27 - no going back

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:: Fri, 29 Oct

A week later, you were on your way to meet Jungkook in front of a cafe quite far from your place. It was weird at first, you wondered why he asked to meet in such a far away place but then he explained he needed to be as far as possible from your dad's surroundings. Plus, he said he had to tell you about some things he found out so it was better to be somewhere remote.

After you met you both entered the cafe and started chatting a bit about your life in the past days. Strangely, or fortunately, you realised you now looked at him the way you'd look at a friend - you still acknowledged the fact that he was damn hot, but it was just weird for you to imagine kissing him or just being something more than friends.

Of course it was all because of Jimin, which was sort of embarrassing to admit even to yourself, but you weren't going to let anyone know about that anyway. Especially not him. Definitely not him.

"You know what?" You asked all of a sudden, while he was talking about a nun causing a car accident because she was distracted.

"Hm?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows, slightly taken aback by your sudden interruption.

"I'm too curious. Just tell me what you've discovered please."

He chuckled while shaking his head, amused by your impatience. "I'm laughing but there's actually nothing funny about what I'm about to tell you."

You curled your lips between your lips, nervous to hear whatever he was about to say. So, you nodded and just waited for him to start talking. You just hoped it was nothing that was going to make you hate your father, but something was elling you that it was too much to ask for.

"So..." he cleared his throat. "Me and my colleagues have been doing research after that day I saw your dad. It was so shocking for all of them to find out he was living right under our noses that they almost couldn't believe it. Anyway, there's something I need to tell you before anything else."

"Geez, you're making me so nervous" you unconsciously started tapping your foot on the floor out of nervousness.

"First of all, we discovered that he's using a spell that hides his real identity to human beings. I think the day I went to your house he didn't have time to put the spell on himself, or maybe he thought it wasn't necessary. I don't know to be honest."

"Yeah... I remember I kind of ran and opened the door to you before he could even realise it."

Jungkook nodded. "But the thing I wanted to tell you the most is that his real name isn't even Nam Inho, but Shin Seungbin."

"What?" You frowned. That sounded so damn stupid, but it made sense at the same time. Of course, if he changed his appearance every time he left the house, it was obvious he had to think of a different name as well. "So... My real surname isn't Nam?" That seemed like a scene out of a drama, and you just couldn't wrap your head around it.

Jungkook shook his head. "It's not. We have a supernatural being who helps us with stuff like this, with supernatural beings who are hard to catch. He's the one who helped us figure out that your father uses a spell on everyone, a spell that doesn't reach your eyes though. He still has all the basic features you'd be able to describe and that doesn't make him too different from what we see."


"What I meant is... he still has black hair, dark eyes, his eyes and lips shape is almost the same, as well as his body shape. It's basically the same person but with different bone structure, if it even makes sense."

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