Trip to Skull Island

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Lakitu: Last time on Total Mario Island. The campers had been put into teams for the first time. What seemed like a rivalry between Bowser and Mario became a friendship. The two teams did their first challange in collecting coins from the shark and eel infested sea. Crystal showed her strength by winning the loot for Killer Red Shells. She also had impressive dodgeball skills too but Screaming Star Sprites emerged victorious. However, Ludwig managed to convince the team to vote off Morton. So, let's see what we have in stall today on Total, Mario, Island.

(Dining Table)

(Killer Red Shells)

Wario: Can't believe we lost the last challenge.

Daisy: Yeah, you can't throw a ball to save your life

Wario: Shut it, you cunt.

(Psst) Wario: Ugh if we lose, Daisy is gone.

(Screaming Star Sprites)

Mario: I wonder what the challenge will be next time.

Peach: I don't care as long as we win.

Bowser: It better not be something stupid. That challenge where we had to get coins from the sea was horrible.

(Psst) Kyo: I never thought Bowser would be nice to people. He seemed pretty badass when he arrived.

Lakitu: Good Morning Campers. Hope you've had a nice breakfast. Your next challenge begins in 10 minutes. Meet me at the beach.

DK: Sweet.

(Psst) Crystal: I'm glad no one knows a thing about me. But be warned, compared to me. Wario is a saint! One by one, they will all go down. It just takes patience. So, I will act nice and wait to strike.

(Everyone is at the beach)

Lakitu: So, you guys are going to travel to the most dangerous island in this area. Skull Island. You each have different boats to use. The Killer Red Shells have red boats and the Screaming Star Sprites have gold boats. You have to ride on groups of 3. Once you get to the Island, you have to go from one end to the other using the maps and take your boats with you.

Dixie: Doesn't sound so bad.

Lakitu: Beware, this is called Skull Island for a reason. You do not want to trouble any animals like crocodiles and snakes and bears and things that could tear you apart. Anyway, ready GO!

(The campers pick people to ride with)

Kyo: Can I ride with you two?

Bowser: Sure.

Mario: Why not.

(Killer Red Shells)

Wario: Don't even think about riding with me on this boat.

Daisy: Well, I got in here first. Get out or I'll make you get out.

Wario: Love to see you try

Daisy: (Barges him out) There you go easy!

(Psst) Wario: I didn't expect a girl to do that.

(Psst) DK: Daisy does some unexpected things sometimes.

(Psst) Crystal: Who would've thought that Daisy could hurt anyone. I must pretend to be her friend and then when the time comes I will backstab that Orange freak.

Crystal: Could I ride with you Daisy?

Daisy: Erm, ok sure.

(Psst) Daisy: Crystal seems to be a nice person. I might even try to make an alliance with her.

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