Chapter 30

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I hadn't had much experience at being a werewolf but it had become second nature. I could hear the various heartbeats, one of which slower than the others- barely holding on to what life they had left but somehow I could tell they were still conscious. There was a quicker heartbeat which belonged to Kyle who was left lying in the hall. His pain was worse which gave me a happiness deep down that I'd be best not to admit to aloud. I made my way ahead of stiles into the room I sensed the slow heartbeat. Some people were upstairs but they didn't seem injured. As soon as I entered the room and saw him I dropped to my knees next to him. I heard the shuffling of feet as the others cleared the room. Any of them who were saying goodbye would have done so.

"It's over." Vince whispered. There were several slashes crossing his chest, his shirt was ripped and I couldn't tell what colour his t-shirt was before from being soaked in black and blood. His forehead was coated in sweat. He was trying to cling on but the slashed over his body were telling a different story. I wiped his hair out of his eyes and slid my free hand into his left hand. I leaned above him.

"Yeah, it is."I didn't allow myself to cry. During the time Vince and i spent together as a couple Vince was my rock. For once i was the one who had to stay strong.

"How bad is it?" Vince asked. He knew it was terrible and that he wouldn't have long left. There's something about when a guy being on deaths doorstep that gets rid of all the petty things that turned you against him. For me and Vince it was being told he threatened Taylor but i guess that was just one of many lies my mother told me. I shook my head. A strangled, pained sound merged with my voice as i gave my reply.

"Just a scratch." Vince gave half a laugh but it was quickly killed by his gasp of breath followed by violent coughing. Vince sounded like he was strangling himself as he spat blood to the side. There was some still on his mouth when he looked back at me but i ignored it.

"I'm sorry." he forced. i pressed my hand against his face to tell him that i didn't need his apology because i didn't think i could handle saying anything. "I couldn't do it. I couldn't fight against you. I guess i thought because you ended things with Stiles we could fix us. My pack didn't like being betrayed." I shook my head. I felt guilty because id given him false hope. Stiles and i were still going, just in the background of everything else where no one could see us. I couldn't tell him there was no chance. I'm not that heartless. "At least -you're safe."He gave me a weak smile that seemed tough for him. He didn't want to say it, he was leaving permanently.

"Stop saying goodbye." I warned him. Hearing his words hurt. I never thought back when we had a relationship it would end like this. I guess no one thinks they'll bleed out on the floor one day and nobody else thinks that they'll be there watching it happen.

This time i heard a genuine laugh and i saw him smile. The pain seemed to have been lost among the numbness that set in. His free hand pushed a lock of hair behind my ear and I'm sure the smile became one of his lopsided smirks id seem many times over when he was really happy. "Nut-job" His voice had almost lost all volume but the word meant something, as did my reply.

"Jackass." My voice matched his. Vince's eyes rolled back in his head and his eyes slowly closed. His grasp of my hand was lost as his entire body fell limp. I held back my sadness and emotion. Way back when, Vince and i weren't sure what our feelings really were and how deep they ran, we didn't know if it was love so instead of 'I love you' we said 'nut-job' and 'jackass'. Its silly, right? It was an alright goodbye for what we had.



"Vince." I moaned slightly trying to lightly shove him off. Actually I wasn't trying that hard at all but who can blame me? Hes a good kisser to name a few talents of his. 

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