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If you thought I ran out of colors you would be right
Laying in bed hugging my pillow I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. My heart was pounding to hard. I know it was just draining, but still the thought of losing my baby, made my eyes burn, made my belle turn with sickness. Clunchting the pillow tighter, I smothered my tears in the pillow, my throat tighten and my breath became shallower. I want my baby. I didn't care if I didn't get everything else, I wanted my baby. Rubbing my swollen belly I whisper, "I'm sorry". As I continue to cry softly until I hear the clicking of the front door. Wiping my tears I close my eyes trying to pretend that I'm sleeping. I can hear him moving in the kitchen and then the living room, and lastly he comes into my room. Then he shuffles around and then gets in bed, wrapping a strong protective arm around me.
The next day I sit around the house doing nothing. I felt my brain rotting from alk the tv I watched, but I got plenty of people call to check on me feel special. Sitting on the couch I had one leg proped on the couch head and a bowl of dry Chex ceral in a bowl in my lap watching that calming Doc Mcstuffins, when a knock at the dood startled me looking up I cries, "Who is it?!" "Bish, no you didn't" came a pist reply. "Doors open" I say and he comes in grinning, then looked me over. "Honey, its a baby not a heart attack" grabbing a handful of Chex I shoved them in my mouth some sliding down my face into my food infested hair. "Have you fallen so low?" He asked. "Obviously" I tell him. "Okay, well, first you need to give me this"he says taking my Chex, "No, Sam, let me be happy and safe" I tell him giving up my battle for the dry ceral. "I would really, but I'm your best friend. I have only two choices" looking at him to elaborate he sighs, "Either help you out of this mess or help you make it" My feet hit the ground faster than I've moved all day, causing food to scatter to the floor, "I'll take a shower" Sam was the biggest slob. No he created the word TRASH, JUNK, AND GARBAGE. All in tge same day. Sam isn't a filthy person, but if he decided hey im making a mess guess what thats what he's doing. He will pull out all the stops, ALL.
After showering I put on some blue yoga pants to make me feel better and a yell shirt with sone tom shoes, my black ones that reminded me of my fiancee. Spinning my ring ob my finger I walk on down to the car sliding in a pair of shades as Sam starts a rental mustanfe with the top down. "Where are we goinf?" I asked. "Well for one is to cold her to really drive with the top down so down" laughing I looked in the back seat and see a ice chest. "Okay" driving fown the road with the hit blasting but tge wind in my hair I felt like a movie star. All my troubles where gone. Sam made me laugh and we drove off into our sunset.
"Do you remember in high school when Will" "Tried to kiss me?"we finished together. I nod, scratching my scalp, "I couldn't believe it" "Girl you ME!" Taking a left he said, "But no one with lips like powdered donuts were putting there lips on mine. Sorry, I know you liked him and that was on the list of why nots, but those crusted lips take priority" he says, glancing over at me makin me laugh. Slowing down he said, "Lisa, you know last night scared us all" I nod slowly you didn't almost loose a baby, I want to say but don't. "Look, I know you think you and the hulk are having where I don't know, but I want you to know this" he slowed the car even longer looking me in the eye, "You are more" then he speed up and talked about Will's crusty lips, looked like he needed to buy Crystal or he smoked it! I was laughing so hard I had to pee seven times from one joke.
The sun was setting as we pulled up and it wasn't pretty police cars swored my house along with press. I didn't know what was going on, looking at Sam we shared the same look worry and confusion.
"Does this say trouble to you too?" He whispered as he circled back. "Lets go see what is going on" I tell him. Going we fight the paparazzi that scream questions at me that I can't hear, I hold on tight to Sam as he pushes throw keeping my head down, I hate this the crowd, the rumors, what happened.
Slipping into the door finally half blind with small black dots fuzzing my vision I can hear tye gasps and feel my mother hug me running her hands through my hair. "My baby, I was so worried" pulling i could see my mom had grown twenty years almost looking her full age as she hugged me. "We looked all the hospital and none had seen you" glaring over at Sam she said, "We called you and you only to find your phone still here" she said. "Mom, I'm fine" I comfort her. Seeing Dad he comes hugging me as well, "I'm just glad to see you in one piece". Of course, I think rolling my eyes the police in the room try to circulate still talking to one big pist looking man in the house. Even his moma and Abby state there concern for me as he glares with cold dark eyes. I hope he didn't expect he to apologize I didn't do anything and either did Sam. Guilty of having a good time I'll take that charge.
After the police let that guy I had thought was following me came in making me gasp, my eyes sauser boweled and of course everyone came to a knee in front of me. "Are you alright do you feel pain?" Asked the jerk from Hades. "Fine" I snap thankful he was here for once, looking at the guy he waited, "Do you know him?" "Isaiah is on my security tean and will be guarding you for now on" he says swiftly nodding at me. "No" I say as he comes to me nodding he says, "I will protect you with my life, Mrs. Corta" stopping to thank him, not correcting him on my name I get up in Vincent's face, he simply stares, "Did you hear me?" "Did you hear me?" He says simply. "Your word isn't Holy, hate to tell you, Mr. Corta, but your not God!" I Argue feed up with him. He always had the say so, I wasn't some pupil he could dilate. "Analisa" he seethed. Good, twisting the ring from my finger I flung it at him, "Get the hell out my house!" I shout stomping to my room slamming the door not caring if his employees lost all respect from him. I hope they did, and quit! Ripping off my cloths I shower roughly, scrubbing my hair till its my scalp burns, after that I conditioner it and comb it out, before rinsing off. Drying of I slid on my underwear and a large shirt, then a hoody and sweats, before sliding on my ankle socks and walking out to my bed pulling down the covers I set my alarm and pull my cover up to my chin falling right to sleep. Tomorrow I'll make a appointment to have my hair flat iron and then go have ice cream with oh I don't know some hot model friend of Dallas.
Waking up at the wailing of my alarm, not the least suprise to be alone. Sliding out the bed I go to the bathroom happy not to be dry heaving, then pulling my hair up into a bun, I walk into the my roon grabbing a pair of scrubs and my comfortable shoes before going to the kitchen and putting on coffee and heating some water for my tea. I go in my room pulling off my baggy cloths and throwing my scrubs on and then my shoes before pulled back into a braid. In the kitchen I fix my tea snd pour the coffee into a cup and start out the door. Not to my surprise Isaiah stands there handing over the coffee I said, "I'm sorry for what I said, none of that was meant for you. Its just your boss is a manhandler or a womenhandler whatever look lets be friends that way I can I don't know be use to you. Im lisa" taking the coffee he grinned "Isaiah Nowls". "So what are your orders?" I ask. Walking over to my car, "To follow you" nodding towards his car. "Come on, we can ride together" I say unlocking tge car. "Mr. Co-" I cut in with a friendly smile, "I'm making your job easy, Isaiah. Please" considering it only a second he slids in the car and we drive off. Fumbling with my CD case, I say, "Are you married?" "No" came his swift reply. "In a relationship?" I ask. He looks over at me, "No". "Do you like cats?" "No" he says. Drunming my fingers on the wheel I nod so Isaiah obviously didn't want to make nice with his bosses Ex fiancee, so I wasn't going to push for it. I go to class and then to work.
Arriving in the building, I got to the locker room getting my badge and pass key. "So I was watching the news" Lily says making me jump. "Lily" I say holding my heart. "No, it was more Lisa. All I saw this morning was reporters, then they left". Looking at her I said, "Left?" "Yeah, they just left. So I was like bye" "Lily" "Look thats all I know, that and that you amd tge hunk from hell is scattering the news and magazines" she said waving one in my face. I snatch it gripping it hard in my hands, The mistress of Corta industry. Who ever thought that was catchy should be fired or better set on fire. It was a picture of me and Vince standing infront of one another me firece him cold and stiff, so normal. I sank against my locker, "No" I said. "It could be worse, the could of stuck around" patting my shoulder she turned to leave Fran burst inn cheery. "Up! come on before Satan's span sees you and writes you up" she is so annoying but right so I let her drag me to the office, then I do my rounds.
"Oh, Lisa, I was looking for you" Dr. Green said. Mentally groaning, this is one of those hard to please doctors every nurse hides from. To have him looking for you was equivalent to having a axe murder looking for you. "Sir?" I ask potlily not meeting his eyes. "Scrub up we are going into a c section in twenty minutes, I want you by my side operating room E3" he says walking past me. I run happily smiling, he requested my persents personally. This big, this guy hate the fact he has to have a staff so him requesting someone has never happened to anyone.
Sliding in front of one of my co workers. "He asked me to scrub up!" I tell him. The guy looks at me like I lost my mind but I don't care, spinning around I sigh smiling. Giving myself some pep in my step I went. Doing my absolute best to everything right.
"Lisa, what is her heart rate?" DR. Green asked. Looking over I said, "Normal, sir". "What is it?"he gritted as he took the scalp. "77" I tell him. "Let's get him out of here" he said and he cut the flesh, the man in the room held her hand as the women talk to him. "Your doing great" he told her and she nodded staring at only him. Leaning down he kissed her head, and I looked away as this was a special moment for them. Starring T the moniter i tried to focus but my heart began to pound faster and my throat tightened, as my eyed watered I couldn't see the screen anymore.
"Lit" he said beside me. "Sir?" I croaked. "I want you to on my count get thr clamp" what no I can't but I had to blinking fast the tears rolled down and my visin cleared somewhat and hurried do as he asked. Using the clamp so that the skin stayed in place he reached for the baby pulking it out and noted the cord for 30 seconds before cutting it and the baby wailed. Moving quickly the nurses took the naked baby and cleans his face and ears. "Congratulations" I mutter to women. She looked at me her eyes wide, "What is it?I wanted it to be like. I can't lie this is better then Christmas. We bought yellow, green, Orange cloths nothing gender identifying" joy radiated off of both of them. "A boy" said the nurse holding the baby to her as she looked over her eyes watered. "Trace" she whispered resting her clean cheek on his bloody one as he hollered for her. The man bent down kissing her head, "You did it, Sis". Glancing at her chart my eyes widen her heart was dropping. "Sixty" I said. Dr. Green looked, cussing he was moving things blurred her brother was forced out the room along with babu Trace who was screaming. All i could hear was screaming all to fast was moving, shaking helping, harming, I didn't know book procedures race in my mind, but my instructor wasn't here to save her I was.
"Clear" I heard I watched her body rise at the voltage, leaving scarred tissue. But she was flat lining, she was dying, she was dead.
My stomach turned when he called it. Racing to the trash I heaved into it. My body shock, she died. She just had a baby boy. She just made a life and she died. She would never get to see him talk, walk, run, get into stuff.
My body shock as more vomit slid into the trash. Oh what waa that? What had just happened.
Feeling a familiar hand on my back I turned to look up at my dad who is looking at me with worried eyes. "Lets go get some sherbert". Nodding I let him hoist me up and lead me out to his office, supporting most of my wait.
So the ending kinda so is the beginning but okay!
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