Chapter 38

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We all sat in the living room of Stiles’ home. By ‘we’ I mean Taylor, Stiles and I. I had spent the night with Stiles but we barely spoke. We didn’t need to. We were comfortable although there was tense goings on. He just lay with me, held my hand, held me, and held me so carefully as though I would break if he should move too fast. I appreciated it. We never really kissed. Or rather I never really kissed him. He would give me the odd peck and the long kiss on my forehead.

Taylor had come over to check up on me and he didn’t cry. He was strong. I don’t think he was my parent’s biggest fan when we found out that they had lied to us our entire lives but he knew more about them than I did. They were given more truths than I was so he had a greater connection. I thought he would have been more broken up about it but when he saw I wasn’t he felt the need to stay strong as I had.

Stiles had got a call from his father about five minutes ago. He was on his way with news that he wouldn’t share over the phone. He just wanted to check where Taylor and I were. That’s when we fell quiet. No one knew what news to expect. A suspect, a body, two bodies, an arrest warrant. We didn’t have a clue.

My phone buzzed and I got up without a word and made my way into the kitchen to answer it. The caller Id, which I didn’t look at until I was leaning against the counter, read Isaacs name. I answered quickly.

“Hey.” I sighed. He hadn’t spoke to me since what had happened at the animal clinic. It was good to know he was okay and that when he woke up wasn’t a calm before the storm.

“Hey, I hadn’t heard from you for a few days, I just wanted to know that you were okay. Where are you?”

“I’m with Stiles. Something’s happening.” I remained vague.

“Anything I can help with?”

“No.” I felt guilty for turning him away. I didn’t even think about calling him to tell him what was going on. I went to Peter before I went to my friends.

“I was really just calling to check up on you.” He said sounding upset about something. “I’m with Derek. We’re doing some catch up training or whatever he called it. I’ll give you a call in a few hours.” We muttered our goodbyes but you could hear the worry in both of our voices. I did not want him putting himself out there and fighting Derek when he was barely recovered. He should not be doing that. Just like he was worrying about the strain the ‘something’ I told him nothing about was putting on me after what how weak I felt after I healed him.

I was about to push off the wall and make my way into the living room to wait it out with my friends but my phone started ringing again. I answered it without checking the ID as it was already near my ear and I could answer it sooner without wasting time.

“Hello.” I said blankly.

“Roxie. It’s me.” I recognized peters voice instantly. My heart almost stopped because of his serious tone. I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t prepared to. He called me which I was never expecting. “I just wanted to tell you that I can’t do it. I’m not prepared to become a father, definitely not now.”  My breath hitched in my throat and I had to cough so I could bring myself back to reality.

“It’s your last shot Peter.” I warned hoping I could bring him to his sense. I don’t know what I expected. Maybe for him to step up and tell his kids that had be there for them both and they wouldn’t have to be alone at a time when they have no one else. But not my dad, not Peter.

“I know. Just so you know, it can’t be traced back to you, or any of us. I took care of it.” I shook my head. How the hell could he sound like he cared when he was telling me that the father I thought I had didn’t want me. I had never felt so abandoned.

“Tell me one thing,” My voice quaked, as did my hands and legs. I hand to grab hold of a counter to stay standing. “Now what?” I wasn’t sure if I cared to know where it all went from here. I wanted to believe in living in the present but when the future was so foggy them how was I supposed to focus on what’s around me when I can’t see two feet in front of me.

“I will still train you, if that’s what you want.” He held no emotion. I heard no guilt. For that second I hated him but then I thought what the hell I was going to do about it. At least this father offered me something but even then it was no easy to change the strong and angry feeling I had felt.

“I’ll take what I can get but I won’t be the one to tell your son because now I know. I know that you’re a coward Peter. I’ll keep my training but only because I need it. You are a horrible, horrible person Peter, and I hate you for, but at the same time I can’t and that makes me hate myself. Because after everything, I don’t hate you. You can thank my mother’s memory for that. I want to believe I can see what she saw, but right now I can’t even hear your voice never mind look at you.” I hung up finally allowing me the chance to cry. I furiously swiped at what fell as I felt my heart beat too fast in my chest. I quickly made my way into the living room and sat with Stiles. I had to be with him to calm me down.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked worriedly. He wiped my tears and I placed my hands over his. On the inside I was waiting for Taylor to make a comment about he was going to barf or something but it never came so I savoured Stiles’ presence and love. Before I got around to answering Stiles’ question with a big fat ‘no’ there was a new presence in the room which I turned around quickly to see the Sheriff and a grim look on his face. My light hold on Stiles hands changed to me clutching onto him for dear life. Taylor quickly took to his feet. He didn’t walk because I don’t think he could. His knees locked and he stayed there, frozen.

“We found you mother’s body. I’m so sorry.”

“What happened to her?”

“We’re looking into it.” Taylor nodded to the answer to his question. I let go of Stiles’ hands and stumbled over to my brother. He needed me this time. I hugged Taylor because I knew he needed it. Neither of us cried. It wasn’t that Taylor didn’t care, we were always closer to one another, my mother was never crucial to our relationship so our sibling relationship would always remain. Both of us were gutted that he couldn’t tell us anymore than that one vague sentence. Peter was vague enough, was it too much to ask that I be given the knowledge of whether or not to hop on the next bus out of town before the feds were on my tail?

I spent that night sat on the sofa with Taylor on one side and Stiles on the other. We didn’t do much. In fact, we didn’t do anything. I needed Stiles and Taylor needed me and we all wanted to be with one another. 

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