Season 2 Act 1: Helena's Memories Part 1

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As the Servants and the personnel continued to watch Helena's Memories as they finally docked into a port


Helena: Here Mr. Watcher take my hand let me help you *lends an hand to Mr. Watcher*

Mr. Watcher: Thank you Helena *grabs Helena's hand as her ship disappears*

and then both of them heads inside the city as the Night is about to come

The City of Wonders was created by the Watcher as an place for people that were stuck in purgatory for so long to repent there sins and give them an new life until Heaven decides what to do with them and an Place for the Watcher Force to stay since they might get bored in the Void  

And as they were walking at the streets of the city Many people are talking with dragons of any kind flying above them with some people amazed

and then both of them walked into a Bar called "The Watcher's Bar" and enters it

As they both enter it They saw an Light Purple with White Haired 18 year old Woman mixing some Beverages and as both of them sits at the counter The Bartender spoke

"Oh Mr. Watcher, Helena! your here"

Mr. Watcher: Hello to you to Javelin, I would like an glass of Whiskey the usual

Helena: Same

Javelin: Okay then give me a sec

and then Javelin picks two glass cups and fills them with Whiskey and served it to them

Javelin: Here You go Mr. Watcher, Ms. Helena

Both: Thank you

and then the both drank there Whiskey and as this happens Helena spoke

Helena: So Mr. Watcher do you have a mission for me

Mr. Watcher: The Mission that I currently have will involve The Northwest Killers

Helena: Can I know?

Mr. Watcher: Sure, The Mission will happen on Universe ######### where A group of The Unknown were gathering by disguising themselves as humans in there and that's one of there strongholds to ensure they'll continue to corrupt universes and to exist

Helena: So the Mission is to kill them all and destroy there base

Mr. Watcher: Correct and the right time to strike is at this event they are hosting *Gives a newspaper to Helena*

and then Helena reads it and it says that they will need a host that could also sing for the event

Mr. Watcher: Naturally I was thinking to recruit for this mission-

Helena: Sign me in!

as she said this he was shock and spoke

Mr. Watcher: Are you sure?

Helena: Yeah it's only hosting and singing right?

Mr. Watcher: Correct but when we enter there we can't immediately escape to the Void

Helena: I see

Mr. Watcher: There will be a car waiting for you 5 after you killed all of them

Helena: I see I'll accept the mission then

Mr. Watcher: Good Luck then Helena

and then Helena left the Watcher alone and head to the location where she will meet the Northwest Killers


Olga Marie: So that was her job before I summoned her

Dr. Romani: It is also interesting to The Unknown

Da Vinci: Yeah I'm excited to know what kind of creatures are they

and so the Servant and the personnel kept watching Helena's memories

To be continued

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now