Chapter 22

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(after school Thursday)

I knocked on the front door and I waited for an answer. Only seconds later it opened to reveal Kyle. Scratch that, Kyle shirtless. I stood there admiring his muscles. There was a lot to be admired. I kind of figured he would have muscles, you can tell just by looking at him but actually seeing them is a whole other story.

Don't judge me, I'm single after all.

He had a black shirt in his hands and quickly put it on. my staring may have made him feel uncomfortable. He signaled me in and closed the door. My cheeks burned from the blush that was uncharacteristically on my face. I can't believe he caught me staring at his abs, I didn't really try to hide it, I was all but drooling but still, I can't believe I got caught.

"everyones out. It's just you and me." Kyle said staring at me.

If it had been anyone else I would have felt awkward being alone with them but I didn't with Kyle. His abs have nothing to do with it. I don't know. There's just something about him. I don't mean that in a cliche rom-com kind of way. I just did. He made me feel comfortable. I don't think I have a crush on him or anything, that's maybe pushing it a bit too far.

"we can go to my room and practice." Kyle suggested with a smile. I grinned back. Most likely, I looked like an idiot.

"Lead the way." I said as Kyle started to walk up his staircase.

There were five doors but I couldn't help trying to think of what would be in each. My house has five doors on the top floor too so i just compared them. One would have been his room. Another would be his parents. A different one was probably a bathroom. Maybe one was a closet but I can't think of anything else for the last room. As far as I was aware Kyle was an only child.

Kyle opened the first door on the right and walked in. I followed behind assuming this was his room. Kyle had begun to rummage through a stack of paper as I examined the room. It was pretty big. He had a double bed and my best guess, 50 inch flat screen tv. There was a cluttered desk below the window and posters everywhere. He'd used them like wallpaper all over the room. Some bands I recognized because I had the exact same posters and others I'd never really heard of but they were anything like the others then they'd be good.

Kyle turned with a bit of paper that had, in red pen, 'Roxie and Kyle. LEARN THESE.' written at the top with a bunch of other notes written at the bottom.

"okay so scene four when it's just me and you was pretty underrehearsed. He said you need to act more upset and then a lot more angry and crazy then back to upset." I nodded at Kyle as he read from the sheet. Yeah my characters a total nutjob.

Just to catch everyone up to speed on what's happening:

Scene one- were in a car and see an old house then we all decide to go in.

Scene two- we split up and start exploring. I go with Kyle and everyone else goes alone. I only got to go with someone because they cast me as the big time coward. I finish that scene by trying the door handle and finding out were locked in.

Scene three- someone gets killed by a ghost.

Scene four- when me and Kyle find something that belonged to the person that just got killed

Scene five is when another member of the cast dies

And finally scene six is when the ghost comes for me and Kyle and we die together.

The last parts a little overused but marco would kill me if I messed with his masterpiece.

"action." I said. Then I started to pace back and forth with kyle standing next to me. "we need to get out of this house. Did you hear screaming? I heard screaming." I babbled sounding nervous. Then Kyle grabbed my shoulders. He opened his mouth about to talk and then completely changed what he was about to say.

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