Act 3: Driving Faster and Explanation

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(Play the song)

As Olga Marie, Helena and Omega were driving away from the 5 cars following them Marie spoke

Marie: What do you mean going faster

Helena: Buckle up master this ride will very bumpy and faster 

Omega: I Agree *Loads ammo at the M4A1* *and then opens the car's window*

and then Marie put her seatbelt and then Helena speeds the car up as the song was playing 

As Helena sped up the car the 5 cars done the same but as Helena make an turn Omega puts her head out shooting her gun at the 5 cars because of this 2 of the five cars crashed into each other causing an explosion but the 3 cars shot magical bullets at Omega only for her to dodge them by putting her head back and then they continue to drive faster 

Omega: Looks like Mages are following us

Marie: How they didn't even know we left?!

Helena: Looks like you house is being monitored by familiars by your Fathers enemies in the Clock Tower

and then Helena take an hard left heading to an big street with many cars to escape from the enemies sight but as this happens the 3 cars still followed them 

(Imagine here that Helena's car is hiding from the 3 cars by driving faster)

Helena: Looks like they really want to kill you master, Omega

Omega: Got it 

and then Omega projected 5 smoke bombs and throw it out of the car as she removed the pins causing an big smoke in the area making the cars crash almost crash to each other blocking the enemies way to follow them

Omega: Problem solved-

but then 1 of the three cars managed to pass the smoke and bumps the car damaging it

Helena: That's it *pulls out an Black Key*

Marie: What a minute that's an-

and then Helena opens the Window she throws the black key at the cars tire causing the car to flip and crashed

as this happens Marie was about to spoke until Helena spoke

Helena: I know master I'll explain everything once we get home


Dr. Romani: An Black Key!!!

Marie: Yep

Mash: Impossible only the Executors of the Church have those!

Marie: Same but she proceeded to explain how did she got those


And then they drive to the street close to Marie's House and stopped there

As Helena and Marie get out of the car

Helena: Thanks Omega and sorry for the damage

Omega: Your welcome partner and don't worry I could fix this anyway Bye bye

and she disappeared with the car as black smoke consumed the both of them

and then Helena used her ability to make them return to Marie's room like nothing happened

Marie: So care to explain how did you have those 

Helena: Alright *shows 2 black keys* In my World Executors existed along with the Holy Grail war but an man stole the greater grail during the 3rd Holy Grail war in Fuyuki while I'm not an member of the church an friend of mine uses these and lend me some and eversince then I used them for long range attacks 

Marie: Wow

Helena: Now I'm done explaining you must go to sleep Master you need to train your magecraft tomorrow 

Marie: Okay Goodnight Helena

Helena: Goodnight to Master 

and the Helena turned into her spirit form to guard the house

To Be Continued

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