Act 7: The Truth

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At the Rayshifting Room 

Da Vinci, Dr. Romani, and Marie: WHAT!?!?!?!

Marie: I-I-I was Helena's girlfriend?!

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter): Yep but could I ask you Marie do you have an necklace that has an sapphire heart?

Marie: Y-Yeah I had that necklace it was given to me 

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter):... I see then so let me tell you all an story how Helena fell in love with Marie

and then the group went silent with Marie curious on how her counterpart in Helena's universe fell in love with Helena

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter): It was 14 years ago when Helena and our team received an new recruit she Introduce herself to Helena and then we welcomed her wholeheartedly including Helena who smiled at her brightly

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter): And that's where Marie fall in love with Helena everytime Helena is with Marie, she always blushes unexpectedly even when Helena is helping her, Damn Me and Ana were watching Helena getting confused at Marie's behavior and we kept laughing afar 

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter): And then one day Helena confess her feeling for Marie which she does the same and then announce there relationship to the police department which all of us accepted Both of them always goes to the music bar where they both sing to entertain the people there

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter): Until one day Helena had to go to an party or else she will lose her job

Marie: Because Azur Lane found her

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter):  Correct but at that time Helena stopped being the Ripper because of Marie but The Commander of Azur Lane broke up with her Older sister St. Louis and then she became the new ripper killing love couples and Helena almost got Arrested luckily she was not arrested with our help and then we find clues to Arrest St. Louis but when we already found out the truth St. Louis made her move causing Helena to make her move to stop St. Louis from killing 

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter): And when we came there to help Helena, Helena's stomach was punched by St. Louis making an big hole on it while Helena killed her sister with the Knife by Jack The Ripper

Dr. Romani: Wait Jack the Ripper?!

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter): Yeah he proclaims that he is the Real one and explained how Helena her powers from him 

Dr. Romani: I see

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter):  Marie hold Helena as she is dying until Jack The Ripper appeared and offered Marie and deal

Marie: W-What deal 

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter): Marie will be reincarnated into an different universe while Helena will join an group called The Watcher Force  to find Marie and they were both given an necklace with an sapphire heart so Helena could confirm that it was her Marie

Marie: It means I'm?!

Kadoc in Helena's universe(in the transmitter): Correct your our Marie's reincarnation

and then Marie was about to say something until memories of her and Helena comes back to her mind making her fall into the ground unconscious

To be continued 

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now