Season 2 Act 5: Helena's Memories Part 5

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Helena: What is the mission that you have for me Mr. Watcher?

The Watcher: I'll have send you into a universe where The Russian Revolution is happening

Helena: Why?

The Watcher: A object that wasn't supposed to be there existed and was in The Romanov's possession, So I'll have to send you to that timeline to retrieve it and kill the Unknown trying to get that artifact

Helena: When will you send me to do that mission?

The Watcher: Anytime

Helena: Sign me in I'll do it now

The Watcher: Very Well

and so Helena was suddenly teleported in to a snowy landscape and from, there she walked at the cold Forests until she found the House of the Romanov's during the Russian Revolution

As she saw the house she slowly climbs at the second floor of the house and enters one of the rooms windows

As she enters she secretly opens the door out of that room and looks at the area and saw no one was there meaning that the Guards guarding the Romanov's are going to kill the Family and so she head to the Basement and made sure to walk silently as she might get detected 

As she slowly walks to the basement she heard gunshots until she heard on of the soldiers saying 

"Вместе с артефактом пропал один из членов семьи!"(One of the family members are missing along with the artifact!)

Helena: Shit have to find that one that has the artifact before them, Ripper Mode!

and then Helena's appearance changed into this:

As this happens with her inhuman speed she killed all of the guards in the area, The Guards fight back thou but Helena is to fast, all of them got killed before they pulled the trigger

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As this happens with her inhuman speed she killed all of the guards in the area, The Guards fight back thou but Helena is to fast, all of them got killed before they pulled the trigger

With all of the guards dead, Helena started to find the remaining member of The Romanov's, and after a few minutes she found the last Romanov in the attic, but when she saw her face, she was shocked

She looked like her old friend Ana


Anastasia: Another version of me in another universe?

Kadoc: Seems so 

Romani: I agree

as they saw Anastasia's face on the screen they talked if there is a possibility that there many versions of them in different universes, bit Nevertheless they continued watching on what Helena is doing on her mission


As Helena saw her she spoke in Russian

Helena: У тебя все нормально?( Are you okay?)

and then the Ana look alike nods

Helena: Вы можете сказать мне свое имя?(Can you tell me your name?)

Anastasia: A-Анастасия Николаевна Романова(A-Anastasiya Nikolaevna Romanova)

Helena: Я вижу, я вытащу тебя из нее, так что прыгай мне на спину, чтобы мы могли выбраться отсюда быстрее, хорошо?(I see I'll get you out of her so hop on my back so we could get out of here faster okay?)

And then Anastasia nodded and hops on Helena's back and from there Helena told her to close her eyes as Helena detected that guards are entering the house

After a few minutes of crouching she managed to get to the room where she entered and escaped the house with Anastasia on her back holding her tight

To be continued

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now