chapter 7

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The next morning me and stiles woke up to the heavenly smell of bacon. I checked my phone for the time and it was 10:30.

"wow we've been dating 3 days and you already get to see me with bed head and morning breath."

"what's my bed head look like." I laughed but sadly I actually checked before I remembered his buzzcut. I love it when people make me laugh. Did I actually tell stiles I love him last night? Wait, did Scott say he's a werewolf? What was in that punch?

"what happened last night?"

"um let's see, Scotts a werewolf, Peter killed your brother and you kissed Isaac. Oh and you love me." he sounded so cocky. It was cute but under normal circumstances I would most definitely kick him.

"I'm going to get me some bacon." I said getting out of bed. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to make it look less of a mess but to no avail. I still looked like I'd been dragged through a bush backwards. Scotts mom was standing cooking and I must say it smelt sooo good.

"good morning miss McCall. Is Scott up?"

"Hes outside. Breakfast will be ready in a minute. Are you feeling okay?"

"yeah I just needed some time to get my head around it but I'm fine. Thanks a lot miss McCall. I wish my mom was more like you." it sounds rather offensive but it's true. I hadn't even meant to say it but I was thinking it so I don't see what difference it makes to be perfectly honest. My mom and I never saw eye to eye. Shes controlled me my entire life and not cared how I feel about anything. She didn't even cry after Damien died or my dad went to jail. Taylor was all I had for a long time. At my last school I didn't talk to anyone but Taylor. I might have messed up here by getting attached to certain people, not saying any names, cough stiles cough cough.

"I don't think that's fair. I'm sure your mom only wants the best for you."

"for her maybe but not me." I probably was being dramatic and especially by walking off to find Scott but I wouldn't say I was lying. My mom might be a robot or something. Hey, stranger things have happened. Scott was standing outside the house talking to the guy from the dump of a house. Derek. The guy who's uncle killed my brother. Everyone else was fully dressed but I didn't care that I was still in pajamas. I marched right out there and stood directly behind Scott with one of those 'got anything to say to me' looks on my face. It was actually something like the look I got from my mom the night me and stiles started dating.

"I don't have time for a hormonal little teenager to bite my ear off because of something my uncle did, now if you wouldn't mind, go back in side and let the grown ups talk." me and Scott are like the same age, almost...ish. This guy has got some nerve.

"excuse me? I didn't ask for you people to kill my brother and I most certainly didn't ask for you to practically beg me to kick your ass but you seem to have done one and be in the process of doing the other." Scott was most definitely shocked. I was slightly shocked too. When a guy that I knew wouldn't hurt me turned into a werewolf I was scared but this wise ass is one and I don't even care. Where is this random courage coming from? Dereks eyes turned red but I stood my ground. I can't say it didn't scare me but it was fascinating at the same time, although I wouldn't let how I really felt show out of sheer stubbornness. I was not backing down no matter how bad I wanted to on the inside.

"id like to see you try." he gave me a pretty intense gaze. Usually it would have scared the hell out of me but it didn't work.

"wait five minutes." i did my best to match his stare. Excluding the red eyes of course. I took a step forward to make it look as threatening as I possibly could. Failing obviously, I mean werewolf hello?

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