Back to the Jack Thornton school

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Sorry for this chapter took so long! I got a new laptop and am trying to navigate its bullshit, but now the chapters should come out faster. also, I got Janette Oke's when calls the heart book for Christmas so I will be writing that as a separate story since I don't know just cos I can. (Edit I can't upload it because I just realised that its copyright and I don't want my account banned) but anyways, Enjoy this chapter!

When I awakened the next morning, the sun was already high in the sky. It was hours past my usual waking hour. Jack wasn't in bed with me and I could hear the kids downstairs quite clearly. Since it was still the school break, I pulled the covers back over my head for a few more minutes.

I must've fallen asleep at about three in the morning, because of Sarah and Claire's arrivals. That reminds me, I thought, when I remembered I should check up on Rosemary and the tiny twins. I forced myself up and out of bed, while I felt rather lousy. I took today's clothes into the next room and changed quickly. I silently walked down the stairs to my family and sat down. "Good afternoon Sweetheart, have a good sleep?" He handed me a cup of coffee. While I nodded sleepily, a yawn soon released itself. Once I finished my coffee I set the cup down and pulled my coat over my shoulders. I fastened Thomas's small domes on his own jacket, and I walked until I got to Sergeant, Jack's horse. I lifted him over the horse cautiously and made sure my hands never left him as I clambered up behind him. He was very eager to take the reins, so I held onto them and pretended he was doing all the work. I dug my heels into his side and we set off in the afternoon ride.

When Thomas and I arrived at the infirmary I slipped off the side of it and let Thomas down. Lee came out happily, lifting Thomas to his side. I looked up and smiled, as I tied the horse to the post. "How is Rosemary doing this afternoon?" I asked. "Fine, just fine. The twins are doing great too. Sarah learned to open her eyes a short while after you left. Claire too. We weren't expecting you to be visiting today, what with being up all night for us." "Oh I have to get the school ready today anyway, I thought I would drop in and check up on everyone." Lee smiled and led Thomas and I inside. Inside wasn't quite as peaceful as the chirping birds outside, what with two newborn twins. They had apparently learnt to do things identically, and were both screaming at the top of their lungs. "Hey Rosemary, How are you doing today?" She looked up from Sarah, looking a lot like a panda. "I'm so tired! But it is soo worth the hours." "I know how you feel. Motherhood is one of the best things I've ever done. By the way Thomas wanted to say hi to his guardians so that is why he's come along with me."

Thomas and I stayed in the infirmary for about an hour, when I remembered the actual reason for coming to town. "Sorry to go like this, but I have to set up the school house for the term. I'll come see you before I go home. Bye!" and I left with my son. Once Thomas was safely back home with his father, I returned to the school house. I started by removing tops of crates, and assorting school books need for every subject, and pencil bags in piles on the row desks. I had 20 students this up coming school year, and wanted everything to be set for the first day. I hung up a garland across the chalkboard, that read "Welcome back to school class!" Since it was fall, the classroom was decorated with shades of orange and burgundy. I swept out the wet leaves I had brought in, and scrubbed the wooden floor planks until they shone. The classroom was tidy and ready, but it didn't look very inviting. Then I realised I would have new children in the class too. I took the crate that had leftover workbooks for all subjects and the spare pencils, and took them to the storage room behind my desk. last years books and utilities were still in there. I took the used books, and put them into my saddle bag for burning in the fireplace back at home. I found some unused worksheets and quizzes in a separate crate and piled those in one of my desk drawers. I was about to clear out the rest of the things left behind, when I giant spider revealed itself from hanging under the top shelf. I screamed in fright, locked the supply closet and dumped the current crate I was holding in the process. Before I rummaged through it's contents, I checked for spiders. I found none, but I did however, find bag hook labels from when the church was first built. Gabe's name was still amongst them. He had probably married whichever girl he had been talking about, when he told the class his favourite memory of Coal valley was whom he had shared his first kiss with. Yea, he had probably married her in some far away city. As I looked through it, I realised this would be a great first day thing to work on. I began writing the assignment for the class to make their own labels. I threw out the older ones of the names I no longer taught, but kept the other ones who were now the older students today. Sweet little 5 year old Emily, would be turning 13 this year. Then I realised I had been in Hope Valley for nearly a decade.

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