6 months pregnant and a lot of suprises

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As I reached month eight, I was forced to maternity leave

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As I reached month eight, I was forced to maternity leave. The baby had grown so big that I couldn't see my feet anymore. Jack had a teacher brought in from buxton just because of the mishap with Rosemary and the kids a couple weeks back. The summer morning arrived, and the new calves scattered all over the farmer's fields. My family and I were visiting Laura Cambell's dad, Jed and his farm. Thomas could walk a few steps on his own now, and we are incredibly proud of him. It was Christmas time, Thomas would be turning a year old in two days! I couldn't believe how fast he had grown! Thomas stumbled across the grass to the smallest calf of the lot, and it ran up to greet him. His little arms outstretched, patting its head somewhat gently. he fell over, and the calf came and laid its head across Thomas. As Jack and I watched our boy, We were discussing how to do our girl's  name reveal and Thomas's very first birthday party. A few hours later, once the excitement of the day had died down, just after the dinner rush at Abigail's cafe, We were seated at Abigail's table in her Christmas decorated kitchen, telling her the name we had chosen for our baby girl. "That's a gorgeous name you two! how did you come up with that?" "Well, Elizabeth loved her first name since she was young, and we wanted to represent atleast one of our mother's name in her middle. So will you help us?" "Of course I will. I'll get started on the pinata cookies right away. She got up and started sifting flour. 15 minutes later, The cookies were in the oven, and I had written her name about 40 times. Jack was helping me seperate the letters with scissors. Each person would get three cookies. One for her middle name, one for her first part of her first name, and the last one for the second half of her first name. The cookies were all set for tomorrow afternoon, with the letters already inside. We iced the cookies to look like little ducks and swans. We put these under a tea towel for tomorrow, and Jack and I linked arms as we walked back home. Abigail came with us, because Jack was helping me walk so we needed someone to help Thomas. Thomas was a bit of a slow walker because he was learning, Thomas had taken a liking to copying my every move, including the way I now walked. It was quite cute really. It was really funny when I watched him try to walk like me. Hand on his back, trying to walk quickly but then toppling over again. Abigail was knelt down, Helping Thomas toddle he way behind us. We walked the distance from Abigail's cafe, to our house quite quickly, even with my slow pace. Jack unlocked the door, and helped me upstairs. Abigail closed the door behind us, and lifted Thomas onto the change table to get him ready for bed. I climbed into bed with Jack's help,and could hear Abigail kissing Thomas goodnight and blowing out the candle. She came into our room to say goodnight, and then left to put Cody to bed the same way. Jack climbed in beside me and I rested my head on the pillow. Jack put his arm over my shoulder and quickly fell asleep. I was left awake, wishing I could sleep. What must've been 3 hours later, I finally slept. When I woke the following morning Abigail had just knocked on our front door, ready to hand over the cookies. I reached the door at last, and pulled it open. "Hi Elizabeth, How are you this morning?" "Alright, how are you?" "Im great thanks." Soon we were ready to set up the cafe for the name reveal, and they cafe was decorated with yellow and painted ducks. each person got their first two cookies, and within the first 10 minutes, everyone knew her middle name. Charlotte, and her nickname for her middle name would be Charlie. Then Jack and I were getting impatient so we turned it into a race. Whoever got it first, Would get 2 dollars (Remember that was a lot back then.) I walked over to where Clara and Jesse stood, the couple who had newly become engaged. Clara had the hyphen in the center of the table, had the first half of her name mixed up on the table. the letters read Y,A,A and D. At first Jesse arranged the letters to spell out Daya, but I shook my head in response so they started again. I heard a shout from the corner, so I hurried over, excited to see if they had guessed correctly. However, Jack got there first. I walked up to the table where Molly stood, and I saw Jack nodding his head and telling her not to let anyone else know. I walked back to the front of the cafe, and spoke up "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, Molly has guessed her first name already! Now Jack and I will hand out the last cookies. Please don't start until Jack says so." The final cookie was handed out, and Jack told everyone to start. It took about a second for Rosemary to guess, because the letters made it really obvious. R,E,C,A,G. Soon we annouced her name as Ayda-Grace Charlotte(Charlie) Thornton, because only Molly and Abigail knew her full name. "There was an uproar of that's an amazing name!" or "Beautiful name". The party continued for a few hours, When I felt a major cramp come and go. Jack came beside me and put his hand on my waist. A few hours past, and we had invited a few friends over to our home to celebrate Thomas's birthday with us. Soon Bill, Abigail, Rosemary and Lee were all seated around the living room. We watched in awe as Thomas ripped open each of his presents and ran towards each of the "givers" to give them a big hug. Finally, Jack and I pulled out the two final presents, When Jack handed his to our son. He helped Thomas open his because Jack couldn't wrap gifts to  save his life, so it was completely covered in cellotape. (pretend that existed back then). The final layer of tape removed, Thomas threw the paper on the floor and ran back towards Jack. His little waddle made us all giggle. Jack had given his son a little dog toy, his favorite stuffed animal growing up. and accidentely, the other part of the gift was attached to the paper from the tape. Jack had also given Thomas his blankie, which from what I hear from Charlotte, Jack would not go near his bed without it when he was a young boy. Once Thomas needed a break, I brought a large box over in front of him. Thomas didn't even look at the gift, he just climbed straight into the box. The cute little crackhead! He scooted around the floor in it for a good half hour, and eventually we got him out and he climbed onto the actual gift. A beautiful rocking horse I had help with from Jesse. Abigail had given him a cowboy's outfit, so we got him changed into it and watched my little boy start to grow up to be just like his dad. Thomas got sick of it quickly, the outfit, and threw the hat in frustration. I picked him up and went upstairs to change him back in his clothes. When I was doing up the final button he reached for my left arm. "Ma- Mama" I cried happily as I brought him back downstairs. "Jack! listen ! He just said his first word! You owe me that backrub I knew it wasn't going to be be dada as his first word!" Thomas started to babble again so I shut up. "Mama! Da-dada?" "It looks like we are even now Jack!" Jack grabbed his little arm gently and said "Yay! dada is so proud of you baby! " He started dancing around in circles and Tommy started giggling at his moves. "Is that dada's terrible dance moves Tommy?" he nodded before he let out a quiet "Ya" I handed Thomas over to play with the guests, and headed over to the kitchen with Jack. "Who wants cake?" When everyone replied "yes" I answered with "Stupid question." Jack and I laughed as we cut the cake. When we gave Thomas his slice, he smashed his face into it straight away. Thomas was gonna be the funny kid in class when he started, I could tell. Night fell upon us, and Jack led all the guests out while I put Thomas to bed. "Happy birthday my big sweet boy." after I finished his story, and got him all cozy in his crib, and kissing him on the forehead. I went to bed silently and joined Jack. Today was exhausting. I'm never doing a name reveal on one of my kid's birthdays again. I hit the hay pretty quick. 

Hey readers, letting you know I have the next chapter ready to publish, but wattpad won't let me and my chromebook needs to be repaired. I will get it out to you all asap

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