Season 2 Act 7: Helena's Memories Part 7

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The Amulet of The Frozen Ghosts, an artifact containing the souls of those who were heartless and cold to other people during there time when they are alive until they died around the multiverse

When Used The User could summon them to protect the user, attack the enemies by touching them, freezing them to death in the process but the most special about the amulet is that the user could summon an entire army of souls since the souls inside the amulet has almost a infinite souls inside, which will be a huge problem if the Unknown somehow managed to claim this item

As Helena woke up from falling asleep she saw Konstantin and Anastasia cooking rabbit stew as Konstantin manages to catch 2-3 rabbits in the forests and killed them by using his rifle to shoot them

While they are making stew Helena saw the two smiling making her glad that Anastasia is now okay

and as Helena stands up Konstantin turns around and greets her with Anastasia doing the same and then they all eat breakfast

After a few minute's Konstantin insists of cleaning the dishes as they are all done on eating the stew

While he is doing this Helena spoke to Anastasia 

Helena: Анастасия(Anastasia)

Anastasia: да госпожа-(Yes Ms.-)

Helena: Хелена, ты можешь называть меня Хеленой(Helena, you can call all me Helena)

Anastasia: Я-я вижу, что вам нужно, мисс Хелена?(I-I see what do you need Ms. Helena?)

Helena: Ты можешь дать мне амулет?(Can you give me the amulet?)

Anastasia: *Eyes widen* М-Могу я спросить, почему?(M-May I ask why?)

Helena: Я знаю, что у ваших родителей есть этот амулет, но именно поэтому я хочу, чтобы вы отдали его мне, чтобы вы могли сбежать с Константином отсюда, пока я заманиваю того, кто хотел этот амулет, очевидно, амулет может вызвать хаос, если его отдать плохие руки(I know you parents own that amulet but that's why I want you to give it to me, So you could escape with Konstantin out of here while I lure the one's who wanted this amulet, apparently the amulet could cause chaos if it was given to the wrong hands)

Anastasia: я-я вижу *Removes the amulet from her neck*(I-I see)

As Anastasia gave the amulet to Helena, Anastasia spoke

Anastasia: Но, пожалуйста, будь в безопасности и найди нас, когда все закончится.(But please be safe and find us when everything is over)

Helena: Я буду-(I will-)

and then suddenly Konstantin shouted

Konstantin: Все спускайтесь!!!(Everyone get down!!!)

As he said this Helena tackles Anastasia down to the floor as bullets started to enter the house in hopes to shoot something

As the gunfire stops Helena spoke

Helena: Константин, вытащите Анастасию отсюда и отправляйтесь в безопасное место, я с ними разберусь.(Konstantin get Anastasia out of here and head to safety I'll handle them)

Konstantin: Ho-(But-)

Helena: Просто иди!!!(Just Go!!!)

And so Konstantin takes Anastasia to the back door of the cottage and escapes to safety, with this done Helena pulls out her revolver and some black keys and started to go outside the house to engage them

due to her speed she managed to kill the enemies one by one until they are all dead

And as Helena thought it was all over 3 Black keys almost hit her head but she managed to dodge it in time and as she looked who is the one who throwed them her eyes widened

To be continued

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now