Month 5

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Thomas is officially 6 months old! and our miniscule baby girl, Will turn 5 months in the womb in about two weeks! Only four months to go until we meet you baby girl. I attempted to lift Thomas into his highchair at the table, But I couldn't reach down. My bump had gotten bigger over the past month. Thomas looks up at me blankly, As I'm struggling. Jack came down the last few steps from the other end of the house, and hurried forward to help. I let Jack take Thomas to the table, And he came back over to me afterwards to lend a hand back to the stove. I tripped on a blanket, and almost smacked my head on the table. But Jack grabbed my arms and pulled me forwards, Just milliseconds before I would've cracked my head open. We changed directons, and I sat at the table. I felt a surging pain through my head. I just got a migraine, like the full band around my head type migraine. "Ow" I groaned. "Jack, I think I might need Rosemary to take over teaching for a few days, my head is throbbing and I can't see straight." Everything became fuzzy as I said that. "Are you alright Elizabeth?" He let go of my hand, and went to tell Rosemary that she would need to take over teaching. When he came back, my head was so sore I couldn't even see the blurs. I could only see the black. Jack held me as he lifted me upstairs, and I soon met the warmth of our feather bed. Jack came upstairs a few minutes later, with Thomas. Jack kissed us both goodbye, and then left for his rounds. I lifted Thomas into the air, and down in bed beside me. I rolled over to face him properly, and tickled him again. He was giggling an hour later when Jack returned, and melted both of our hearts when he reached out his hands for his daddy. "Aww Jack look he loves you! " Jack looked down at our little chubby baby and smiled. I looked at Jack when I had a thought. "Jack we need to start making up bubba's new room! " "Oh my gosh how did we manage to forget about that?" A couple hours had passed and I was feeling much better, So I slipped out of my side of the silky feather bed and into my cozy slippers. I stumbled across the room to my drawers, and pulled out my favourite blouse, White, with individual little stitched flowers with faux pearls inside of them. I took it back over to the bed, And put it down on the roughed up covers before heading back to my dresser to pull out a plain purple skirt. As I put these together, I decided I would rather wear my light blue skirt, so I selected that instead. I left my clothes alone for a moment as I went to fill the bath pot with water to pour in the bathtub. Once I finished batheing, I dressed myself and told Jack I was feeling better, and that I was going to take school for the afternoon, and to please come meet me at school once it was over. I kissed both Thomas and Jack goodbye, before heading off down the path to the schoolhouse. When I walked in, the classroom was a mess and Rosemary had lost complete control at my desk, And was bawling her eyes out as the children yelled and sprinted around the classroom, Knocking over everyone and everything in their path. I tried to remain calm as I walked over to Rosemary, Who curently looked like a damn panda because her mascara was askew. I tapped her, And her head rose. "Rosemary? What happened in here?" I held her to calm her down, Just like I would do for Jack whenever he was stressed. Once she calmed, I asked again, But she still wouldn't answer. I stood up, and yelled across the classroom. The children had made me mad. They had upset one of my very best friends, And had shown her no respect. The only child that was doing as they should, was the new kid in my class, And that's because he didn't have any friends yet. I had to call once again to get every student's attention. Once I had it, I pointed at Rosemary. "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HAPPY FACE TO ANYONE? SIT DOWN IN YOUR SEATS RIGHT NOW. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE." Every student hurried towards their seat to avoid trouble. And trust me, there would be after this much disgrace. I left Rosemary's side to collect some papers for the class. "Each and every single one of you, Besides our new student Harris, will be writing an apology letter to Rosemary. Recess for the rest of the week will also be canceled. If you waste the teacher's time, I'll be sure to waste yours." I handed over the remainder of the papers, and then realise I hadn't given Harris anything to do. "Harris, sweetheart, What would you like to do for the rest of the day? You may do whatever, as long as it's not noisy." He nodded at me, So I turned back to the class. "Get started please, and 10 students of my choice will be staying after school to help pack everything up every day this week until every student has helped." As they started writing I walked over to Rosemary. "Rosemary, I'm so sorry. I can't even explain how that would've happened, they are usually so good in the clasroom! Now, you can leave, but could you please come back at the end of the day? I'll get some of my students to read their letters to you." "Alright Elizabeth. Thank god you came in, Otherwise I don't know what I would've done." Rosemary stood up, and collected herself and her things. She left silently and quickly. About, half an hour later, the final student came up to me with their letter. I stood up, and started writing math problems on the blackboard for the last lesson of the day. I turned to face the class again. "Okay class! Now that I have dealt with that tiny mishap, I'm going to hand out your math books, and you can complete as many questions on the board as you can. If you can't answer some, please take them home and have your parents help you." I turned back to my desk, and started to grade papers as the class worked on their algebra. The clock must've moved quickly, because Jack and Rosemary, were soon at the door. Both apparently apprehensive. "Alright. The students I have chosen to clean the classroom are: Timmy. Robert. Anna. Ruby. Hattie. Cody. Opal. Maggie. Harper, and finally, Phillip. You may begin cleaning now. The students I have chosen to read their letters are , Emily, Miles, Laura and Rosaleen. Rosemary please come up here,I have something to give to you. You to Jack" as I noticed him needing to talk to me. "Children who haven't been given something to do, you will be cleaning tomorrow, class dismissed." I turned to Jack to realise he didn't have Thomas with him. "Jack. Where's Thomas?" "That's why I came as fast as I could." my face turned fifty shades of colour, including White, Yellow, Purple and green. "Thomas keeps screeching in pain, and I don't know what it is. Thomas is at the infirmary, with Carson and Abigail right now." "Oh no! " I turned to Rosemary once more. "Rosemary, I'd hate to ask you, especially after the afternoon you've had, but would you mind watching these guys until I get back? And making sure that the students I called out finish cleaning the classroom? Thomas is in the infirmary." She hesitated for a moment before I told her,"You tell me if they misbehave again will you please?" "Of course." "Thank you Rosemary, and I promise, I'll pay half a day's wage to you." I turned to the class and told them to listen to Rosemary or there would be more consequences. The I left through the side door, with Jack closely behind. Jack and I sprinted towards the infirmary in such a rush that it took me a minute to open the damn doorknob before I finally opened it. I ran to my screeching boy, and felt his head. It wasn't hot, so that was the best news ever. Caron spoke up."While you were gone Jack, we figured out what is wrong with him" He had to keep yelling over Thomas's screaming. "He is just teething! you need to give him frozen crushed berries in a mesh bag to harden his gums. If he chews on it, it'll help his gums, and reduce swelling and pain for him. Here it'll help with the swelling" He passed over the bag of crushed up frozen berries and I put it under his lip. He grabbed it and started chewing, And everything finally went silent. There were sighs of relief from every corner. Jack walked back over to me, and I hugged him. Later that afternoon, Jack and I decided to start on our new girl's room. I left Thomas to have some quality time with Abigail, so Jack and I went over to the mercantile to pick up some pink paint, white stain, dowels , paint rollers, brushes and finally, Wood pieces to build the crib, change table and wall molding. We carted all the supplies across town into our home, and dumped everything on the floor of our girl's bedroom. Jack found a tarp in the shed and laid it down on the floor, before he filled the paint tray with pink paint. He gave a roller to me and dipped the other in the tray. Not long afterwards, We had three of the walls done, But I was far to tired to continue so I sat to rest for a moment. Jack finished the final wall on his own. Just painting the walls had taken us both about three hours, and we still had the detailed parts of the walls to do. Jack moved everything remaining on the floor to the center of the room to avoid getting paint on it too, and just to be safe, found another tarp in the shed to cover the supplies. A tap came from downstairs, and I got up this time to give Jack a break. I heaved myself down the stairs and opened the door, and there stood Abigail, holding Thomas. "Hi Elizabeth. I'm so sorry to say this, But the dinner rush will be starting at the cafe soon. Do you think you could take Thomas back now?" "Of course! We were just about to come get him too. How is he doing?" "He's been crying most of the afternoon, but that's normal since he's teething. I love Thomas, Elizabeth but I have to get going now." She gave him back to me so I kissed him on the forehead. "Thanks again Abigail! really appreciate it!" I closed the door behind her. Thomas was still wailing twenty minutes later when Jack came down stairs, and Jack took him to bed as I followed suit. Jack asked what had happened in the classroom earlier that day and we went into a full conversation about that once we finally got Thomas down.

The next day:
School had just finished for the day and I was getting the last ten students to clean the class up. Once they finished, I grabbed my things. today was friday so the students could enjoy the fresh air of the weekend. except it was raining both Saturday and Sunday, and by Monday you couldn't exit your house because of all the water. So in the weekend break, Jack painted all the mall ballerina's on the wall for her room, While I was working on a little blanket for her. Thomas was on the floor with a sensory mat, When he suddenly cried out again. I went downstairs hurriedly to grab the mesh bag thing, and held Thomas as I sung to him. Thomas stopped crying when Jack finally finished the last of the walls. Now we just had to move in furniture, Except we hadn't started to make it yet. Jack walked into town to get some helping hands to make the change table, crib and shelving, Because he was going to work on the very special wall feature, of our girl's name. Over the next week, Jack and I finished our baby's room. It looked beautiful.

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