Season 2 Act 10: A shocking surprise(Epilogue)

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At the Infirmary

Helena: H-hey I'm already fine Marie, there is no more fire in my hair 

We could see Marie checking Helena's condition after the small incident in the theater as Helena's hair was in fire after the machine malfunctioned, luckily Marie and the others managed to put it out with Da Vinci quickly leaving with the machine to avoid being scolded by Marie

Marie: You might be alright but what if you get sick after that incident you get a headache, oh I'm going to scold Da Vinci for-

and then Helena suddenly pulled Marie in a hug to stop her from speaking leaving her a blushing mess as Helena cuddled her

Helena: You could scold her later but could you please stop worrying me and calm down, for my sake

Marie: I-I fine but can we stay like this for a little longer

Helena: Of course, your my Girlfriend after all

and then Helena and Marie stayed like that until they both fell asleep as it was already nighttime 

The Next Day

We could see Marie waking up and saw Helena wasn't at the bed anymore and there was a note on the bed where Helena was 

As Marie picked up the note she reads it saying:

"Sorry to leave you sleeping peacefully your to cute to wake up so I let you rest, I just help Ms. Gudako on a one of her missions. I'll return to you once I helped her and I've already talked to Ms. Da Vinci, so please don't scold her okay"

Your Love, Helena ;)

As Marie finished reading the note she headed outside of the infirmary and headed to her office to start her work while she is pondering on what The Watcher gave her before Helena left the Watcher Force

As she opened her office she saw stacks and stacks of papers piled on her desk and from there she started to check them 

Marie: This is going to take a while

Hours later


We could see Dr. Romani carrying the stack of papers that Marie had just finish checking with Marie drinking some hot tea as she managed to finish the paperwork given to her, The Chaldea Security Organization after all is the only agency that could only prevent humanity from being extinct after all

As she heads outside her office she heads to the cafeteria's kitchen and decided to make Mapo Tofu for her and Helena 

As Marie finished making the Mapo Tofu with help from some of the kitchen staff's, she placed the Mapo Tofu she made for Helena in a Table with a note saying: "For Helena" and covers it with a small plate to prevent to Mapo Tofu from being hot, As she done this she started eating as she haven't eaten lunch yet

As she finished eating she saw Helena entering the Cafeteria

Helena: Oh Marie, you done eating?

Marie: Yep I made some for you there *points the Mapo Tofu served for her* you must be hungry so eat it

Helena: Very well then

and then Helena started to Eat the Mapo Tofu that Marie made

Helena: Did you cooked this?

Marie: Yep some of the Kitchen staff helped me to make that

Helena: It's delicious, thank you

Marie: You're welcome

as Marie watched how Helena eating she realized something and spoke

Marie: Hey Helena

Helena: Yes?

Marie: What did the Watcher gave you before you left them?

Helena: Oh About that

as Helena finished eating her food she stands up and whispered something at Marie's ear 

Helena: Come back here at 9PM and I'll show you later, I promise your going to love it but for now you must get back to your office I heard you had a meeting with the UN and The Mage association about the full report of your progress here

Marie: V-Very well then

and then the two parted ways


As Marie entered the Cafeteria once again as she is finish with the meeting, she saw the tables and chairs of the Cafeteria were set aside with Helena standing on the center with White candle surrounding her and was holding a small blue box

Wait a minute 

Helena: Olga Marie Animusphere, You made the most happiest person in the world so *kneels down in one knee and opens the small box revealing a diamond ring* Will you marry me?

as Marie heard this tears come out from her eyes as she spoke "YES" many times as she headed to Helena to hug her with Helena hugging her back

Marie: YES, YES, YES!, I'll marry you Helena

Helena: Then I promise that I'll help you at times your in trouble and I'll do my best to keep you happy

and then Helena puts the ring at Marie's ring finger and then the two shared a passionate kiss

and they lived happily ever after

The End

Thank you so much for reading this story until the end, With this story done I'll start making Z2's prologue chapter see you there!

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