Chapter 33

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Instead of using the front door we scaled the fence and landed in my back yard. The curtains were pulled shut which gave the indication that my fugitive 'father' was home and I know for a fact my mother was there too. This werewolf thing was allowing me to hear from outside just how many people were in my home- Taylor wasn't one of them, he said he was meeting up with a friend in a desperate attempt for normalcy. He didn't say who this mystery friend was, just that I knew them or them which was exactly why he refuse to give me so much as their initials. I put my hand on Peters chest to stop him from breaking down the door. After a straight to the point look from me Peter turned and backed off but he clearly wasn't happy about it. Thankfully my mother didn't lock the back door; I remember her saying something about a quick escape, lately neither my dad or her made much of an attempt to keep their voices down when i could hear them from my room at night. The house was deadly quiet. I could hear my fathers heartbeat upstairs and my mothers in the kitchen. I could only tell the difference because I could see her from where I stood. The back door lead directly into the kitchen.

She moved about the kitchen, cleaning up some stuff, paying no attention to me. There was a duffle bag stuffed with guns and weapons in front of the sink so I stood in front of them to block my trigger happy mother from being about to send any bullets flying. I don't know when they got home but thankfully their time at the hale house had been unsuccessful. The house was standing and most beacon hills werewolves were intact. Most.

"Hi." I said casually. She jumped and gasped. For a killer she wasn't much good at maintaining face, but I suppose I wasn't a threat in her eyes. Some people are so blind... Sure I haven't got control but I'm guessing if I get pissed off I'd be perfectly capable of ripping her like paper.

"There you are, where's Taylor?"

"Beats me." I shrugged leaning back on the counter. She continued to clear away the dishes that were dry. I didn't offer to help. For starters none of said dishes were mine and then there's the slight chance of her going psycho at any moment and getting a loaded weapon in her hand. That would be a horribly terrible idea. "Hey, mom? Why don't we look like you or dad?" I slipped it. With that fact making itself know I should have latched on to what could possibly be the truth years ago.

"Something must have skipped a generation. You look just like your grandmother when she was your age." I heard that a million times over when i was younger. 

"But you don't have any pictures of grandma." she shook her head as she turned back to her dishes that obviously required a lot more attention than me. Well i wasn't done. I still needed my answers and I didn't have them yet. I needed my answers. "But we never looked similar to Damien either. He looked like both you and dad." My point seemed to catch her off guard. They never spoke about Damien much because it was too painful or whatever bullshit it was they were always spinning.

She coughed to clear her throat. My mother refused to turn around and i could hear her caution in her voice because she knew i something was up in one way or another. "Roxanne, what are you getting at?" 

"Nothing. Are we adopted or something?" Laughing an empty laugh she turned back around and went to open the fridge. "What about kidnapped?"I knew her eyes landed on my untouched medicine that had been blocking out what i was for the past 17 years.  "Oh that, I forgot. Whoops." There was no emotion in my voice whatsoever I saw the colour drain from her face as she stepped back and let the door swing shut. 

She was scared.

"What happened last night?"

"Not much. I became a werewolf but no big deal." I shrugged. Her jaw dropped slightly but i had the upper hand regardless of pretty much everything she could do in any other circumstance. This was part of a new side to me that i had never really experienced. It was so different than what i usually was like but i almost liked the new me. This rough edge i had was tough but strong. It was the strength i needed to stay on my feet, fueled by undying hate. "Now tell me, truthfully. Are you really my mother?"


"Then who are my real parents? A last name will do, preferably my fathers." I knew i was beyond hinting my findings but I had to know. We were operating on a hunch but my mother was in no position to lie further.

"Her name was grace, she was human."

"And my werewolf father?" My voice dripped with threat. She didn't give me exactly what i wanted. The new me hated this, i couldn't stand it.

My mother yelled. "Hale. Peter hale." Her heartbeat spiked up when she was talking. "Roxanne you don't understand." She stuttered. Unbelievable. She wasn't saying anything because i didn't understand it was because she knew she was going to die and she thought i would be the one to do it. She was negotiating. Something that you cant do in this situation because its impossible to negotiate with a killer

"I understand you lied to me. I understand you hunt my kind. I understand that even though she was human, you killed my mother." I didn't need to yell. My words were poisonous enough on their own. 

"Where did you hear that?" She gasped. I didn't even realize that they never admitted to killing my mother in order to drag us off and away from the life we could have had with our real parents. Our real family. 

"Father daughter bonding." I sneered as the door opened. I knew Peter would have listened into our conversation but i didn't mind. I needed the back up and the motivation. It worked didn't it.

"What's going on down here?" I heard my fake fathers footsteps storming down the stairs. I wanted to laugh. The look on his face gave me more happiness than it should. His jaw tightened and his eyes shifted around the room repeatedly. He kept sneaking glances at the duffle bag behind me but he had no chance to get it with me standing in front of it. Peter seemed to be the final piece of the puzzle for him to finally realize that i knew because my mother wouldn't be able to talk with her fear. How the mighty have fallen.

"And the man of the house arrives. You people are terrible hosts." Peter smirked but it was much more cruel and harsh than my own.

"Hale." My used to be father growled. "It's your fault I went to prison."

"Is it? It took a lot of digging but your son- he was bitten on the job. It seems mommy forgot the suicide part of the rule book during story time. You took him up there to murder him that night. I framed you for the job you were going to do yourself. I believe it's called irony. Or karma- both in your case I suppose." Peter hated him more than me and that was a hard thing to do. He was almost enjoying retelling the story. Despite him being the scum of the earth, i knew it hurt him to hear about Damien. It was his biological freaking son for crying out loud. No one can be so heartless that you don't feel the pain from losing family

"Roxanne! You're not a killer!" My lying ass dad said when he caught a glance of the murder shining in Peters eyes. It terrified me who my true father was inside but i trusted him more than i trusted the guy who had attempted to raise me, but come on, look at me. They never did a good job of it. I'm slightly homicidal and have major issues in every aspect of my life.

"You know you once said that you were my father, but you weren't around to be my dad. Now you're nothing." I shook my head. "It's your revenge Peter. But I'm leaving."

"Good. Give me a few hours. And Roxie! I won't stop." I didn't reply. I just collected the duffle left the three of them. To tell you the truth, Peter could do what he wanted. I had cut all my ties with those people. I suppose in a way my humanity was escaping me but there wasn't enough of it left in me in that moment to care. So i left. I left Peter do what the hell he wanted and so that i could be given the chance to wash my hands of this whole entire thing.



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