Act 4: Helena confronts Marie's Father

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Gudako: Wait a minute An Holy Grail War in your servants universe!

Marie: Yep

Mash: Wait a minute *Looks at some of the servants* isn't after that The Great Holy grail you guys attended?

as she looked at Achilles, Jeanne d' Arc, Astolfo, Atlanta, and the other servant that participated in The Great Holy Grail War and one of them spoke named Semiramis  

Semiramis: Yes but I think I remember Shirou(Amakusa) telling me that he engaged someone into a battle named Helena before the Great Grail war begin I'll find him maybe he could tell you more about your servant

and then she left looking for him

Marie: Now where was I ah The next day


The Next Day 

As Marie woke up she took a bath and dressed up and then tried to find Lena, As she found Lena she saw her talking to his Father

Helena: You should spend time with your daughter

Marisbury: And why should I do that?

Helena: You've already had your wish right, then why won't you spend time with her

Marisbury: There is still work to be done and I don't have time for her

Helena: Than what parent are you?

Marisbury: Excuse me?

Helena: What Parent are you?

Marisbury: I'm an Parent who wants to continue his dream so his daughter will have an good future

Helena: You're wrong

Marisbury: What?

Helena: If you keep doing you're ways your daughter not manage everything you've worked hard for and worse she get killed by some spy so the Clock Tower could own your work

Marisbury: I-

Helena: Think about it Marisbury- No Master's Father what kind of faith will your daughter end up if you don't recognized her as your own child and if that happened I might be too late to prevent it from happening

and then Helena left the room but she didn't saw Marie why? Because recently Marie practiced herself on how to be invisible and she succeeded on being invisible by using everything she learned with the help of Helena

As Helena was no longer visible Marie deactivated her invisibility spell and looked at his father in deep thoughts and then followed Helena


Dr. Romani: That was

Marie: Unexpected yeah 

Dr. Romani: Then what happened after?

Marie: Eversince that talk My Father recognized me little by little until he died and then after he died I became the Director and then I Made Lena my bodyguard and during her time there she liked to talk to the the candidate's mostly Kadoc and then when the time we are going to the Singularity F-



Antarctica, Chaldea Ray shifting room(Correct me here if I'm wrong)

Olga Marie: Okay Let's-

Helena: Olga Master get away from that spot there's a bomb!

but as she spoke Marie saw Lev one the staff that helps her to manage her Fathers Facility pulled and pressed an red button triggering the bomb but then Helena spoke

Helena: Rewrite

and then everything goes black


Marie: That's how we ended up here

Gudako: Rewrite?

Marie: It's one of Helena's noble phantasms but she only tells me that it rewrites the situation that wasn't or was supposed to happen

Dr. Romani: I see so that explains it

Mash: What did you mean

Dr. Romani: Think about it Director why didn't you got sucked into the portal and your servant got sucked instead?

Marie: *Realized something* Don't tell me she-

Dr. Romani: Correct she switched places at your position where the bomb was to protect you she wanted to see your live an happy life but because she forgot to deactivate her ability I'm still here but not in the Throne but as an Person that still has powers, Mash didn't lost her power, while Kadoc's servant survive which means-

Marie: Helena is still Alive but

Dr. Romani: Look at your hand where your command spells are

and then Marie looked at her hand where her command spells should be and felt little energy on it

Marie: I still have them but it's weak-

and then Semiramis returned with Shirou(Amakusa) 

Shirou(Amakusa): So your servant is Ms. Helena 

Marie: You knew

Shirou(Amakusa): Yes Ms. Marie so what do you want to know about her?

To be continued

Helena The Detective/Ripper: We meet Again (An Azur Lane x  F/GO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now