Where's the trust?

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Lakitu: Last time on Total Mario Island. Djhon took over as host and made them do some tough challenges. Moving the bricks up the hills. Doing tough obstacle courses. Then the following day they had to survive the mega sweeper. Diddy Kong won the challenge for the Star Sprites. The truth all folded at the elimination when Toad was voted off. Toadette realised two soon that Crystal completely played both of them causing them to head to splitsville and move on. Resulting in her getting Toadette to vote Toad off. Well the drama between Crystal and Toadette has begun. How will that end up. Find out on Total Mario Island!!! 

(Killer Red Shells)

(Toadette woke up fuming and pissed off)

(Psst) Toadette: There is no way I'm gonna let that two faced bitch win this competition. I will make sure that doesn't happen. I'm more motivated than EVER now to take this title from this bitch)

(Toadette enters the cafe. Receiving a pair of dirty looks from Daisy and Crystal. She glares right back. Crystal smirks)

Crystal: (To Daisy) Only a matter of time before she joins her poor boyfriend. The traitor. 

Daisy: Mhmm. But we do need to win here today. The Star Sprites have eight players to our six. 

Crystal: Well we've cleared more deadweight. So this one should be ours. And hey maybe we should get DK to join our alliance too. He won't betray us like her. 

Daisy: Good idea. 

(Psst) Daisy: The more I think about it. The more I realise that Crystal really is useful here. I'm so glad I have her by my side.

(Psst) Crystal: It really surprises me that Daisy is so gullible and cannot sense me out. Oh I can't wait to dump her out of the competition. And with DK if I can get him on my side and convince him that I'm trustworthy. I can dump him out too. He's a tough competitor. 

Lakitu: Head to the mountain in 10 campersss. 

(At camp) 

Lakitu: So today. There will be two things which will be tested today. The first will be your trust and the second will be your ability to work together. So we will have three different team challenges. The first will be rock climbing. You will be in pairs. One person will climb the other supports. The second part is cooking a meal with a dangerous blowfish. The third and final challenge involves blind folds. But I'll save that surprise for later. Oh and one more thing....

(Star Sprites and Red Shells listen closely)

Lakitu: Two new things are gonna happen today. The first is that this will be the first time today we have a DOUBLE elimination. Two of you will be eliminated today.

(Gasps occur from both teams)

Lakitu: And the last thing is. As you can see. The Red Shells have a member disadvantage. You have 8 competitors to their 6. So Djhon and I decided that someone on the Star Sprites team should join the Killer Red Shells. So Killer Red Shells. Welcome MARIO!

Star Sprites: WHATTTT!!!!

Mario: WHY ME??? 

(Psst) Iggy: WHOA. He just picked for us one of the strongest members of their team. 

Bowser: No not him.

Luigi: We refuse.

Waluigi: Why? Its not our fault that team is a bunch of pony. (Red Shells Glare right at him)

Lakitu: What I say happens. Goes? Mario if you don't switch over in the next few seconds you will get disqualified.

Mario: (To his allies). Listen, just remember. Keep strong. Win together. Vote together. Got it? (They all agreed with him)

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