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Lakitu: Last time on Total Mario Island. The campers had surprise twist when Mario was sent to the opposite team to help the killer Red shells out. This started awfully for him as he was then poisoned by Iggy in his awful soup. Before that thought Crystal and Toadette put their rivalry aside winning the first challenge. In the final of it all. Mario came back from illness to win a challenge for his team. And in the double elimination. The only one for the season. Shy guy got the most votes but then after that it was Yoshi. Who also had to suffer through elimination.  So that leaves the killer Red shells on 5 campers. But we aren't changing teams. So what next? Find out on Total Mario Island.

*Red Shells*

(Boys cabin)

Mario: If we were gonna have a double elimination because of a team disadvantage. They now have five players to our seven. So someone explain how that works.

DK: Well good thing it's them not us. Weve spent the entire season down players at least. Because we've had absolute pony for players. It's good to have you here man.

Mario: Thank you brother. I'm glad I can use this time to know you better. You are a really good player. (Goes to shake his hands. Which DK accepts)

(psst) DK: I feel bad that I may have to side against Mario. I like him I really do. But Crystal made some valid points and she's also a very good player too. So who do I choose.

Mario: I do miss my team though. But hopefully we all survive the merge and come together. Hey maybe you could join us DK. If we have five people in the group come the merge. We'll over power the rest by a landslide.

DK: You're right.

(Girls Cabin)

Daisy: Crystal do you think we said enough to DK yesterday?

Crystal: What makes you think we didn't?

Daisy: I mean you wanna try and get Mario gone since you can't trust that he will stick by us come the merge. So you wanna use DK to help get rid if of him.

Crystal: Precisely. Be patient Daisy. (Holds her face) We got this together. Just stick with me and I can get us to the final two.

Daisy: Alright yeah.

*Star Sprites*

Bowser: Guys we cannot lose the next challenge. There are no more swaps. We have to win as a team.

Waluigi: Ughh double elimination. Only five left on this team. Why can't we have Mario back. Would that hurt?

Luigi: He's done this on purpose. I hope we get a fair challenge next time. (Team hears the horn)

Lakitu: Challenge timeeeeeeeee.

*Everyone heads to the dock*

Lakitu: So today's challenge involves the use of these. (Holds up a water balloon)

Toadette: What we're water fighting each other.

Lakitu: Well yes but not exactly. These balloons aren't filled with just water. There are many other surprises that are in these things. So you'll be fighting each other in the island. Y'all get a 10 minute grace period. When y'all hear the horn. That's when you know the challenge has begun. And you can start throwing. Y'all have all day to catch each other. Which ever team gets all the other teams out. Wins the challenge. Y'all have a 10 minute grace period. Get hiding. (Blows horn)

(The campers set off. Each go their separate ways besides some. Crystal and Daisy head off together.)

Crystal: I say we watch each others backs got the while. Two heads are better than one. And we can watch out for whoever comes out.

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