Season 2 Act 8: Helena's Memories Part 8

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It was Rasputin who was using Kirei Kotomine's body making him a pseudo servant but his eyes are not normal


Cu Chulainn(Lancer): OH HELL NO!!!

Kadoc: Of course its going to be him but how the hell is he alive in that timeline he's supposed to be dead before the 1917 Revolution took place

Dr. Romani: It might be an Unknown

Anastasia: What do you mean?

Dr. Romani: Think about it The Watcher says that the Unknown are Entities that entered different universe and cause chaos to achieve there objective, Rasputin must be possessed by the unknown and was the one that sets up the assassination of your family in that universe to get the amulet

Anastasia: I see

and then they continued to watch Helena's Memories


As Helena manages to get some distance from Rasputin she spoke

Helena: So you are the entity that want's to get the amulet

Rasputin: Yes by possessing this body of course I made sure this body died first before I could possess it so with that said, I'm gonna ask you nicely *pulls out some black keys* give the amulet and I'll make sure your friends won't be in danger

Helena: An old trick huh, I'm not worried about them actually so *also pulls out some Black keys and turns into ripper mode* How about no?

and then the two charged at each other 

As there battle continues we could see Helena and Rasputin throwing some black keys as if they have a infinite amount of them and because on this Many Black keys were scattered on the snowy ground with some of them broken

and then suddenly Rasputin manages to caught Helena off guard making her fall on the ground with one of his Black keys on his hand and pointed it at Helena's neck with runes appearing at the Black Key

Rasputin: I already win Watcher Force member

Helena: I won't be so sure of that if I were you *snaps*

and then all of the Black Key's in the ground started floating and there blades are all pointed to Rasputin

While they are fighting Helena touches all of the blades that were on the ground and chanted a spell and will make them move and attack on her command

and then suddenly runes appeared at Helena's arms and legs preventing her from escaping

Rasputin: I saw you plan while we're fight so sorry to say you'll die from here as I will command them

and then Rasputin stands aside making the blades all pointed to Helena and fire making the blades charge to Helena to stab her

but Rasputin realized one thing about Helena

Rasputin: Shi-

Helena: *Smirked and spoke* Overwrite

and then there positions changed with Rasputin the one getting stabbed instead and Helena watching him getting stabbed

Rasputin: ARCKKKK!!! *Spills a lot of blood*

Helena: Nice try, but you shouldn't underestimate a Watcher Force Member now die slowly for me will you?

and then Rasputin tries to speak but due to the many blades that stabbed his body he can't and after a minute he died


As The Servant's saw Helena's Overwriting ability needless to say they are shocked with Gilgamesh sweatdropping hard as he think that EA won't stop her with Overwrite

Olga Marie: To see Helena using Overwrite is so... Cool

Gudako: Director?!

To be continued

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now