Lots of beeping

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I wake to the sound of beeping. I groan turning my head as the bright light invades my eyes. "Welcome back Holly" my eyes snap to a red haired man. "You gave us quiet the scare" my eyes don't leave him. I watch his every move. "I'm dr Halstead one of the doctors who worked on you" he stated I just watch how he walked to look at the chart "you came in in very bad shape" he begins "you were rushed to surgery had many blood transfusions" I slowly nod taking the information in "you have four broken ribs, had a collapsed lung but we fixed that up and you have stitches everywhere think is like a total of 102 stitches" "thank you" it was more than just a thank you. I could tell he knew it to. I should be dead, I knew this but they didn't give up. "Aurora" he looks confused "my daughter Aurora Silver" "she's your daughter" his eyes widen in realisation "she adorable chatty" I smile a bit confused how he knew "my brother Jay works with Erin his had her a couple times when Erin or Sylvie were busy" I smile "I will give them a call tell them to bring the special guest down" I nod smiling. There was nothing more I want to do that see her.

"Mummy" the three year old runs into the room climbing on the chair to get to me. I just hold her in my arms ignoring the pain that rippled my body. I had missed her with every fibre. I look at the man who's awkwardly by the door. "Erin was interrogating a suspect" "your Jay" he looks confused I would be to if a random lady knew my name "your brother Dr Halstead mentioned that you watch my daughter" "I hope it's ok" "it's fine thank you for keeping her safe" he nods walking in cautiously "I miss oo mummy" "I missed you my sunflower" she smiles "Aunty Erin helped me meet all her friends" "did you like them" I glance at Jay "Yep" she pops the p "Adam is really funny" I smile "and Jay is cool" I don't think she realised he was there "is he" "Yep he took me to get food lots of times it's yummy food. His also fun" she smiles "I met him he seems fun kiddo" her eyes widen in delight Jays laughter catches her by surprise "your here" she yells to him gleefully "did your friends save mumma" "his and aunt Erins" I answer for him "and aunt Sylvie got me here to make me better I was hurt before but Jays brother fixed me" her eyes widen "he did" I nod "thats so cool" she gasp I don't think she really understood the concept of doctors she never been to one. I tried to teach her stuff but that does always work. "Is he a superhero" she asks causing Jay to laugh "his a doctor sweet they fix people remember" she rubs her forehead trying to remember before she nods "is Jay a superhero" she whispers trying to be quiet but she is quiet loud "his really fast and cool only a superhero is that fast and cool" she uses her hand to explain "I don't know kiddo" I shrug she glances at him trying to calculate what to do. Jay smiles at her causing gasping "what's going on" Will enters asking, Aurora looks at him both confused and bewildered "Rorie meet Dr Halstead" I introduce she gasps "the superhero" she whispers trying to be quiet but really isn't. Will looks very confused she looks between the two "wow" she said looking between the two "she doesn't understand the concept of doctors never seen one before I tried to explain it but we had nothing and it was a difficult concept for a three year old to understand" he nods "she thinks your both superhero's Jay and his friends saved me and you fixed me" they smile at the three year old who's smiling at them excitedly "can I be a superhero to" "oh I don't know" Jay said jokingly causing her to pout "you can teach me we can practice on Adam" Jay laugh "ok ok but we have to be sneaky" "I'm super sneaky" she snaps making us all laugh "I just come to check on your mum" she nods moving out of the way jumping on Jay who catches her. I have to remember to teach her the concept of strangers. It's going to be hard considering a stranger saved her and strangers saved me. Will changes the IV before using his stethoscope. "What's that thing" she loudly whispers to Jay "it looks like an alien" I smile at her "it's called a stethoscope" Will tells her "it helps me listen to your mummy's breathing and heart" she smiles "wow" she turns to Jay "told you he was a superhero" he laughs at the girl in his arms "only superhero's can hear inside" she adds pointing to her body making me smile. hey at least she will trust them if she needs help superhero's are trustworthy right. "Why is it beeping it's loud make it stop" "it's measuring your mummies heart" Will answers as Jay takes her over to the screen "that wiggly line there" he points to the line with his finger "that's your mum's heart...this number is how many times it goes up in one minute. This is her breathing if it gets to low Will here gets worried and this is blood pressure if that gets to low or high it makes Will worried as well" Jay points it all out slowly for her as Will works on me "does he worry a lot" she whispers loudly "only when he has his doctor clothes on" "or when it Jay here is being silly when his working" "Erin told me you can't be silly cause that makes it dangerous" the three year old adds nodding to herself. "Jay doesn't always listen" Will adds causing Aurora to frown "Hank told me Adam doesn't listen to him put me in charge" we glance over at the girl "Trudy also made me the same as her we had fun tell the people what to do" she shrugs I can only imagine how demanding she is. She probably love it. "Hank also let me put things on the board" she said innocently "Adam lifted me I think he mad I got to put them on but Hank said he would put him on" she rubs her chin "control" she tilts her head "patrol" Jay asked causing her to shrug "he didn't like it" we just laugh clearly she had won them all over. It's not hard to.

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