Chapter 4

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Thursday was completely uneventful. I hung out with stiles at lunch just talking. Stiles had done a full page all by himself about werewolf lore for the history project and it was amazing. He said he didn't even use wikipedia. Unbelievable. Obviously there's still a lot I don't know about him but that will soon change. Nothing much happened at school on Friday. It was pretty much the same as Thursday actually. I still wasn't talking to my mom after my slight outburst on Wednesday. Lydia hadn't went shopping with me and I couldn't find a costume I liked when I went myself. Instead I just bought some fake blood and decided I'd make my own costume. I couldn't wait for the dance and to see stiles. Tonight was going to be amazing.

Stiles pov

Finally it was time for the dance. Roxie refused to let me pick her up before it and had text me to say she was going to be late. I hadn't put that much effort into my costume. Actually it wasn't a costume, it was my real clothes. An old batman shirt I had along with black jeans. Scott was the same. He just had vampire fangs in. It's funny cause he's a werewolf.

I was waiting right next to the punch bowl, the agreed meeting point for me and Roxie. Everyone around me was partying and even Scott had went out to the dance floor with Alison, Lydia, Jackson and Isaac.

Just as the song changed I noticed the most beautiful girl ever walking towards me. She'd really went all out with her costume and it looked amazing.

Roxie's pov

When I finally got to the dance stiles couldn't keep his eyes off of me, that might sound big headed but it's really what happened. I had a pair of black fishnet tights on along with an old red and black tutu, I don't know why I had a tutu but I did, and a torn up black t shirt. I thought id go as a zombie. Some pale makeup and fake blood on my face and I was good to go.

"you know, you always struck me as more of a Clark Kent." I said smiling at him.

"Whatever Lois." we are such geeks. Funny geeks, but still geeks. Our little comic book related conversation should have embarrassed both of us but somehow it didn't. It actually made me feel closer to him.

"have you smoothed everything over with your mom yet?" stiles asked. How much he cares about me is just amazing.

"nope and I don't really plan on it. She's being a total bitch. I deserve a life and I want to have it here." I was serious. I would not be the one to apologize. I didn't do anything wrong. I kissed a guy, big woop. When she was my age he was freaking pregnant with Damien.

"Hey can I see your phone?"

"sure." I passed him my cell. "whats wrong with yours?" almost as fast as I'd gave him it he gave it back.

"wait here."

"okay." stiles was gone by the time I'd spoke but for some reason I didn't mind. I just poured myself some punch and stood there. I could see I was getting looks from people. Maybe they were looking at my costume or staring at the girl that just got left by her date. Then one of my all time favorite songs came on. Crash by you me at six, for those of you that don't know who they are, they're a British band that are absolutely amazing. Stiles appeared out of nowhere with a huge grin on his face.

"how did you know?" I asked with the same smile. I couldn't control it.

"most played on you phone. So are you going to dance with me or what? I apologize before hand for any injuries I may cause by the way." I dropped my cup onto the table and grabbed hold of stiles' arm. We ran out to the middle of the dance floor and stiles just looked at me.

"so how does this work?" laughing, I took both of his hands and put them on my waist before putting mine at the back of his neck and linked them together. The song kept playing in the background as we swayed side to side.

'just crash and fall down. I'll wrap my arms around you now. Just crash it's our time now. To make this work second time round.'

The song was actually amazing. Stiles seemed to like it too. When the song finally ended we both smiled at one another.

"thank you. Now shrink." stiles crouched down for me to kiss him on his nose but you could tell by his face he expected more.

"stiles, I need to talk to you." Scott had appeared next to us both and I moved so only one of stiles hands were around my waist. They both looked at me for an answer. They seriously think they need my permission? Awesome.

"go, I need some air anyway." I pushed him towards Scott just as a forth person joined us although I hadn't noticed.

"I'll come with you." Isaac said scaring the hell out of me and causing me to swing around to face him. his costume looked amazing. Better than mine.

"what are you supposed to be?" I said looking at him.

"a werewolf."

"your nose looks funny." I said laughing. Stiles and Scott still stood next to us.

"well let's go Isaac before I turn 30."

Stiles pov

Scott just had to interrupt us. I didn't care how important what he had to tell me was, it was wrong. You never seen me interrupting him all the time when he was with Alison.


"guess who just showed up outside."


"Derek. He wants to talk to you. Something about Roxie and her family." crap. Note to self: get stronger so you can haul Roxie's ass out of trouble, especially when creepy werewolves are involved. I quickly left with Scott, trying to avoid Roxie and making her suspicious.

"Where's Isaac? I told you to bring him." Derek snapped as we approached his car. Good to see you too Derek. Peter was there too but he was just listening quietly.

"he's distracting Roxie. She doesn't know about any of this." Scott said to Derek.

"go get him then. We have important business to talk about. Scott can keep Roxie occupied while I talk to you." why did I have to be the you. Why couldn't I be Scott this one time. Scott hesitated slightly before walking off, leaving me with one alpha and one ex alpha to be interrogated by.

"we'll make this quick. Tell us everything about Roxie."

"she moved here with her mom and brother."

"what about her dad?" Derek butted in.

"Lost his mind. He was in prison or a mental asylum or something."


"he escaped when they started moving and they've kept moving since." they seemed really interested in Roxie's family for some reason. But why? What had she done? She was completely harmless. She said her number two fear was spiders, I'm still waiting for her to say her number one fear but I'm perfectly capable of waiting some more.

Derek seemed to think a lot about what I told him. Maybe he knew something about Roxie's dad that I didn't. That wouldn't be hard though. I hadn't asked much about it because I didn't think she wanted to talk about it. By the looks of things I've got some research to do.

"you don't think-" Peter began before Derek interrupted.

"can't be."

"what can't?" seriously. Are werewolves telepathic or something.


"Derek, what do you know?"

Scotts pov

Derek couldn't give stiles one night. I would have just left him outside but he threatened to go in and then we'd really have some explaining to do. Roxie's the only one that doesn't know about werewolves. That makes her lucky. Stiles still wants to tell her everything but Isaac's got close enough to blowing it all tonight. Showing up in werewolf form, what was he thinking? Thank god Roxie thought it was a costume.

I hadn't a clue where Roxie and Isaac were. I had walked around for ages when I finally saw two people, a couple most likely, standing at the door. They were standing kissing so I was going to give them some privacy. But then I noticed how much the guys clothes looked like what Isaac had been wearing. It couldn't have been them. Could it?

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