First Day

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I walk up the steps holding Aurora on my hip placing her on the floor she races over to Jay who immediately picks her up. I had spent the morning with Trudy her helping me with all the paperwork and how to use the computers. Erin helped sign me up for school last night.  "Heard your working here now" Adam said making me nod I smile at everyone "yeah now you don't have to answer the phones" "oh thank god I hated talking to people" Jay said quiet dramatically "yeah because you suck at it" "he sucks at it I have been trapped in a basement for the past nine years but for some reason you lot trust me" I shrug getting a few laughs in response. I had started to use humour as a coping mechanism for what I went through, at first it made everyone uncomfortable but I think there use to it now. Erin wants me to see Dr Charles a friend of hers but I not ready to talk about it, I barely want to think about it. I sit down at my now new desk putting a photo of Aurora, Erin had printed for me. "If she starts to bother you just put her down or let me know" I tell them mainly aiming it at jay. Sure I had Hank and Trudy tell me it's fine for her to be here but that doesn't mean I want her to get in the way or impact their work in anyway. I pull out two big notebooks, one for my school work the other for notes on the case. I start to work on my school work listening writing the type of car and colour down in the other book before going back to my English. During this time they had to go because they had another scene. Aurora was on my lap when the phone rang. "Intelligence Holly speaking" I move my school work over moving my work book closer to take notes. "So you saw the shooting" I tap my pen on the book. "I'm just going to repeat what you said to make sure I got everything right for the cops" "from the beginning you saw two men running" I write that down putting Aurora on the floor to run around or play with her toys. "do you remember anything significant about like colour of skin...white ok did you see anything like hair...they were wearing beanies of course why about did you see eye looked light and one dark...what about what they were wearing...all black...only they tossed something did they" I put many exclamation points after that glancing Aurora who's flying a toy plane around the bullpen "could I get your name and contact information a detective might want to contact you for further question and also to find the exact place they tossed whatever they tossed...Martha Duval your eighty six and with across the road in the White House" I wrote her address down "were you with anyone or know anyone else who saw this the more information the better they also might have seen something else while you turned or looked away. Your daughter I do have a daughter oh yeah I know exactly what you mean" I glance at Aurora who is now pretending to be a rabbit "she's three....I have been told that many times Im just enjoying her cuddles as much as I can...back to your daughter does she live with you" I write down all the information "thank you for your call I will be sure someone comes and speaks to you in person" I say kindly hanging up. I turn the page looking up the type of the car and colour in America a black suv is quiet common car, I then narrow it down to just in Chicago writhing the numbers down. I start to search through the dmv files going through white men who own this type of car writing their names down. I'm bored clearly. I start going through the ones who had criminal records putting a purple dash next to their name, I put a black astrix next to their name if they have gang officiation. I also cross reference their names with the victims names, kinda wish I had the new victims names adding a pink star next to their name. I stand up picking Aurora getting tired I allow her to snuggle into me. I walk over picking up the book putting it on jays desk putting a sticky note saying I got bored on it before walking into a viewing room. I close the door sitting on the floor. I adjust Aurora so I can comfortably breastfeed her. I sit there looking through my phone. I have read that she should be eating and doing all these things. Jay even asked Will to check her out, he made me relax. Told me that given that she's never know the outside world she's perfectly healthy but to monitor it. He along with Erin and the others have been helping me introduce foods to her. She only ever occasionally had food she mainly just had breastmilk because that wasn't something he had to get.

I scroll through my phone in my own world looking up random things just learning. I was reading an article about identity what it was and what it meant when I felt her fall asleep. I stand up making sure she's still laying down and comfortable, she was passed out. I put my phone in my pocket holding her tight. I open the door stepping out into the bright hallway. Walking down the hallway I hear talking. They immediately quieter seeing a sleeping Aurora "oh don't worry she can sleep through anything be as loud as you want she use to sleep through him doing god knows what to me" I shrug they stay silent "you do all this" Jay holds up my book I nod "yeah sorry for stealing your jobs but was bored and after Matha called I got curious" "clearly you did like half the work" I smile rocking Aurora "what to the stars and that mean" Erin asks looking over jays shoulder "the names are everyone with that type of car" they nod "we got that far" Adam said rolling his eyes causing me to glare "you could have messaged me" I snap back "in the purple dashes are criminal records, the astrix is if they have gang affliction and the star are the ones connected to the first victim don't know if I'm meant to search that but again I was curious and bored so sorry" I smile sheepishly shrugging "oh also Martha saw it lives across the road from the first one" I walk over flipping back to the first page pointing to her name "she was with her daughter and a bunch of other people I wrote some of them down I point to the list...I wrote what she said" I point to the previous page where I write the description "she said they threw something I told her to expect someone to come by to find out exactly where he nice she's eighty six and lovely had a whole conversation about our daughters apparently the daughter she was with is quiet uptight and rude she's a lawyer mum seems to think she's important but I couldn't find her when I googled her has a real mean husband she thinks there only there for the money" I say "you got all that from one phone call" Erin said in shock I shrug "she was kind...I also might have a filter issue I'm discovering" I smile innocently causing them to laugh "she is never leaving" Adam said "I have to ring this lady I was told to be careful" he said trying to take Aurora I stare at him, I sigh "fine but you wake the sleeping baby your dealing with her when she's screaming" I smile walking over to the desk "oh why do you have to call" "she saw something" I nod dialling the number "write down if I need to actually ask anything and give my book back jay" I race over taking it running back to the phone just in time someone answered it. "Hello is this Jasmine Potts" I ask kindly "I'm Holly with intelligence I had a note here to call you back because you could have information we need on the current shootings" I smile "no that's totally fine it will only be quick just wanted to know what you saw" I turn to a new page "and you were driving with your son...did you see the direction they were running...The park is that the one with the playground or just that giant grass field...ran into the trees" I say looking at Adam as he is clearly uncomfortable holding Aurora. Al writes on a paper passing it to me "did you or your son how old is he by the way...eight I have been told that's a good age no my daughters three yeah like the Angel and devil at the same time but I love her...did you or your son see any features like their hair or eye should check with him if they looked at each and had a scar now where abouts was this scar...right cheek rather large...something shiny did your son say what this shiny thing could have been like a knife gun...doesn't know could that be a scarf or something just that it's white with red ok by the drain by the lights" I smile writing that down "you have to tell your son that he would be an awesome detective" I laugh "well I'm sure your daughter has big completion how old is she" "five oh she's growing up becoming a big girl" I laugh "yeah my girl loves that as well" I smile "well I will let you go but please calm back if you or your son remember anything...for the moment we have everything but if clues come out we may come and ask...ok bye" I hung up sighing "exchange life stories as well" "I told you I have a problem she has a five year old and eight year old the eight year old saw it I wrote it all down now give me my daughter" I take Aurora making sure she was comfortable "oh that hid my arms were dead" "you could have sat down with her on your chest there's also a pack and play in the hallway" I point to it, it was just around the corner right where the criminals wouldn't pass her only officers. "You tell me that now" I smile shrugging "by the way she was kind" "she was rude when I first spoke to her" Adam defends himself. I sit down laying Aurora on my chest "you can put her in the crib" Adam mocks "she has been with me or on me for three years I'm ok but thanks" I smile I knew I would use it when I was busy but right now I'm not ready. I lean back on my chair resting my feet on the desk getting comfortable. I lean on my legs as I write doing my school work.

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