9 - how about Tequila?

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:: Mon, 27 Sep

Park Jimin.

The demon in your basement now had a name, and you couldn't take it off your mind. Dang it. Every day, you thanked all the deities out there that he wasn't able to read your thoughts, or else it would've been one hell of a mission to convince him you weren't attracted to him. And you weren't even sure you weren't actually, in some way, attracted to him.

You know, bad things taste better.

You cringed at your own thoughts, shaking your head.

You had spent the previous day laying in bed - every bit of energy you had was suddenly nowhere to be found, and the tragic events of Saturday night still haunted you. You decided you weren't going to see any vampire series or movies ever again.

But it was time to get up and do something, because you weren't sure your back would've survived another whole day in bed. So, you got up and decided to tidy your room - as usual, you never tidied before hanging out with Suji and when you came home it would always be a mess. Since you didn't do anything on Sunday, the mess in your room was still there and you had to clean up. The mess bothered you too much now.

"Man..." you whined when you looked around you, cursing at yourself for being so messy. Yet, when you grabbed the jacket you wore on Saturday, a piece of paper fell out of the pocket. The police officer's name and number.

Jeon Jungkook.

"Woah, even his name sounds sexy. Jeon Jungkook" you said out loud, glad that as soon as you pronounced his name, his face appeared in your mind. His dark, brown eyes were so big and beautiful, and his whole attitude just made you smile like an idiot - you couldn't believe someone so interesting and handsome told you to call him.


You lifted your hand and your smile dropped as soon as you read that. He had to ruin the moment. "You know, you're invading my privacy. I'm not okay with you listening to everything I say everyday."

That's the consequence you have to face for opening that door, feisty doll.

You rolled your eyes and placed the paper on your night stand, mentally telling yourself to save his number later. "Yeah, about that. What did you actually do that night?"

Nothing, to be honest. Somehow, by touching you, I'm now able to communicate with you.

"So you want me to believe you didn't do anything to me? That you're sending me these messages because of a strange mistake of fate?" You put some clothes away while talking, folding them a little but too harshly since the demon was annoying you.

Pretty much, yes. Fate united us, how romantic.

"Park Jimin, don't make me throw up."

Wanna make me believe you never made dirty thoughts about me?

You stopped your movements and stared at your hand. "What does this even have to do with what we are talking about?"

So, you did?

"Oh my God, no. Don't even mention it."

Told you I'm not on good terms with the guy. You don't mention him, I don't mention that again.

"Deal. Now stop annoying me" you told him and went back to cleaning up the mess in your room. Talking to him was only distracting you, because you ended up putting your comb into the socks drawer. How dumb. But then you remembered about something else, and hesitated before asking the next question. "How are you?"

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