tomorrow. See he missed his train because he couldn't get away from work on time. But he promised he would be here by lunch tomorrow."She told Jack once I handed Thomas over. "Come inside now, I've set up your guest room." "Thankyou Mrs Thornton, we are ever so grateful." "Please, Elizabeth. Call me Charlotte and no need to be so formal you are welcome here anytime you like." "alright then! Thanks Charlotte." I said smiling at my Sweet baby boy. We entered the house, and immediately smelled the scent of freshly baked bread. "that smells delicious Charlotte, where'd you learn to bake bread like that?" "Believe it or not, you taught me. when I last visited, Hope Valley. when Jack had pnemonia and we were making his favourites so he could recover quickly." "Wow, and you remembered my recipe all these years?" "yes, of course I did. anybody who is importat to any of my family is important to me too, and now you're a part of the Thornton family, so you are extra important to me. You're the daughter I never had! " "Oh Charlotte, that's so sweet. You know, you're my second mother now, and the first time I met you, we bonded over the love we both have for Jack." we were both crying happy tears. "Alrighty, I'll let you two catch up. he said rolling his eyes. Give me Thomas, Lizzie and I'll take him to the bedroom for you." After handing Thomas over to his dada, I talked to Charlotte about her garden. I had always wanted a garden like hers, but couldn't because I had no room to do so. Now that I lived in a large decent home, I had plenty of room to do whatever I pleased, with whomever I pleased. Night fell quite quickly, and I had offered to cook dinner, but Charlotte refused. So I walked down the hallway to find where my family was hiding. I opened the last room in the hall, and found Jack inside trying to get Thomas to sit up on his own. I leaned against the door frame, watching him in admiration. "Come on bubba, just once for dada? please? " I laughed as I came in. I sat down on the floor next to Thomas, and lifted him from the ground and put him in a sitting position. I had my hands by his back incase he fell backwards, and he sat up just fine on his own. "And that's how it's done Jack" as I flashed a smile at him. "Ha-ha very funny" he voiced as he extended his arms for Thomas so he could try. He mimicked my exact steps, but Tommy just kept falling back into his dad's arms.  Thomas was thoroughly enjoying it though. My baby boy was in the middle of a fit of laughter. That made Jack and I chuckle too. I picked my little bundle of joy up to feed him. Lifting my shirt, and fed him. Jack came over to the bed. he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and squeezed it. He kissed my cheek. Charlotte had just finished cooking us dinner, because we could hear her voice echoing from down the hall. I snatched the cover up from the bed and covered myself and Thomas's head. Jack followed me down the hall, back to the kitchen where Charlotte was just setting down our plates. I sat down, being careful not to bump Tommy's head on the table's edge. I picked up my fork, and started to eat though Tommy was making it quite difficult to do so. Tommy had finished drinking my milk, so I excused myself to get properly dressed. I returned shortly after an put Thomas down to play on his activity mat. Then I returned to the table and finished my meal. Once everybody had finished eating I insisted on doing the dishes for Charlotte. Jack led his mother to Tommy so that she could finally play with him. We had been quite rude. Ignoring her all day just to play with our baby. Charlotte really wanted to get to know Thomas before he left and grew up without his grandmother. I was in the middle of drying a saucepan, when I turned around to see Charlotte acting as the tickle monster towards Thomas. He was screeching with little outbursts of giggles and was wriggling around on the carpet. The fireplace was dying and the glow from the embers started to die out so Jack put on another log. I put the saucepan away and went to the bedroom to collect the diaper bag to get Thomas ready for bed. When I submerged, Thomas was throwing a tantrum. Obviously he had had enough of the tickle monster, because his little fits of laughter turned into loud wails. Charlotte tried her best to calm him, but he just wasn't having it. He screamed loud enough that Jack had to sing him a lullabye. then he gave Tommy to Charlotte while I got everything ready to change him. Charlotte handed him to me, and I put him down. I pulled off his little playsuit and then unwrapped his smelly diaper. I took the diaper away from everyone and into the kitchen to dispose of it. Then I came back to wipe him, only to find Jack had done it while I disposed of the dirty nappy. I selected a new fresh diaper from the stack we had brought with us, and put it on. Finally, Charlotte slipped on his teeny little bear onesie. It was lined with faux fur and so was the hood that was attached. Thomas started to fall asleep on the changing mat, so I picked him up so he could sleep with us. "Goodnight Charlotte, I'll see you in the morning" Jack picked up the remaining crap laying on the floor and followed suit. Back down the hallway, and into our temporary bedroom. I let Jack change and hop into bed first, and then I gave Tommy to him and got into my pj's and into bed after him. I took Tommy from him and slept with him snuggled up into his mommy and daddy.


Jack, Thomas and I were all so exhausted the following morning that we all remained in bed until 11:30, when there was a loud rap at the door. "Hey, I've got no idea if any of you are awake yet, but Thomas will be arriving soon." "Thank you Charlotte, I will tell Jack."I whispered almost silently. Slipping out of the warm comforting bed and picking up my clothes from the chair next to it I sleepily pulled off my nightgown, and pulled up my dress. I folded my nightgown and put it where my dress had just been. Then I woke Jack gently, and told him the news. He got up immediately and almost tripped in the process. he pulled up his pants and attached his suspenders to them. We then made the bed together, once I moved the still sleeping thomas back to the crib. We went out into the lounge to be with Charlotte, and  twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the front door. "Hello? Anyone home?" A voice said from outside. "Thomas! darling! come in, come in" The door swung open, and there stood my brother in-law hugging Jack who had just run to greet him. "Hey, Jack, almost didn't recognise you without the uniform!" they both broke out laughing. Brothers reunited after so long. I smiled at the pair of them before Thomas went over to his mother for a hug, and then me. "Hey Thomas, nice to see you again." "Nice to see you too Elizabeth" he answered quietly. "Here Tom, let me take your bags to your room for you." Charlotte annouced. "Lunch is ready for you lot, I had it ready about an hour ago. It's on the table for when you get hungry." "Thanks Charlotte, much appreciated." Just as Jack, Thomas and I were about to sit down to eat, we were able to hear Thomas fussing. Jack got up to go get him, and Thomas senior looked quite puzzled. He had no idea Jack and I had a baby now. As I told him this news, he looked shocked, but quite excited to meet his little nephew. "Oi Jack! hurry up will you, I want to meet my new nephew!" he screamed. All at once Charlotte came back into view, followed by Jack and junior Thomas wrapped in his little hooded bear onesie from the night before. Jack handed Thomas Jr to his brother, and I watched Tommy wrap his little hand around one of Tom's fingers.  I also watched Thomas Sr gasp in awe at my sweet tiny boy. I was hungry, so I sat down to eat this delicious feast Charlotte had spent hours preparing for us. As I dug into the chicken fried steak, Thomas Sr asked me how we picked his name. "I replied with, We wanted to honor your dad the way he deserves and well I just love Jack so much that I wanted his middle name to be a part of Jack aswell." "Oh, that's fantastic." Jack and Thomas started talking to eachother about God knows what, because I was talking to Charlotte, and making funny faces at my boy. Hours and hours pass by, and now I had to pop Tommy to bed. Thomas really wanted to bond with his nephew, so he changed him. Once little Tommy was ready for bed Thomas Sr came to let us say goodnight to him. Within minutes, Tommy was asleep in the spare crib that Jack had once slept in himself. Thomas came back into the lounge to join us, and Charlotte asked me why it had taken us so long to get here. I looked at Jack who was beside me, nervously. I grabbed his hand, and there was a large pause. "Uhm, well long story. So we went to visit my family before we came here so they could meet Thomas, but something happened." I started crying, so Jack took over telling the story for me as he wrapped his arm around me. "So something bad happened?" Charlotte asked. "Yes Ma, Thomas nearly died." Shocked faces coming from both sides of me. "But how? Isn't he perfectly healthy?" Thomas Sr asked. "Yes he is, but but Elizabeth and I were catching up with the Thatcher's and we left him with Viola's newborn, Lyla and Elizabeth's mother. At the time, Grace was trying to stop Lyla from eating her toy, which resulted in her not watching Thomas , so he ate one of them and started choking. Elizabeth rushed him to the hospital, and for hours I had no idea where my family was. That was until Charles, Elizabeth's old friend came to tell me where she was. The doctors had taken note of how long Thomas had gone without breathing, and weren't sure if he would make it. But he did! And we are so glad." Charlotte scooted closer to me and squeezed my hand. "I'm so sorry Elizabeth, that must've been really tough on you." "Yeah it was. If you'll excuse me I'm going to go to sleep now, I'm feeling rather tired." "Are you alright Lizzie? " Jack was concerned for me once again. "I shook my head so no one else would see, but said yes." I got into the covers, and waited for them to warm up my body. It must've been an hour of being unable to sleep, because I finally heard a few, "goodnights" and then a shuffling of footsteps. Jack came in quietly so he wouldn't wake the baby, and sat beside me. He pulled me up so I was sitting beside him. Jack held me tight until we fell asleep.
One week past, full of Charlotte and Thomas Sr hogging Thomas Jr while Jack and I had some alone time, and it was the morning of returning home to Hope Valley. I packed our things up like I did at Mother and Father's home, and did everything the exact same. Except I cooked breakfast for everyone. We all ate breakfast together as a family, and then Jack and I said our goodbyes, though they were only interested in saying bye to my little angel. Who could blame them though? Jack loaded the bags onto the carriage pulled by horse, and off we went.

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