Just one night

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I was at a bar. A freaking bar. I didn't even know what I was doing here. Aurora was it Sylvie who didn't feel like going out tonight, so her and someone named Cruz are spoiling my daughter. Erin basically dressed me up and dragged me here. It was so crowded, I don't remember being in a place this crowded ever. I had stuck by Erin like glue. I also had downed a beer rather quickly. Erin happily got me another before introducing me to every person in the bar. Every single person, how did she even know that man people.

I find an empty table in the corner. I dash over sitting down. I start to fidget with the napkin that was on the table just watching everyone, lost in my own work. "Are you ok" I jump I don't mean to it's a reaction I can't help. I smile when I notice the red hair beside me "Will right" he nods sitting before me "sorry Erin had to introduce me to everyone I barely remember anyone's names" he smiles "are you ok" I sigh "I have never been in a room with this many people and I can't help but wonder how many know" "a normal response" he shrugs "you want to know the truth" I nod "most probably know not every detail that's only for me the nurses and doctors that worked on you and intelligence but most people probably know" I nod looking down "they are good people though they won't say anything that will make you uncomfortable" I give him a deadpanned look "that's not hard people saying hello can make me uncomfortable these days" he gives me a weak smile "your two friends ones a cop and the other is a fire paramedic they all some unwillingly fell in love with that little girl I imagine Erin and Sylvie told some version" I nod moving my hands to fiddle with my drink. Jay walks over to us smiling holding his beer. "What's going on here" "just talking" Will waves him off smiling at me causing me to smile in return "thank you for being honest people seem to think I will break if I know the truth" he nods "you survived ten years your the strongest person I know" am I. I barely sleep, I'm always tired. But I put it aside for Aurora. Jay sits at our table making me momentarily tense "how you been" Will asks him causing Jay to nod my eyes move around the room. I ignore Will and Jays conversation just watching the world around me.

"You ok" I jump at the sudden voice "what" I look around "where will" "he left like an hour ago are you ok" I nod "yeah yeah sorry I just" I jump up "I'm sorry I have to go" I dash out of the door feeling the cold air touch my skin and fill my lungs. I lean against the wall looking down. "Holly" I jump to see he had followed me out "you ok" he was clearly worried "just needed some air thanks" I smile at him. I suddenly leans forward capturing his lips. I don't know what came over me. I just didn't think. We pull apart both gasping for air. "That was...wow I was been wanting to do that forever" I laugh to his words. He delicately places his hand in mine. I don't move just feel his hand in mine. He slowly leads me over to his truck opening the door. "I can just drop you at Erins if you want" he was so kind I shrug "I don't mind we can go back to yours if you want Sylvie has Rorie for tonight so I have nowhere to be" he nods just driving. Nothing looked familiar.
We pull up in front of what I can only assume is his home. I slowly get out of the truck just standing beside it, I didn't know where to go.

The moment we enter his apartment our lips are connected again. It was a passionate perfect kiss. How I wish all my kisses were. He lifts me onto the counter not breaking the kiss as it gets more headed. I feel his hands start to roam my body. That's when I snap back to reality. I jump back like his touch burns, almost falling off the counter. Jay stares at me bewildered and confused. Tears build up in my eyes. "I'm sorry" I shake my head "I thought I could I wanted to but I guess a few weeks isn't going to erase a life time to people being forceful" I jump off the counter as a few stolen tears drip down my face fixing my clothes "I didn't mean to lead you on or anything I really truely did want this" I try so hard to fix what I broke "I loved kissing you. It was a perfect kiss" he smirks at me "I'm sorry" he sighs putting his hands on my shoulders "you don't have to be sorry. We don't have to do anything we can just kiss" I stare at him bewildered "I thought if you went to someone's house you had to have sex...I thought you were going to be mad" "hey you don't have to never we can just sit on the couch watch tv talk make out if you want" he smirked when saying make out "I would never be mad at you for saying no" I nod slowly looking at his hand as he puts it out to me "shall we go sit on the couch" I slowly and nervously nod "I'm going to teach you that it's ok to do what you want and that is ok to love someone other than Aurora" I smile at his words he seemed so confident in himself. I wish I was that confident.

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