Chapter 36

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I took a deep breath. Breathing was harder than I thought it would be. I don't know what made me think this would be so easy. I hadn't even started yet and already I was stuck frozen. It took a lot of my concentration to keep my heart rate below heart attack levels. I knew the risk of saving Isaac but I was the one that caused that. I was the one who had to fight this battle – my battle.

Another hand slid into mine but with a tight smile I tore my hand out of his. It wasn’t easy because it helped, god did he help, but I had to turn him down before I broke down. He was more terrified than I was. I chose to put him through this- he was almost as invested as I was.

"It's safer." I told Stiles. He didn't protest or argue, didn't even look at me funny, all he did was nod and step back, knowing it was what I needed from him. It wasn't that Stiles was getting in the way, I needed him there for support but he was a distraction that I couldn't risk.

The way Deaton explained the procedure, it involved me taking a hold of Isaac's hand and concentrating. Not very specific but he did say everyone with direct involvement is at risk, which is why he stood a few feet back. The look I got from Deaton when I arrived much before our deadline with Stiles telling him it was okay. Stiles now understood that there was no chance of me changing my mind. Derek was even shocked that I had shown up, especially because I had appeared with Stiles by my side. Derek had this unrealistic illusion of who I was and only paying attention to the one he wants to see, so naturally he ignores me most of the time. I said I was there to help Isaac and he told me that he wasn’t about to pay me before turning away and making no eye contact whatsoever. I didn’t expect to bond as cousins with the asshole or even a thank you but a little more than nothing would have been great. In fact, I could have used a little appreciation, just for a minute or two.

I reached out for Isaac's hand. There was inches between us when I heard a wince. Ignoring it I reached out again. Only an inch later I heard a hiss. Progressing again I heard a groan. I turned and shot Stiles a look that said very specifically 'shut up or I’ll never give you bacon again'. That was a threat Stiles took seriously and nodded, turning his back to me. I didn't need him to watch, I just liked knowing he was there for me. Even if I couldn’t have him holding my hand, he was there. He was enough.

I quickly took a tight grasp of Isaac's hand before Stiles had a chance to make any more distracting noises. I'm sure it wasn't on purpose but it definitely was distracting. Isaacs face remained distorted in pain. He had stopped his whimpering and yelling that morning as Deaton had told me. He just didn't have the energy any longer.

I began concentrating. It was weird to do. Just standing there and holding his hand would somehow save him. I kept my stare on our hands, focusing the flow between us. I saw my claws grow as I continued. I kept my mental focus on the flow as I looked up at Deaton. His eyes were wide but he just nodded. I looked back down. No more distractions.

The surge of power kept on coming and I didn't like the way it felt. It was so much so fast and I felt like I was about to overload. I could have sworn my claws looked longer and sharper as I kept going. Isaac seemed to be relaxing unlike myself. I felt my teeth grow as I felt the change finish sweeping my body but it was so much more painful that I thought it would be. My head felt like it was tearing open and my body was being stretched in millions of different directions making me cry out. I just kept going and never stopping for even a second. I would have let go then and there but I didn’t want it to be too little for Isaacs’s sake.

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