Painball Panic

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Lakitu: Last time on Total Mario Island. The campers were give a task to face their biggest fears which they stupidly gave away. There were some successes and some big, big faliures. Boo won it for the Killer Red Shells and Screaming Star Sprites had elimination to deal with. Well Dixie got voted out and she was mad. Who will go out next. What will be the next challange. Find out on Total, Mario, Island.

(In the Killer Red Shells cabin at night)

(Everyone was asleep. Everyone except Crystal. She was ready to the boys cabin. She steals Wario's snacks, DK's special tie. She took Koopa's watch. She stole Iggy's chain which he wears during challanges. She was done with the boys cabin. She goes to the girls cabin. She takes Daisy's iPod. She stole Toadettes bracelet. She took her own perfume to make it seem like someone else taken their stuff. She put it all in Paratroopas sac)

Crystal: Let's see how you get away with this one. (Chuckes evilly)

*The next morning*

(Boys cabin)


DK: Chill man its cool.

Wario: Oh really? How would you like it if someone took all of your stuff.

DK: Fair enough. (Goes for his tie). NO, MY TIE! NO ONE TAKES MY SPECIAL TIE.

Koopa: How has all your stuff been taken. Wait, my watch is gone. How has this happened?

Iggy: MY $1500 CHAIN! HOW?

*In the girls cabin*

Daisy: Nobody is leaving this room until someone tells me where my IPOD is.

Toadette: Erm, excuse me? That's no big deal. My necklace had gone.

(Psst) Toadette: I wanna quit this alliance so bad. Crystal, Daisy and Wario are TERRIBLE ALLIES.

Crystal: My perfume is missing. I need that.

(Lakitu is on the loudspeaker)

Lakitu: Everyone meet at the forest in 10 minutes.

(Psst) DK: The last thing we needed was to have another challange. Our team are currently in a crisis. Oh boy it's not looking so good for us.

(Everyone met at the forest)

Lakitu: Alright, this is breakfast. (He throws a packet of crepes for the campers) So, your challange is a game called paintballing. So, their will be a team of deer and a team of hunters. Killer Red Shells as winner of the last challange, you will be the deer.

Wario: What? First my food stolen and now I'm a deer?

Lakitu: Star Sprites you will be hunters. You have a pair of glasses, a hat and paintball gun whereas the Killer Red Shells, well they'll be wearing, antlers on their head and a tail.

Wario: I am not a deer.

Lakitu: It isn't your choise. Also, what happened to you lot? It seems like you lot have lost a bit of your stuff!

(All Killer Red Shell campers glare at Lakitu)

Lakitu: Anyway, you have 6 hours and you have the whole of the Island to find them. The Killer Red Shells have a 10 minute head start. If all of you get caught. You lose. Ready? GO!

(Killer Red Shells started running)

(Screaming Start Sprites)

Peach: Ok, I think we should go in 2 groups.

Kyo: Sounds good to me. At least I can get away from you.

(Peach shoots Kyo with her paintball gun)

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