Thomas troubles.

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A week after I gave birth to Ayda-Grace Charlotte Thornton, I was discharged from the infirmary in perfect health. We still slept there overnight, Jack and I taking turns to watch her so both kids always had a parent with them. Ayda had put on a decent amount of weight, Which as Carson tells us is good news. Jack weighed her this morning, and she weighed at about 1.2 kg now. Still very premature, but she was getting there. She would be out of here in no time.

Night came across and I helped Jack pack his overnight bag. Tonight was his night to stay with Ayda. He pulled the drawstring of the bag tight and I held out my hand for Thomas. He was really good at walking now. He was almost my normal speed of walking and not my pregnant walking speed. Jack opened the door for the pair of us, and I let Thomas out first. He let go of my hand and started running down the hill, But before he got to the bottom Thomas slipped and rolled down the hill. I saw what happened, and in the blink of an eye, I was down there with him. I dropped down onto the grass and pulled his arms up. His face was smeared with mud, and his lip was bleeding, all while he screamed and cried. I picked him up and held him tight, and walked back up to Jack to show him what happened. Jack himself couldn't run at the moment, because he had done the same thing about 4 days ago, but instead of a bleeding lip, his ankle got the worst of it. He tore a ligament, and his ankle was still wrapped in a tight bandage. I walked carefully back down the hill with Thomas and we soon reached the infirmary. I opened the door and headed towards Carson. I needed him to check if anything major had happened. Thomas pushed his head into my shoulder, getting mud all over my blouse. I sat down on a chair, Thomas in my lap as I held his hands down. Carson snatched a cloth from the shelf and dunked it in the bowl of warm water. Finally, he began gently dabbing at his red face. Soon all the mud was gone. He dumped the cloth in the bin. He gave Faith some aloe vera and ointment to make a paste, While he took a look at Thomas's lip. Thomas had recieved grass burn when he skidded down the hill. "There's no severe damage to his lip. Just a small cut. You'll need to make sure his lip is cleaned after every meal, so it doesn't get infected while it heals." "Thankyou Carson." Faith had finished with the paste, so she brought it over. "Elizabeth, you'll need to hold his hands down while I do this, it'll sting for him a bit." I held his fingers between mine, as the paste was brushed gently over his face. He writhed and squealed, and I had to sit a hold him down. The paste had to stay on for about a quarter of an hour, Before Faith rubbed it off. Thomas looked much better.

I got up and sat Thomas down on Jack's knee and made up the bed since it had been a week of these sheets. Once the bed was made, Thomas had fallen asleep in Jack's arms, so I went to kiss Ayda goodnight. I came back and kissed Jack goodnight and then proceeded out the door with Thomas. I laid him down in his crib in his room, and got ready for bed myself. Midnight approached and I still laid wide awake, thinking about Ayda, and Thomas for that matter, When I heard a large amount of thudding and footsteps. The hallway light had burst through my bedroom door as it opened and I heard "mummy" I sat up reaching my arms out for my son. he sat on the bed beside me and held onto my waist. "What's wrong baby?" "Where's daddy." "Daddy is in town, With your baby sister. You will see him tomorrow ok? lets go to sleep now sweet boy." "Noo" He began crying. I lifted him onto the bed and under the covers with me and started singing him a lullaby so he could sleep. It wasn't just hard on Jack and I, it was hard on Thomas too. He needed both parents to kiss him goodnight every night. I kissed his forehead and kept singing to him as his sniffles turned into snores as I fell asleep alongside him.

As morning approached yet again, the golden rays of the sun gave a bright colour to the clouds, mountains and valleys and it peered through my window's edge. I edged my foot to the side of the bed, Trying to get myself feeling awake. I quietly slip myself out of bed, and pull the covers up over Thomas, before tip-toeing down the stairs and entering the kitchen. I lit the hot coals underneath the stove, and started to fry an egg. Ever since I became a mother, my cooking skills just kicked in. I rarely burnt anything anymore, so I never heard any complaints about it anymore and I didn't get embarrased over pathetic little chocolate cakes. Especially now no one would bet over five dollars on them. I added another egg to the pan, taking the other one from the pan to the chopping board. Thomas didn't eat much because he was mostly still breastfeeding, and he couldn't swallow big mouthfuls so I just cut up all his solid food for him. Once I finished eating my eggs I left the plate and tramped back upstairs for Thomas. When I got back to my room, Thomas had just awoken and he was writhing under the blankets. he was fussy. I pulled him out from under the covers, and walked downstairs with him. Thomas was very happy now that I had him. I helped  him eat his eggs. Very messy process. Once I swept all the remainder of the eggs outside for the birds, I carried Thomas back upstairs to clean him off, and get him dressed. I took him back to his room and set him down. Then I looked at his crib. The sliding part of it was still up, so he must've climbed out on his own. He was only a year and two months old. Should he be able to do all of this? He could already walk and talk, and he had pretty much outgrown his crib, When most children shifted from a crib to bed betweeen 18 months and three years. I quickly got dressed and started the trip to the infirmary. I needed to tell Jack!

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