6 months later.

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6 months had past since Jack's return, and I was due to birth in about a month. I was doing just fine. And so was Jack.

It was Christmas time, and the house was fulfilled with beautiful decor. Since it was Christmas that meant I was in charge of the Christmas Committee. Jack had started working on a new case in Hope Valley so I was home taking care of myself.

I hear a knock at the door, and open it. It's Florence and Molly with a basket of things for the baby. I invited them in and they offered to take the basket up for me as it was heavy but I denied them. I knew they wanted to see the baby's room. Which Jack and I hadn't even started since we were moving. Which nobody knew yet.

The second my friends left I dropped the basket on my foot because of it's weight. Abigail came in and saw what happened leading me to the couch before running off to find Jack and Dr Sheppard. They came back hurriedly and Jack squeezed my hand tightly. After a short while, I was informed I had broken my left toe. I had been bedridden for 2 weeks, which I thought was rather dramatic, but doctors orders I guess. Jack lifted me up straight away, heavy baby bump and all. I was in bed with Jack standing right by my side and pacing back and forth.

"Jack" I said "What's wrong?" Jack said immediately. "What about the Christmas committee?" "That doesn't matter. You are more important Lizzie." I stand up out of bed. "People are counting on me to do my part!" I complained while I was wincing in pain. I started walking out of the room, as the pain subsided. Jack followed suit immediately grabbing around my baby bump and pulling me back to bed. "You are going to do as Carson said, regardless of what you are being counted on for." He kissed me after I did my best to wiggle free." And what about moving into our new house Jack? I can't just let you do that all on your own." " but you will." He whispered in my ear


I could walk again, But was told to take it easy. I didn't of course. Jack and I had to get the house ready. We packed up the living room first. Then the dining room then the bedrooms and finally, the bathroom. Jack loaded the boxes onto the trailer and we rode of to our new home.

I had to tell Abigail that my rowhouse was back up for rent as I had a home now.

Jack and I had settled in quite nicely. Our first night in our brand new home! It was absolutely incredible and silent.

The next day, I had to help cook the Christmas feast, Except I burned the Turkey. Yet again. Some butcher was holding one for me in Buxton. I desperately needed to find a ride. Rosemary had been lent her husband's car as she had to pick up fabric too. So I hitched a ride with her.

We rode over the snow together laughing about memories when we had first met and when Rosemary was looking for my husband, because at that time he was her fiance. As we were talking, I felt the baby kick. It didn't hurt though, so I left it at that. Rosemary dropped me off at the butcher's, While she went to get her fabric. 15 minutes later, Rosemary returned with her fabric.

I tried to stand, But I felt the baby kick yet again. This time it hurt. A lot. I collapsed into the snow trying to stop the burning agony. It had been snowing for hours, so we were snowed in at Buxton. A couple hours has past.
The baby kicked again and I felt my water break. The liquid spilled all over my dress and out onto the snow. "OW OW OW Rosemary! I think I'm in labour!!" "Elizabeth! we need to get back to Hope Valley, quickly now!" "Ok let's go now!" I screech in pain. As Rosemary is driving, she has to swerve to avoid hitting a duck. A stupid duck! right when I had to give birth! When I woke up, I was lying in the snow with the car askew. Rosemary is beside me and I can still feel the quivering pain coming from my stomach. "Oo ow Rosemary!, I refuse to give birth in the snow!" " Ok Ok let me think " "Oh yea sure, take all the time you need! OWWW!!" "Got it! Elizabeth ! There's a old cabin a bit further up the mountain!" "Great! Let's go!" "Hang on. I'd better scribble a note for the men if they come looking for us." I rolled my eyes. By this point, I'm figuritivally dying. It hurts to much. Rosemary finishes writing the note and rushes towards me. She lifts my arm around her shoulder and helps me stumble my way up the hill.

As we reach the cabin, I run out of strength. I just collapsed into the snow as I feel my contractions worsen. Just then I feel two warm hands pick me up and bring me inside. Jack had come to my rescue, and he wasn't going to miss the birth! "Grip my hand as hard as you need Lizzie Ok?" That's when I squeezed it so hard that his hand turned purple, but he doesn't seem to mind. Lee, Bill and Carson sprinted inside after Jack. Carson came rushing forwards me to check my vitals and the baby, while Bill, Lee and Rosemary left the cabin. This was it! The moment Jack and I had been waiting for, for nine whole months!

"Ok Elizabeth I need to lift your skirt up so I can see the baby clearly when it comes out ok? Are you comfortable with that? Or would you prefer your husband watch for the baby?" Carson mentioned as he laid down fresh sheets. " I don't really care! Just please get this baby out of me!" Jack takes his seat at the end of the bed whilst gripping my hand. " If you don't mind Carson, I don't feel comfortable with you looking at her, is it alright if I watch over the baby?" "Yes that's quite alright Jack" "Great, thanks Carson"

"Elizabeth, I'm going to need you to push on the next contraction okay?" I feel the surge of torture wound my body. "AHHHHHHHH Jack! It hurts !!!! " as I wince, sucking in my breath through my teeth.

"Keep going Elizabeth, you are the strongest woman I know. That's why I married you and why I know you can do this!" Jack was helping me through my pain. I leant in for a kiss just as I felt the baby's head come out. " Good job Lizzie! The head's out! The main bit of hard work is over!" Jack praised me as I felt blood spilling out. I hear a baby crying as it's placed on my belly. "Elizabeth we have a little son!" Jack was so proud of me, I could tell. "I'll leave you two alone" Carson started for the door." Thankyou for helping me Carson! " I cried tears of happiness Jack and I had a little son! I moved over on the bed as Jack sat beside me. I took my first look at my son. He had beautiful bright blue eyes just like his mummy. And soft brown curls just like his daddy! "Jack- he's part me part you and all him!" I tickled our baby as we both leaned in to kiss eachother. "What shall we name him Lizzie?" "How about, Thomas after your heroic dad, and his middle name can be Jack, after you!" "That's perfect Lizzie! Absolutely perfect!" About half an hour had past, so Jack got up to let everyone in so they wouldn't freeze. Lee came in first, as quietly as possible. Baby Thomas, had just fallen asleep in my arms. My heart melted as I watched him snuggle closer to my chest. "Jack, can we call him Tommy as his nickname?" "That's a great idea. let's do it." Lee, Rosemary and Bill came in to meet our baby. "Aww he's so gorgeous congratulations guys" they all chimed in together. I realised that Jack and I still had to finish building the baby's crib and bed room. We had only set up our room and the kitchen. As I thought about this, I looked down at my baby. He looked just like his dad when he was sleeping. Cute and snuggled into the blankets. As night fell upon us, we had to sort out bedding for everyone. Jack, Baby Thomas and I were all accounted for, but we still had Lee, Rosemary, Bill and Carson to make up beds for. Jack held the baby while I fell asleep. All that excitement was enough for me. I must have been asleep within seconds. When I next woke, I sat up and looked around. I was so tired I'd forgotten we were in the middle of nowhere. In an old cabin. With everybody asleep on the floor but my new family and I. I shuddered, because the door had a crack in it and the snow was coming through it. I turned back to my little son, who is asleep in his dad's arms. I could tell those two were going to have a special bond. A bond only those two could have. Jack woke shortly after. He woke everyone else up so they could help get the car out of the snow. I got up and rushed to the bathroom. I did my best to patch myself up until we could get back to hope valley. When I submerged from the bathroom, only Rosemary remained behind. She was holding my baby lovingly. I knew she longed for a baby of her own, but that just wasn't in the cards for her unfortunately. I snatched two blankets from the bed. One, I gave to Rosemary, and the other I wrapped myself in. I folded a few more for the rest of the group in case it got quite chilly. Rosemary and I headed down the hill. I made sure to clear a path so Rosemary and my baby wouldn't get hurt. As we reached the bottom of the mountain, Jack took the baby back from Rosemary. Jack was originally going to ride back to hope valley on horseback, but he wasn't expecting our baby to be birthed in our absence. So instead, he helped Rosemary mount his horse. Then he climbed in the car with me. We rode off. All four horses trailing behind. As I held our baby, I felt slightly dizzy, so I laid my head on Jack's strong shoulder. He wrapped he arm around me while he was driving. I fell asleep. When I next woke, I heard yelling. We were entering Hope Valley again. Everyone was sprinting towards us. Then they noticed the bundle of blankets in my arms and melted at the sight of his adorable face. Clara couldn't believe it and yelled "She had the baby!"

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