Season 2 Act 6: Helena's Memories Part 6

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After a minutes of Walking in a forest, Helena manages to find abandoned cottage and from there she enters it and sees that the place is in good condition and started to find a oil lamb, to which she found one and lights it up and then heads to the couch that she saw in the house and placed Anastasia who falls asleep while she looking for a safe place to stay

As she done this she checked outside the house to see if someone followed them

and then suddenly she pulls out her revolver and turns around and points it to a man wearing winter clothing and was wearing a ushanka on his head and was wearing a scarf to cover his face and also pointed a rifle at Helena

Helena: Кто ты?(Who are you?)

and then the man adjusted his scarf to speak, and to Helena's surprise, the mans face is like Kadoc's

Konstantin: Меня зовут Константин, я член Чехословацкого легиона, меня послали сюда, чтобы найти последнего ребенка Романовых после того, как мы обнаружили, что в этом доме убита Семья, включая охрану. (My name is Konstantin, I'm part of the Czechoslovak Legion, I was sent here to find the last child of the Romanov after we discovered that the Family is killed at there house including there guards)


Romani: Now we have alternative version of Kadoc, The Multiverse is really fascinating 

Olga Maria: Agree, But somehow I fell that they'll get into trouble soon


As Helena heard this she lowers her gun with Konstantin doing the same 

Helena: Я был тем, кто убил охранников, когда они собирались найти Последнюю Романову, и убить ее, как и остальных.(I was the one that killed the guards as they were about to find the Last Romanov and kill her too like they did to the rest)

Konstantin: Гвардейцы убили Романовых за что?!(The Guards killed the Romanovs why?!)

Helena: Я не знаю, но охранник сказал что-то об артефакте, которым владели Романовы, еще одна причина, по которой я здесь, чтобы получить этот артефакт и доставить ее в безопасное место.(I don't know but the guard said something about a artifact that The Romanov's possessed, another reason why I'm here to get that artifact and bring her to safety)

Konstantin: Понимаю(I see)

And then the two entered the house with Helena writing some symbols to set up a warning barrier for her to sense incase a intruder would enter the area they were

As Helena entered Konstantin gave her a piece of bread that he is hiding incase he is hungry and then Helena takes to wake up Anastasia to eat the bread instead since The Watcher Force members could eat back at the Watcher's bar after there missions

As Helena wake Anastasia up, Anastasia looks at Konstantin with a afraid expression until Helena calms her down and tells her that he is good guy and will help her escape from getting killed which calms Anastasia down and from there she started to eat the bread that Helena is holding 

While Anastasia is eating, Helena asked Anastasia if her family gave her a artifact that the guards, to which Anastasia pulls out a amulet that has a snowflake and a skull on the center 

and then Helena asked what does the artifact do Anastasia said something that they both don't understand and then 3 ghosts appeared with blue eyes, shocking Konstantin to point his gun, but Helena stops him and tells him that it will reveal there location if he pulls the trigger

And then Helena goes near to one of the monsters and uses her hand to touch them, only for her hand to frozen, causing Helena to active her rewrite ability to remove it's affects, As Helena tells Anastasia to make them disappear, to which the spoke once again in a unknown language to make the ghosts disappear

and from there Helena figured out what that the artifact that Anastasia possessed

The Amulet of The Frozen Ghosts

To be continued

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