Act 6: An Mysterious Singularity

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As Gudako, Mash, Edmond Dantes, Artoria(Saber), and Cu Chulainn(Lancer) head to the singularity Olga Marie Spoke

Marie: So where is the singularity located?

Da Vinci: It's in London but the era is unknown

Dr. Romani: I see let's hope they'll be alright

At Gudako's side

As they Rayshifted successfully to the singularity Gudako contacted Da Vinci

Gudako: Miss Da Vinci I've already arrived at the singularity

"We know currently your in London but the era is unknown look around for Information and be careful"

Gudako: Roger that

and then Gudako tells Edmond to scout the area while The Rest explored the area

But as they Explore the are the saw two familiar faces in the area

Gudako: Anastasia, Kadoc?

It was Kadoc and his Servant Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, The youngest daughter of Nikolay II, the last Tsar of the Russian Empire but both of them are wearing casual clothing with police badges

Ana: Eh, That's not my name my name's Ana this is Husband Kadoc

Kadoc: Sup

Gudako: EH?!

At the Rayshifting room

Da Vinci, Dr. Romani, and Marie: EHH!?!?!?

Marie: M-M-Married?!

Gudako (from the transmitter) : Y-Yep that's what they said and her name here is Ana and both of them are Police in this place and the year here is 20XX

Dr. Romani: The Future 

Gudako (from the transmitter): And now were following them to there house 

Marie: I see ask them if they saw something strange

Gudako (from the transmitter): Okay

At Gudako side

Gudako: So you're both detectives and married

Ana: Yep 

Kadoc: Certainly but why the 4 of you are walking here at the night it's very dangerous?

Gudako: Oh we could handle ourselves thanks for the concern

Ana: But since were almost at our home stay with us for the meantime until the sunrises

Gudako: Okay

and then they head to Kadoc and Ana's house

As they entered the house 2 children, a boy, 14 years old and a girl, 7 years old that also looks like the both of them but the boys hair is black while the girls hair is brown

Kadoc: Hannah, Jack were home!

Both children: Daddy!!!, Mommy!!!

and then Hannah and Jack hugged there parents and then Jack spoke

Jack: Mom who are they?

Ana: Oh there here to stay for the meantime until sunrise it's already dark

Hannah: Can we play with them?

Kadoc: I think they might-

Gudako: We'll play with you Hannah if its okay for you Mr. Kadoc?

Kadoc: Drop the formalities call me Kadoc instead Gudako and yes you could play with Jack and Hannah

and then the Parents left to change while Artoria(Saber), and Cu Chulainn(Lancer) waits for Edmond(Gudako told him there location) outside and Gudako and Mash played with the children

But as they played with the kids Gudako noticed an picture frame and when she looks at it and was shocked and Immediately contacted Da Vinci and Marie

At the Rayshifting room

Gudako (from the transmitter): Uhh Da Vinci is Director there?

Marie: Yes I'm here found anything causing the singularity?

Gudako (from the transmitter): Not yet but you might need to take a look at this

and then Gudako showed an hologram of an picture that shocked everyone in the room especially Marie

It Was an photo with Kadoc, Ana, Helena and herself

Marie: This can't be true

Kadoc (from the transmitter): Marie is that you?

At Gudako's side

Gudako: K-Kadoc *tries to turn of the transmitter*

Kadoc: Is that Marie?

Gudako: You know her?!

Kadoc: Well she was our newest recruit when Helena was alive and was her Girlfriend as well 

Gudako: WHAT?!?!?!

To be continued

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now