2 - tricked

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He didn't immediately look at you, and that's why it was so unexpected and shocking; he stopped his movements and tilted his head towards the right before finally deciding to meet your eyes. It felt as if he had known since the beginning that you were observing him, and the smirk that appeared on his lips a few moments later confirmed it to you.

"Holy cow" you mumbled and backed off as quickly as possible, tripping on your own feet as you realised he had caught you staring at him. "Why the hell did I stand there like an idiot, letting him know I was observing him like a creep?" You face palmed multiple times and insulted yourself a couple times more.

So, the whole time you finished getting ready to go out, you thought about the dark and intense gaze of the demon who was going to live in your basement. The idea caused goosebumps all over your body, and you really had no idea if it was because you were ridiculously attracted to him or because he was the most dangerous creature you had ever seen.

You took a deep breath and shook your head, convinced that the action would've made you stop thinking about that demon. "Come on, y/n. You have a crush on Yoongi. A normal human being who'd never hurt you. Keep it that way."

:: At the pub, 10 p.m.

"Suji, can I ask you something?" You looked at your best friend, who was having her third glass of beer of the night and still managed to look stunning. Red cheeks usually made you look like you needed help, yet Suji pulled that off amazingly and often made you think you were the ugly friend between the two.

She nodded, and a strand of blonde hair fell in front of her face, making her look beautifully messy. "Go ahead."

"Okay... uhm... remember my crush, Min Yoongi?"

Suji straightened her back and quickly drank the last bit of her beer, looking a bit nervous after that question. It made you wonder if it was because she was with him the other day. "I do."

"Good. Well, I wanted to ask you-"

"Please, don't ask me a way to win that jerk's heart. He's an asshole, y/n, you gotta forget about him."

"What?" You frowned as she said that, because the words used to describe him were not nice at all. And they didn't apply to the Yoongi you had a crush on. "Why are you talking like that about him?"

Your friend took a deep breath. "I accidentally met him the other day, and he was so damn annoying. He kept trying to convince me to go out with him, and then said I was the most boring girl he had ever met."

The frown on your face became deeper as you heard her speaking, because that didn't seem like Yoongi's attitude at all. He was kind and mature, and he would've never treated anyone like that. He was a senior when you were still a freshman, and everyone would always praise him for his nice behaviour and for the sweet way he treated girls - he defended everyone from bullies, no matter if it meant going against the biggest guy in school.

So, do you get it now why you couldn't believe anything that Suji was saying? There was something strange, but you couldn't understand what.

"I don't know, Suji, maybe you didn't understand what he was saying" you answered, trying not to show too much your doubts about her story. Maybe she was lying about his behaviour, but you weren't sure she was lying about him asking her out - she was beautiful and smart, so it was obvious any guy would've wanted to date her.

"Y/n, are you doubting me?" She raised her voice, and it annoyed you. "You want to defend your crush no matter what?"

"Suji, you're kinda drunk and you're raising your voice at me. You either calm down or I leave" you said firmly, trying not to sound too angry.

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