Chapter 26

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"Stiles! I'm so happy to have gotten a hold of you." I heard Kyle from the top of the stairs.

"who is this? Why do you have Roxie's phone?" stiles asked. The phone must have been on speaker. I suppose Vince would new to listen as well.

"I think you already know who it is. Fortunately for you, I don't care about you. I just need to speak to derek hale. It seems Roxie didn't exchange numbers with him as id expected and none of those other stupid betas had phones with them." Dereks involved. Hell no. I've probably thrown him in the deep end. Is there anyone I don't fail? Dereks going to go all alpha on me. He's going to kill me, that is if Kyle doesn't beat him to it.

"let me talk to her." stiles sounded scared. I know I shouldn't be surprised. He's got a soft heart but I didn't think he'd show it. He just... I don't know, he always seemed to me like in a situation like this he'd mask that. Maybe I he usually does because I'm betting this isnt the first time any of my beacon hills friends have been in this kind of trouble.

Kyles boots clumped on the wood of the stairs. The steps creaked but my eyes fixed on the bottom one. As soon as my eyes landed on the black leather they snapped up to the face of the ultimate asshole. Kyle had that crooked grin that just screamed psycho and his eyes, the way they looked at me made my skin crawl, and to think I was recently attracted to that. I heard the stairs announcing Vince's arrival but I kept my eyes firmly on the mind behind it all although I could fell Vince's burning into me. He was clearly and carefully watching for my next move against the big bad wolf but as it stoop, I was playing it all by ear.

He looked dangerous, sounded it too. "say anything you know you shouldn't and I'll hurt you." he warned. The worst part was, I believed him. He wouldn't hesitate, probably enjoy it too, the sadistic bastard that he is.

"Roxie?" stiles said hesitantly. I dont know what he expected then and there but the simplest singly word reply gained a sigh. Relief.


"oh thank god." i barely heard him mutter. "are you okay?"

"yeah, you?" I replied. My eyes would flicker between my phone and Kyle. The caller ID that graced my screen would have cheered me up under any other circumstances. I snapped a pic of the photo I'd took this morning before I left and set it as his personal picture. The one where he had this outfit infront of him but this time my expression remained grim even with my voice wavering.

"what does he want." he asked and I answered, at least I started to.

"he wants me to become an a-" a scream replaced the next words as all I felt was pain. Kyle had kicked me and I'm telling you, it hurt like a bitch! My ankle felt to be bruising over as I sat there.

"Roxie. I swear if you hurt her kyle-" he tried to threaten but Kyle didn't care. It scared me how Kyle who apparently saw me as special was capable of doing this. It only mad me think, what would he do to someone he wasn't fond of. For instance, the boy the 'special' girl ditched him for? That was what scared merge most.

"too late," he said reminding me of Taylor when we were 9 and he'd eaten the last cookie. Completely uncharacteristic during a situation like this, one where lives were at stake, my life, Alison and lydias lives, the packs. It totally contrasts the gravity of the entire situation. "now put Derek on so the adults can talk. I know hes there."

There were shuffling noises, muttered sounds, and then silence. A few seconds passed but kyles grin never faltered. He was amused by the whole thing but after all he was dictating it.

"what?" the low grunt came along the line spilling out of the speaker. And just like that, Derek was involved. Now it was piling up.

"a pleasure to finally talk with you."

"what do you want?" Derek kept the same tone. Maybe that was his anger with me I could hear. I wouldn't be shocked.

"I think the question is, what do you want?" Kyle sounding more and more like a true psychopath with every passing second. "Behind door number one, your pack, and behind door number two, some random ass teenagers you probably don't give a rats ass about." this was all a game to him.

"then why even have a second option?" I was with Derek on that. We were here as some sick joke? Maybe to stress them out?

"because they might not matter to you but they matter to a friend of yours. Scott. Your greatest and from what i hear only, allie. Sorry about you're uncle but you probably don't care after becoming alpha" Peter. They think he's dead. That's the advantage.

"where are they?"

"the teenagers are in basement of the old storage building on the other side if town as your little hideout."

"my pack! Where's my pack." he screamed making me jump. I was almost as scared of derek as I was of Kyle.

"let's put it this way, the end will be rather traditional."

"nows not the time for games!"

"I think it is." then he hung up.

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