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Looking at the license which was legally saying we we're married made me sigh, as I signed it this morning barley able to keep my eyes open. The wedding was tomorrow, and to almost everyone's satisfaction. I had cold feet, frozen. I don't think Vincent knew what fear was, so the thought that maybe he understood never crossed my mind. I would be Lisa Corta, the wife of Vincent Corta. I was going to faint. I was also moving, yeah moving. Getting on a freaking plane and going to Italy to live. Vincent refuse to discuss it, he said his son will not be a raised in the country closes to hell. Get that closes to hell, I would have pointed out world war two, but who was involved other then Germany and America I couldn't recall, but ask me the four main vital signs, or who was the first to use sanitation when dealing with the human body.

"You are not still in there" pounded Sierra. I was locked in the bath room not to alarm everyone. I hadn't told everyone the truth that if for a second I thought I could get out of marrying him I would, if I didn't feel so strongly about him, about us, our family.

"Uggggh" I said rolling my eyes. "LISA! come on we need to do something for these shoes" she said could crazy on the door. Laying on the floor I made my body move, wiping my tears, and putting the license in the drawer before pulling open the door, making Sierra cringe. "You look horrid"

laughing I go sit on my bed, most of my other bridesmaids had gone to sleep, with only me and Sierra up, Oreo was going to go down the isle to with the ring boy, who was one of Vincent's cousin's son, the flower girls where a combination of his cousins and Jasmine and Paisley daughters. their was six in total. I had like seventy two bridesmaid, okay so not that many, but a lot more then I thought I would have. It was a lovly wedding chapel for a catholic slash christen slash quick as one-two-three wedding looked I guess, or better when someone spends almost a quarter of a thousand dollars on one.

Brushing my hair as she did when we where young, "Whoa, Bubble Bear, can you believe it?" she whispered. Looking at Oreo who was sleeping on the pillow, I nod as she pulled the brush throw my hair once more. "I can". "You know what I feel like?" she said low. "What?" I yawned.

"A movie or a corny book" she said. Laughing, I look at her, "Wouldn't the movie be corny to?" Narrowing her eyes she hit me with the brush and I laughed harder, "You could try to be understanding of my feelings" she said pouting. "Oh, Buggy Pooh, I'm sorry". Hugging her she lays her head on my shoulder. "What time is it?" I ask her. Looking over she smiles keeping her teeth clenched together and I groan, "Okay, bed time" I say. Crawling under the covers we grab onto each other closing my eyes I sigh, "We could be on reality TV". She laughs so hard she farts making me laugh rolling away from her.

Beep! Beep! Beep! the blaring noise made me roll over onto something full of flesh. "Get off of me" she muttered under me. Rolling away as the alarm began to scream at us, Beep! BEEP!BEEP!

"Girls get up!" Mom yelled busting into the room, not bothering to turn off the alarm she opens the curtains and I scream falling back onto the bed. "Oh I'm melting" I cry. Only to become freezing cold when a cover is ripped from my body. Shooting up I groan, "Mom, it's" pausing I look at the clock, "MOM IT'S SEVEN IN THE MORNING ON A SATERDAY!" she nods hands on hips, "I have been up since five, up Marisol need to finish a few things you girls need to be ready to head to the church in less then an two hours" mom kisses my cheek then Sierra who just sat up, "Hope to it" mom says, clapping her hands. Glaring I fling a pillow at her even though she was gone and it landed soundly right outside my door.

"Nice throw" Sierra says.

No one stayed awake for the limo ride we slept throw the whole thing. Not even mom, who was the one telling us not to mess up our hair. I had my hair up in a ponytail from my shower, everyone was wearing things like sweats and tank tops with flip flops. I don't know why, but I thought it would be a lot more glorious then this. When we pulled up at the church mom dragged us all out and then the remodeling began. I had like six hands on me at a time, mind you my wedding not until one. Someone was doing my hair, another my makeup and then their was someone on my feet. My dress would cover those, but the shoes that I was wearing we're open toe.

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