Chapter 19

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We put Roxie's bike into the back of my jeep and left.

When we got out of the car the streets were quiet and so was roxie. I couldn't take my eyes off her though. Her eyes sparkled from the sun or maybe that was just her own little sparkle. You could tell she was thinking by the look in her eyes too. I couldn't help but wonder aloud what she was thinking about.

"so what's going on in that head of yours." I said walking by her side.

"I'm just thinking." she replied staring blankly infront of her.

"about..." I asked raising an eyebrow.

"stuff." could she have been anymore vague and unhelpful? No, she couldn't. It's like some guy from csi's went to work, stood at a crime scene and just said 'he's dead'. We know that much already. We want to know how etc.

"what kind of stuff?" I questioned realizing she was going to stop after that. I heard a heavy sigh escape her before she looked over at me for a second.


"what about Saturday." I was slightly worried about what she might say. Alot happened Saturday.

"our break up. You said you were hearing other stuff. Stuff that would have meant I was lying. What was it you heard because the only other person that saw me and Isaac was Scott and he wouldn't do that. Wait, would he do that?" I hadn't told her what happened. What isaac said. What he lied about. I should have told her. I shouldn't have been so stupid.

"earlier that day, at the warehouse, I tried telling Isaac to back off and that you didn't feel anything for him. Then, he said he thought different when your tongue was in his mouth and I didn't know who was lying to me."

"why didn't you tell me?!?" she said stopping and facing me.

"does it make a difference anymore?" she looked away from me now and down the street we'd just walked.

"stiles," she said sounding alarmed, "my dad. He's here." just as I looked around so did he. She was right. He was standing right next to my car so running back wasn't an option. He began to call on Roxie with an angry voice but not like a mad parents voice, like a crazy guy who'll kill someone if they don't get their way. I heard her gasp and I noticed her flinch slightly. She was obviously terrified of her dad. I don't blame her. I grabbed her hand.

"come on." that's when we started to run. Her dad wasn't giving up that easy. He started to follow us. He was a fast runner but he is a hunter so that makes sense. Roxie was just managing to keep up with me. She wasn't the most athletic person I know, let's just leave it at that.

We kept running. We took our first right but I could tell that her dad was close on our tails. Not that we have tails, unlike half of the people I know.

I could tell her dad was going to get around the corner soon. I knew I had to do something to get away. I ran into a side street and pulled Roxie with me. She stumbled a little but managed to stay upright. We both ran behind a big dumpster and ducked down. I put my arm across Roxie so my hand rested near her side. I could feel her moving when she breathed but that stopped as footsteps ran past. I released a sigh of relief as they faded away. I was the first to stand up but I'm not sure if Roxie could have with my hand like a seatbelt across her. Roxie stopped right in front of me when I helped to pull her up. She stared at me for a second and I looked at her. The sparkle remained in her eyes and her mouth was slightly open. Her beautiful red lips and her gorgeous eyes were all i could think about. Then I decided to focus on her eyes. They were now looking between two parts of me. My mouth and my eyes. I never realized I was getting closer to her. My lips had almost made contact with hers.

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