Act 9: Meeting some servants and accepting an duel

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After Helena's return we could see her talking to some of the servant's and was helping Marie in her job as Director of Chaldea and when she is going to eat food from the cafeteria she will also eat Spicy Mapo Tofu which shocked the servant's especially the one's who are at the 5th Holy Grail war and Amakusa explained to the servant's why Helena why she loves eating it and then Marie joins Helena and eats what Helena is also eating and shocked the servant's more further as Amakusa explains there relationship in there past life

and then Amakusa asked for an rematch which Helena accepted as promised and then the servants head to the Training grounds(Correct me if I'm wrong) where they will fight

At the Training Grounds

We could see Helena facing Amakusa in the distance and then Amakusa spoke

Amakusa: I hope I could defeat you this time you know

Helena: Well will see about that *pulls Black Keys and throws them at the air* Set, Steady, Aim

as she done this all of the 6 black keys in the air stopped and all of them aimed at Amakusa which also shocked him

Amakusa: I see you improved my technique on using black keys this will be an problem

and then Amakusa charges at Helena and heads to an different direction as the Black Keys in the air are following his movements

Helena: 2 Fire!

and then 2 of the Black Keys head straight to Amakusa's direction which he deflected them just in time 

and then Helena throwed 12 Black keys in the air and does the same thing and then Helena spoke

Helena: Fire 2 Ice

and then 2 of the Black Keys shined blue and head to Amakusa's direction and then both of them exploded and created an huge iceberg in the training grounds but Amakusa managed to avoid injury until one of the black keys almost hit his arm and deflect it just in time

Amakusa: *thought's* she could also control the Black Keys mentally great *end thoughts*

and then 4 Black keys fired and followed Amakusa trying to hit him like an missile following it's target so it could detonate and tries to hit Helena only to fail the 4 black keys became huge and made an wall to block the strike but Amakusa did this to make the 4 black keys aimed at the other 4 Black keys that protected Helena and it worked they all exploded with that aside Amakusa could focus on hitting Helena

Only for Amakusa to see Helena behind him with 3 black keys on her hands and 3 more floating in the air ready to hit him

Helena: I win

Amakusa: Impressive thank you for having a rematch with me again but may I ask?

Helena: What is it?

Amakusa: Could you teach me to use the Black Keys in more ways?

Helena: Sure if I had time

and then Helena and Amakusa shake hands as there duel ends and servant shocked in awe at the fight

As they head outside Helena and the Other's saw Jack(The True Jack The Ripper) pinning down Merlin

This is what Jack looks like:

As The Servants raised there weapons to stop the Jack, Helena stopped them and introduces Jack to them which Jack greeted them to and then Helena spoke

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As The Servants raised there weapons to stop the Jack, Helena stopped them and introduces Jack to them which Jack greeted them to and then Helena spoke

Helena: Why are you pinning Merlin, Jack?

Jack: Well he sneaks into Marie's room where you told me to keep an look if someone enters and saw the box that no one should see-

Merlin: I must say Ms. Helena your body it your pictures is very-

and then Helena knocked Merlin out before he could embarrassed Helena even further and then head to Marie's room to hide the box with Marie catching up to help her ending the day

To be continued

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now