Act 2: Learning New Things and An unexpected situation

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A Month Later 

After Olga Marie summoned Helena she continued to practice her magecraft with Helena's support by giving her needs

But that's all that she could do only practice magecraft because her father said so and can't go outside due to rogue mages that hated her father might used her until

Helena: Let's go out

Marie: We can't Father forbid me to because of his enemies in the Clock Tower

Helena: So there other mages like you?

Marie: Yep 

and then Marie explained the origin of the Clock Tower, Magecraft, and what is there Families status there

Helena: I see

Marie: Since were at the top and the most respected and powerful many mages wanted to get at the top for power and greed

Helena: But still a child like you must experience the outside world

Marie: H-Hey! I'm not a child!!!

Helena: If your not then why your pouting?

Marie: Hmph!

Helena: My My I didn't expect to see my master like this

Marie: S-Shut up Lena

Helena: Eh?

Marie: Why it's better than Helena since your name is the same as Helena Blavatsky to avoid confusion

Helena: Alright Lena then so can we go out

Marie: Fine but how?

Helena: Get dressed first then we'll leave

and then Marie heads to her wardrobe to find something to wear and then after a few minutes she came out 

and then Marie heads to her wardrobe to find something to wear and then after a few minutes she came out 

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Marie: H-How do I look?

Helena: You look splendid master it suits you very well

Marie: Thanks

Helena Now we leave

Marie: How?-

Helena: Overwrite

and then within a blink of an eye there outside the house and in a street

Marie: What the-

Helena: Overwrite, an ability to help me achieve my goal by overwriting time and space itself to fulfill my wish

Marie: I see then where are we 

Helena: Were 50 meters away from your house and our escape didn't warn your father since I overwrite your families boundary field

Marie: What an Interesting ability 

Helena: It really is so shall we continue 

Marie: Yes!

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now