January 1918

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Tonight is the final night of 1917. A huge firework display was outside the church, after Frank gave a speech. As the fireworks sprung into action, Jack kissed me. Just like every year. Every year he always kisses me during the firework display. I felt a tug at the hem of my skirt. Ayda. She had twisted her body around from the pram for me. Thomas had fallen asleep in the pram, covered in a large blanket from head to toe. Ayda, however, was not the slightest bit interested in sleeping. She gazed up at the gleaming fireworks, and then at me and Jack. She looked absolutely terrified. Her cries grew louder the minute. I unbuckled the straps around her and pulled her towards me. I had brought some noise cancelling earmuffs along with us, so I sat them comfortably on her ears and turned back to Jack. His arms extended for Ayda. He pulled her to him, and started tickling her. Ayda's frightened expressions changed as she let out loud giggles. It was officially 1918! Lets go nuts!

Later that night when both kids were in bed, Jack and I celebrated the new year's arrival together privately. Jack had a small glass of champagne and I the same but red wine. I set my glass down on the table after only a few sips, and cuddled with Jack underneath the blanket. He played with my hair, easing me into a deep sleep. I was exhausted. My lips stained red from the wine. Jack lifted me up to take me to bed. I felt the covers being pulled up to my neck and a kiss on my head. His footsteps faded away for a while. I rolled over in comfort of his care. He came back a few minutes later, I suppose he had gone to get rid of the remainder of wine on the coffee table. He climbed in bed beside me and tightly wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt his warm lips meet the nape of my neck, his breath tickling my skin. It was one o'clock in the morning according to our bedroom clock. My eyes shut and I drifted back into my deep sleep.

Two weeks later :
When I awoke again, all I could hear was rain. Perfect, I thought, annoyed that I would be stuck inside all day. I hadn't dared to move, Jack was still sleeping with his arms tight around me. I lay there with Jack, and listened to the rain hitting the window. Atleast today I didn't have to leave the house, So I could catch up on house work with Jack. I may drop the kids off at Rosemary's place, While we clean, but I don't want to exhaust her. Abigail wasn't an option, because she has a cafe to run. Maybe I'll invite Becky and Cody to come and play with them, to keep them distracted. That's what I'll do. An hour later, When everyone is up and all kids are dressed, I do up my coat. "I'll be back soon! I'm going to get Cody and Becky to play with the kids While we clean." "Alright, but  be careful! the path is very slippery when it's wet." I smiled and kissed him goodbye, and I closed the door behind me. I set off down the path, But the wind was getting strong so I needed to be quick.

I reached the cafe, to see Cody driving her nuts. "Oh hello Elizabeth, Cody stop that. Just because it's raining, doesn't mean you can't behave." "I'm actually here to see whether or not Becky and Cody would like to come over to our house for the day to play with the kids? Jack and I have a lot of housework to do, and well it looks like Cody is annoying you at the moment." "Oh yes please! He's been like this since the cafe opened. Cody get your coat young man and tell your sister to get down here!" "Yes Mum!" He stomped his way up the stairs while I chatted to Abigail. "So like that since 7 huh?" "Yes. It's been up and down up and down, He's so bored that he's accidentely broken three plates with his ball already!" "Oh I'm sorry Abigail." "It's fine. It'll be good for Cody, all his friends from school are on vacation and don't return till the day before school, so that doesn't help. Thank you so much for this Elizabeth." She ended the conversation once Cody reappeared. "Right. You too are going to go over to Mrs Thornton's house for the day to play with and look after their kids while they do house work. Becky I need you to be with Ayda all the time. and look after your brother!" I took the kids back to my house, and hung their coats for them. Thomas spotted Cody and ran towards him for a hug. I pulled Jack away from Ayda and we started cleaning. "Make yourselves at home guys, just don't make more mess."

One hour later.
I picked up the final little dress of Ayda's and put it away in her drawers. The only thing left was the dishes. I dragged Jack away from the indoor clothes-line as he pegged the last of the laundry into place. I filled a large saucepan with water and waited for it to boil, and then transferred the liquid into a large bowl to wash dishes with.

On the last dish I looked up and out of the window. Thomas was jumping in the mud with Cody, and he was having a blast! Except they had forgotten what gumboots and coats were. Thomas's clean shoes were now imprisoned with dirt. Thomas waved at me happily and I couldn't help but smile. I handed the plate to Jack and went to bring them inside. "Thomas, how about we come inside now. You look freezing. You too Cody. I don't need either of you catching a cold right now. Especially since the school year is starting again soon. Come along now. I'll make you both some hot chocolate" Cody listened once I mentioned hot chocolate, but Thomas wouldn't. I picked him up from the mud and he was freezing. Thomas only had a small sweater over him, and a diaper. He wasn't even wearing his shoes like I thought he was. His skin was turning purple, and he was shivering. "Jack. Boil some water for me please, I will make hot chocolate fore the kids. I'm going to take Thomas upstairs to warm him up quickly." I ran him a quick bath, and let the water run over his skin. I couldn't turn it past lukewarm or it would burn him, so it didn't help his temperature in the slightest. I took a towel around him. I put him in his biggest onesie and lit the fire downstairs. I settled him down in a chair as he fell asleep by the embers. Jack had made hot chocolate for everyone for me thankfully, and Cody had fallen asleep on the couch. When I looked at him closer, his nose was pink and he was breathing through his mouth rather than his nose. Cody had caught a damn cold. I draped a blanket over Cody and let him sleep before I took my hot chocolate from Jack and sat beside him just like I had done the previous night. Becky sat with Ayda, who was already asleep on Becky. Becky was drifting off to sleep too, obviously Ayda had tired her out. Everyone was asleep now, except for Jack and I. But honestly, the housework had tired me out and I might join them soon enough. I set the hot mug down and fell asleep on Jack.

Jack's pov:

Elizabeth lowered her head on my chest, and I relaxed. Her head leaning on my  chest made me feel more loved than usual for some reason. I pulled a blanket up to her head again, and tried to sleep aswell. But when I was finally half asleep, a knock was on the door. I edged myself closer to Cody who was on the other side of the couch. While trying not to wake Elizabeth, I slipped out from underneath her and laid her gently down next to Cody. I walked slowly to the door, and opened it for Abigail. "Hey Abigail. We've got to be quiet, everyone is sleeping. Earlier today Cody decided to go and jump in some puddles, but purposely left his coat and boots in here even though we reminded him. He has a cold now. Thomas did the same thing actually. but he didn't have anything but a diaper and sweater on." "Dammit. Now Cody has a cold on top of dealing with the cafe?! Oh well. Thankyou for taking care of these two for me today. I'll get Cody and Becky and then I'll be on my way. I truly do appreciate this Jack. Such a blessing on days like this." She woke Becky first, being cautious of Ayda waking. Eventually Becky was awake and putting on her coat, but Abigail couldn't wake Cody. He was tired enough, So I lifted him with the blanket. Abigail left a note for Elizabeth, and I took Cody home and put him in his own bed.

Elizabeth pov:

I was fast asleep, on the couch, when the front door slammed open. "Elizabeth? Are you home?" "Lee?" I sleepily asked. "Elizabeth. Rosemary is in the infirmary. She's refusing to give birth unless you're along side her." I sat up, still processing what he said when I finally clicked. "What! Grab a kid. let's go." I picked Thomas up and passed him to Lee, and took Ayda myself. "we will drop these two at Abigail's quickly and then rush over to her. Giving birth sucks without those you love with you." We ran to the cafe, and hurriedly told Abigail what happened. She took Ayda and Thomas upstairs to sleep so we left. I opened the door, and Rosemary was inside, sweating like a pig. "Rosie, I have Elizabeth here with me now!" I rushed to her side. "How dilated are you Rosemary?" "N-nine" "It's okay Rosemary. A few more seconds and this contraction will be over." I pulled a chair up beside her bed and grasped her hand. She screamed through the whole contraction. My hand was beginning to turn purple.

                       To be continued.....

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