The Game of Survival

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He had broken me. I didn't fight I knew if I did I would put my Aurora in more danger. I didn't know if he was trying to get her while he wasn't abusing me in every way possible. I was so scared that I would wake up and she would be here. As much as I urned for her love and touch I needed her to be safe away from him. He claim he would never hurt her but how was I to know the truth. He flipped so quickly on me, she's three a demanding three year old at that. How was I to know what he would do to her if she pushed. I was in and out of conscious dreaming about my precious baby. It could hear laugh and her voice "mumma can we get ice cream" "mummy I love you" "when can I see you mummy" "look what I made with Ace" and so on keeping me going. Always making a heart flutter probably would have been smiling to if I had the energy. I needed to keep fighting not him but fighting to stay alive. I couldn't give in to the cold or the pain. I wonder if the are getting Aurora into a routine.

I could hear movement downstairs. I didn't have the energy to move or look up. If it was him he would force me to move and look at him anyway.
Light shone into the room making me curl further into a ball. Light always came before the pain. A hand touched my back making me flinch. For a moment it felt soft not callous and strong. I figured one of the girls had broken out of their room, not a good move. "Hey it's Erin" she whispered as something soft is placed over me. "Let's get you out of here" she helps me sit up, I must be a dead weight to her unable to keep my body up. "Vie" "Aurora is perfect...hey guys can I get some help" I don't know who lifted me it left like I was floating through the air "Vie" I mumble "she will be at the hospital when you wake up I promise she's safe" I knew the voice I just couldn't place it. "Vie" I mumble again as I fell them move things around sticking others to my body. I couldn't even hear if someone replied about my precious baby or not.

I felt different. Everything was momentarily bright before everything cleared up. I saw I was in a hospital. I start panicking ripping the iv out. My body felt like it was on fire as I sit up going to my move. "Hey hey easy" the person said making me freeze. "I'm doctor Choi" I just stare at him. I was more worried that he would walk in. Did he bring me here. "Let me clean this up" he moves towards mw making me flinch away, he puts his hands up instantly "I'm not going to hurt you" I see a nurse come in she looks vividly familiar, she moves towards me making me jump back. They look at each other "intelligence brought her in maybe...she was held captive maybe" Dr Choi told the nurse "she was in here before maybe in her files" the nurse said. "Hey hey Holly it's me Will remember" the red head said rushing in "jays brother I hung out with Aurora quiet a bit" Rora" I said quietly I watch him move towards me "yeah she's really good last time I saw her she was having Jay buy her apples" I smile or at least I think I smile. "They are her favourite" I said it was the first thing besides Rora that I had said. "Dr Choi is going to fix your arm up while he does that we are going to talk about Aurora" I take a deep breath "Rora" I mumble "she's been a real character Jay told me that she has been a nightmare wanting you but truth be told I think his being a bit dramatic she's been an absolute gem" I watch him carefully I can feel my arm being treated but I don't focus on it. Will pulls his phone out typing away "we have a group chat now before it was more me and Jay now it's basically everyone mainly from the firehouse and district because that's who she's just filled with random ideas to distract her along with photos" he passes it to me

it's just filled with random ideas to distract her along with photos" he passes it to me

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"She said you taught how to ride" "we had one I would hold her hands swinging her around" I pass him his phone back " can you get her here I need my Rora" he nods typing away before the lady outside called him

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"She said you taught how to ride" "we had one I would hold her hands swinging her around" I pass him his phone back " can you get her here I need my Rora" he nods typing away before the lady outside called him. I probably look startled at the thought of him leaving. I could feel my panic rising. "Hey they are my friends they won't hurt you promise and it won't be long Aurora is already on her remember nurse sexton from last time" he said making me nod after I nod he rushes away. "So your the famous Auroras mother some of us were starting to wonder you were a mystery ...She's visited Will a few times" nurse sexton said making me somewhat relax "i think she has nicknames for everyone I heard her call Will ginger cat...according to her his sweet and kind like cats and his hair is ginger and fluffy like a cat" Dr Choi said making me smile "heard her call Adam a glitter monster...apparently they are always doing craft" nurse sexton added I had figured out what they were doing but I didn't care. I was completely happy hearing all the stories of my baby "she did call Jay nice man for a while followed by Mr drama with a pop of her hip I know she changed it but I don't know what it is now" Dr Choi said looking over at nurse sexton "I don't know she calls Erin the brave or EL" "heard from Will that apparently she called Voight hard boiled Hank he said he almost died" "Erin told me the other day that nickname is sticking she's not letting it go" "Erin isn't letting her forget it plus she's stubborn" they smile I don't know if it's the fact that I spoke or the fact they agree.

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