Act 8: Ending the singularity and Helena's Return

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Hour later we could see Marie waking up and then starts to cry

She remembers everything now, Her time with Helena, those moments were she made her smile, the singing battle's, and the deal she accepted from The True Jack The Ripper to see her again and now she lost Helena again

and her tears ran out she exits her room and heads to the Command room

As she heads there she saw Dr. Romani and Da Vinci talking and then Dr. Romani saw her and spoke

Dr. Romani: Director you're awake are you already okay?!?!

Marie: Yeah I'm okay with that aside what happens after I fall Unconscious?

Da Vinci: After you fell Unconscious Gudako panicked until one of her servants came inside Kadoc and Ana's house and tells them that the Anomaly is in an tree with 2 graveyards which shocked Kadoc and asked to assist them since he knows the place and they left and now were waiting for them to respond

At Gudako's situation

We could see Mash Protecting Gudako as the Anomaly with blue hair and weird tentacles on her back attacks them and then Kadoc shots the anomaly with his shotgun

Kadoc: Go back to hell St. Louis your sister is already dead because of you what else to you want to take away?!?!

According to Kadoc St. Louis is Helena's Older sister, the reason why Marie in this world accepts The True Jack the Rippers deal and so Gudako can't stop to get angry at this anomaly 

and currently after Kadoc shots his shotgun Artoria(saber) and Cu Chulainn(Lancer) Distracts the anomaly while Edmond stuns her making her dizzy for a minute

Gudako: Lancer now

Cu Chulainn: GAE BOLG!!!

and then Cu Chulainn spear pierced the anomalies heart killing her and leaving an mysterious knife in the ground

and then Cu Chulainn spear pierced the anomalies heart killing her and leaving an mysterious knife in the ground

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and then Kadoc picks it up and gives it to Gudako

Kadoc: Take it and bring it to Marie for me okay?

Gudako: Sure Kadoc may your family be safe

Kadoc: Thank you and by the way *gives an mysterious device to Gudako* give this to Marie tell her it's an surprise for her

Gudako: Got it 

and then after a few minute's they Gudako and her servants disappears and then Kadoc looks at the two graves and smiled and heads home to his family

At the Rayshifting room 

We could see that Gudako, Mash and the other servants returned and Marie, Dr. Romani and Da Vinci waiting for them

Marie: Welcome back, I'm glad you're okay

Gudako: Thank you director and by the way Kadoc say this is for you *shows the knife*

Marie: T-This is thank you thank you so much

Mash: You who owns this knife director

Marie: Yeah it's Helena's knife-

and then Marie's Necklace glowed along with the knife and then everything went white for awhile and after that Marie saw the knife gone and her command seals returning as she saw this she heard an familiar voice 

"Long time no see Master"

and then she turns around and saw Helena and then tears run at Marie's eyes and then runs and hugs Helena tightly 

Marie: I-I thought I lost you

Helena: Eh?! Don't worry Master as long as you have that necklace I won't disappear-

and then Marie unexpectedly kissed Helena which shocked everyone in the room 

after that kiss, Helena blushed madly and then spoke

Helena: W-W-What did you-

Marie: You idiot why didn't you made me remember everything we spent time with each other?!

Helena: Because of your status in the Clock-

Marie: I don't care! Idiot Idiot!

Helena: Marie... I just don't want to burden you even further

Marie: No Helena you done nothing wrong okay I decided to accept the deal because I want to see you again so please don't think that you are a burden to me okay?

Helena: ... Alright then Marie

Dr. Romani: ERHEM

As Dr. Romani done this Marie just remembered where are they and blushed madly while Helena chuckled 

Helena: It's good to see you alive Dr. Romani or should I call you Solomon

Gudako: You knew?!

Helena: Heh of course my ability is in effect in this world and now it's been deactivated since I'm back

Dr. Romani: I see 

Gudako: Oh Director by the way Mr. Kadoc gave me this *gives the device to Marie*

As Marie grabs the device it transforms into an brown box, and as Helena and Marie take an look at it they blushed and closed the box 

Mash: Director what's inside?

Marie: Oh It's nothing Mash none of your concern Helena could help bring this box to my room

Helena: Sure

and then they head to Marie's room but unknown to them Helena and Marie muttered something

"Kadoc, Ana why?"

what was inside the box was all of Marie's pillow plushies that Helena got from the carnival and Helena's old photos and because there so embarrassed they immediately closed it and put it inside Marie's room so no one could discover it

To be continued

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now