Ayda-Grace Charlotte Thornton.

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Hey readers! Sorry I have been inactive lately, School just finished for the year and I've been trying to keep in contact with friends and have completely forgotten about it. However, I finally got around to it today, so I hope you enjoy it.

Two months later

I woke at about 5 thirty in the morning from Thomas crying, when I felt a cramp of agony and I cried in pain. The bed was wet. Which meant my water had just broke. "Jack? Wake up!" I felt her kicking more impatiently. Jack shook awake and I told him my water had just broken. Jack grabbed Thomas from his crib, and helped me over to Abigail's cafe to drop him off for quality time with Abigail when I am in the middle of the birth. He explained what was happening when my feet left the floor of the cafe, as Jack scooped me up in his arms "Jack I can walk by myself you know" he laughed and let me down, but didn't let me go. He kept close incase I needed help. I reached the infirmary no problem, and soon Faith led me to one of their beds and made sure I was comfortable. Not long after, Abigail arrived holding Thomas to her chest as he slept. Dr Sheppard came in and informed me that I was only 2 centimeters dilated and had to be at 10 before I could push. a contraction came on and I screamed. I grasped Jack's hand and cried. I didn't remember it being this painful, and I just wanted to meet our beautiful baby girl, Ayda-Grace. Her nickname would be Ayda.
A day later, and I was still at 2 centremeters. The pain hadn't stopped or even calmed, it was just going up. Abigail had brought over some soup for me to eat. I was nursing Thomas when I felt another contraction. This time it hurt more than the others, and my water actually broke. My heart and head were pounding. Abigail rushed forward to take Thomas, and left me in the infirmary with Jack, Carson and Faith. Jack squeezed my hand and kissed me, So I was distracted for a while. But it still wasn't time to push. I was only 5 centermeters dilated. 5 more to go. I was screaming as another contraction came on, and I squished Jack's fingers between mine. Faith hurried over to offer her hand, and I took it. Carson set up a NICU space because Ayda would be birthed premature. It broke my heart to realise we would have to leave her here until she was big enough. But that was all removed from my mind 10 minutes later when I had another contraction. My contractions were ten minutes apart now. Carson informed Jack and I that I was 9 centremeters. I looked at Jack and smiled weakly. I started on the chicken soup. Before long the bowl was set aside and I was pushing. Jack was right beside me the entire time.

Ayda-Grace Charlotte (Charlie) Thornton was birthed on the 13th of February 1917 on a Saturday afternoon as a premature baby at 12:45pm. She weighs 1 kilogram and has the sweetest little smile. She was born an aquarius, and has ginger hair and bright blue eyes.

 She was born an aquarius, and has ginger hair and bright blue eyes

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The physical pain was over, but it turned into emotional. Immediately after I birthed Ayda, Dr Sheppard cut the umbilical cord wrapped her in a swaddle and my baby was put in an incubator. It broke my heart to see my premature baby stuck like that, and she had to stay in there until she became big enough to come home. After a few hours, Carson let me hold Ayda for a few minutes. I held her to my bare chest and she snuggled up closer. ten minutes past and I decided Jack should have a turn, before she had to go back in the incubator.

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