Chapter 31

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"Its going to be okay." Stiles, always the optimist. Is it wrong that i wanted to hit him? It wasn't okay, Isaac was in an animal clinic, not a hospital but a place for cats and dogs and rabbits and whatever else, and he was dying. I know i came here for testing and stiles for stitches but we weren't going to die! Isaac got bitten because he pushed me out of the way, and to top it all off Kyle got away. 

Whilst everyone was outside, i was lying on the floor and lets not forget Isaac was having a chunk ripped out of him. I felt horrible. All of the information i had about Isaac travelled through Derek. As the alpha he was taking charge. I didn't know Derek even cared about Isaac. I had this very strong urge to slap Derek every single time he showed his face but on the plus side of him being busy he wasn't questioning me about my being a werewolf, considering i don't have any answers for myself never mind him. 

Derek opened the door and through the crack behind him i saw  Isaac. He was on a metal table, not meant for people, and he was shaking in pain and moaning his pain. His hands held onto the table but he wasn't able to move them much because they'd tied him down. Dr Deaton must have decided that Isaac was a danger to himself and maybe even others. When his eyes opened for only a second i saw them glowing gold and his claws were extending then vanishing before my eyes. It was like a wrestling match between human and werewolf inside Isaac's body. 

"Hows he doing?" I asked jumping to my feet. I know i saw him but maybe there was something i wasn't catching. Maybe i missed something. But judging by the stressed and angry look on Derek's face Isaac wasn't looking good.

"Hes dying." I could hear a sadness behind his voice. I knew it was bad enough but effecting Derek too sent me to the point where i had to go see for myself.

I marched in there and Deaton stepped away from Isaac.

"What can i do?" I asked. I was sick of  sitting outside the room being useless. It wasnt fair that Isaac was dying and the only problem id had myself was glow stick eyes and an ankle that heeled itself.

"You shouldn't be in here." Deaton tried to move me back and out of the room but i side stepped around him. Isaac looked even worse  but i couldn't look any more without feeling the pain of knowing that was all my fault. I should have been paying attention; 

"Look deaton," I said getting right to the point. "In the past 24 hours i have been emotionally screwed, kidnapped, Injured, watched my friends get hurt, watched my ex die and been the reason Isaac is like this. So, forgive me if I'm a little irritable but before i lose my last piece of sanity tell me what the hell i can do? I don't care what else there is, the dangers or whatever, just tell me and tell me now." Id never been quite as demanding with someone i hardly knew but i was beyond desperate. I couldnt save vince, I had to save Isaac.

"Roxie, its complicated." He warned me. "I've never seen this before, Hes being overpowered by the werewolf genes." He didnt sound positive but there really was no way to be positive when you were dealing with the supernatural. There was no science behind it, for christ sake i was suddenly a werewolf after 17 years of living.

"What do you need to fix it?" 

"There's a possibility but i haven't had time to finish running your tests yet. There's a chance that with not all your werewolf genes 'awake' you'd be able to absorb Isaac's genes but even if you both survive there's no telling what would happen once the werewolf cells in your body are no longer neutralized."

"Ill do it."

"Roxie i wont agree to such a rash decision, go home, think on it for a few days, once you've got your strength back then we can decide if we can do this realistically. Send stiles in on your way  out. I need to check on his stitches before he takes you home." He said it so i knew there was no debating it.  

"Fine." I said, pouring every last ounce of my anger into the words. 

[Stiles' POV]

"They look fine, just be careful." Deaton warned me. I nodded and put my shirt back on. Its weird how barely anytime before now i was with Roxie, just spending time together and a few hours ago i was shot. I'm not going to be able to explain that to my dad any time soon. I got up from the chair at the side of the room. It felt uncomfortable being in a room shirtless with a guy dying on a table who was also shirtless, never mind factoring in that the very same guy kissed my girlfriend. I never really liked Isaac in the first place. Sure, i pitied him in the past but that's because his dad treated him bad enough without my hating him on top of that but those days are over so i feel no shame disliking Isaac. 

Roxie's the one choosing to be friends with him and ill respect that. Although, its not looking good for him. The few minutes i was in there he was groaning and growling, loudly might i add. 

"Stiles,"He caught my attention back again. "I don't know Roxie personally but she seems stubborn. Is that just my interpretation?"

"She can be." i nodded. It was an honest answer but i didn't get the relevance of the question. I know Roxie's whole werewolf issue would probably be on hold until Isaac whole werewolf issue is over and done with. 

"There's something she plans on doing, something dangerous. Isaac has time- a month id say but what Roxie's going to do could put an end to both of them. Make sure you keep her away from Isaac. At least two weeks that's all I'm asking."

"Ill do what i can." I told him making my way out. Roxie didn't seem to be n a very good mood with Derek but that  was a regular thing with Derek. Let me ask you something. when was the last time someone invited Derek Hale to a party? Exactly, Hes not a nice guy and no one like him. Not even his own pack, look at Scott. Point made. When i walk out they both looked at me with matching, hard looks. Don't ask me how a look can be hard okay, I just cant think of a better word. Its like they've been arguing and neither of them are ready to budge from their point which sound like both of them perfectly. 

Roxie and i both got in the car and i drove to her house. There was no talking between us, I didn't even have it in me to turn on the radio which made it even more awkward, as though we hadn't made it bad enough. Roxie was clearly thinking and I was clearly worrying, She didn't open her mouth until my jeep had stopped moving.

"Thanks for the lift." She said her voice low and deeply depressed. Maybe Derek said something to her but she didn't seem to be willing to tell me anything anytime soon. 

"Roxie, about..." It felt heartless bring Isaac up never mind Vince. Wed all just kind of brushed over it like it was nothing because to us Vince meant nothing but he meant a lot to Roxie and we all seemed to forget that.

"I don't have the energy to talk about our relationship right now stiles." She said not catching onto what i was really talking about. I know i was really caught up in what we have but i wasn't so focused on it that it was all i thought about, every minute of every day.

"Ill come by in the morning okay?" 

Roxie didn't even look like she was there. Sure her body was there but she didn't even look at me. She just opened her door and muttered. "Its your life." Then she got out and walked up to her house. It was maybe 2 in the after noon but no one had slept, including me so i was went home to get some rest, not that it was going to be easy when i was worrying my ass off about Roxie.




Just a little announcement for those who are reading this. I thinking about making an edited version of A Teen Wolf Story which will hopefully be better than this is. If anyone out there would be interested in reading please drop a comment below. Well, thank you for reading.

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