Season 2 Act 9: Helena's Memories (Final Part)

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As Helena finally killed Rasputin she heads to the woods to Anastasia and Konstantin 

After a few minutes of running and tracking them she managed to find the two of them with Czechoslovak Legion soldiers escorting them

As the Czechoslovak Legion saw Helena they raised there guns at her until Konstantin stopped them and tell them that she is the one that helped him and Anastasia escaped putting the guns down

Konstantin: Те, кто следует за нами, мертвы?(Are the one's following us are dead?)

Helena: Да, включая их лидера(Yes, Including their leader)

Konstantin: Слава Богу, спасибо, что помогаете нам(Thank God, Thank you for helping us)

Helena: С удовольствием, а куда Анастасию возьмете?(With pleasure, but where will you take Anastasia?)

Konstantin: В Великобританию, лучше, если она будет там, так как британская королевская семья примет ее как часть своей семьи.(To Great Britain, It is best if she is there since the British Royal Family will take her as part of there family)

Helena: Я понимаю(I see)

And then Helena goes close to Anastasia and then hugs her  and Anastasia hugging her back

Helena: Берегите малышку и оставайтесь сильными и смелыми, чтобы в будущем все было в порядке?(Keep safe little one and stay strong and brave for the future to come okay?)

Anastasia: Да г-жа Хелена(Yes Ms. Helena)

and then Anastasia joins the Konstantin and the other Czechoslovak Legion soldiers at the ship that was waiting for them and as the ship sails away Helena waves at them with Anastasia waving back

As the Ship completely disappeared Helena got Teleported back into the Void as her mission is done

As she returned to the Void she saw the The Watcher at his desk reading a book and then he closed it as he sensed Helena

Mr. Watcher: Congratulations Ms. Helena you've completed the mission I gave you

Helena: Thank you Mr. Watcher *Pulls out the Amulet of Frozen Ghosts* Here's the object you told me to find

Mr. Watcher: Thank you very much *Grabs the amulet and puts it at his coat*

Helena: May I know what happened to the world where my mission is?

Mr. Watcher: I expected you to say that but nevertheless I'll tell you, The Czechoslovak Legion managed to bring Anastasia to Great Britain and The Royal Family there accepted her.

At the End of the First World War, Vladimir Lenin and other high members that helped him to overthrow the Czar's Family were assassinated including Joseph Stalin putting the Communist Party of the Soviet Union into shambles until Great Britain helped to restore the Czar Monarchy by making Anastasia the Queen of Russia

Of Course There are many People who remained loyal to Lenin in secret tried to assassinate her they all failed as Anastasia was very well trained by the British Army on how to fight and hide from enemies

And then Anastasia appointed Konstantin(As Konstantin stayed at Anastasia to help her) to be the commander of the Russian Army and secretary to improve Russian Military and Navy and Economy 

With the Help of Great Britain and other countries Russia managed to recover and to catch up with other countries

During that time Anastasia married Konstantin and had 3 Children(2 Girls(1 Older Sister and a younger sister), and a boy(Older that the Younger sister))

When WW2 broke out Russia helped the Poland Army to defend Poland from Nazi Germany and because of this Russian Troops managed to enter German soil in 1942 with other eastern countries helping them

With Russia in the Eastern Front, Distracting Nazi Germany, Great Britain  and USA(Who joined the war after The Attack on Pearl Harbor) managed to Free France from Nazi Germany's control with the help of Resistance fighters who gave intel about Nazi Germany's routine in France on 1943

The War Ended in Europe in July 20, 1944 after a Russian Task Force was sent to help German officials and soldiers who wanted to free Germany from Hitler's control by initiating Operation Valkyrie, Where Hitler was successfully assassinated

Meanwhile at the Pacific, Russia helped USA by placing most of it's Navy Warships on Russian-Japanese Border Waters, Distracting The Japanese Navy while Helping China to fight the Japanese Army

With this happening The Navy of USA managed to free countries from Japanese control and from there Japan surrendered after Continuous bombings in Japan and the Russian Army landing on Japanese Soil in 1944 ending The Second World War a year earlier

After WW2 ended the World is at peace with Anastasia dying due to old age along with Konstantin and the Power was passed to her oldest Daughter

Helena: I see

Mr. Watcher: But with that aside I have another great news for you

Helena: What is it?

Mr. Watcher: I managed to find where your beloved is reincarnated

Helena: *Eyes widen* That means-

Mr. Watcher: Yes the mission I gave you is the last mission, so Thank you for Serving the Watcher Force, Ms. Helena

Helena: It's a pleasure to serve you Mr. Watcher

Mr. Watcher: With that said and done I have one final gift to give you-


But Before the servants and personnel could find out what was the last gift that The Watcher Gave to Helena the screen turns black and the machine that was on Helena's head was malfunctioning causing Helena to wake up and remove the machine as fire starts to appear at her hair with Olga and the other quickly putting it out

To be continued

So the next chapter will be the Epilogue of the story due to I'm running out of ideas for this story and I want to make Z2's story that's all

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